Teachers don’t care about you and your mental health unless your misbehaving in lessons and when you do reach out to them for help they are rude and they complain about how they can’t help you with anything
I go to this school the thing is they have peti rules for example every time you go inside you need to show them you have a pencil case and you have to line up at the end of break and lunch which is pretty stupid if you ask me there is no need for it instead of focusing on our education they are putting kids in time out for anything and doing pointless stuff when all they need to focus on is our knowledge and education
It states on the blurb before writing a review not to mention threats aggression etc,
I wonder why?
Mainly I think because the school do not recognise bullying or implement any safeguarding for its pupils,
My daughter has attended this school for nearly three years, and has been physically attacked, Verbally assaulted and sexualy harassed, to which the school has done nothing to address.
Don't get me wrong, they have made numerous promises to deal with these issues, but actually and ultimately have done nothing.
What they came back with was "it was out of character for these children to behave this way" so no punishment was given out, this was repeatedly said over the three years.
My advice to any parent looking for a secondary school should give worneth high a very large swerve at all cost, ignore this at your child's peril.
This school is full of bullies which teachers don’t care to do anything about. Expect your child to get bullies by many pupils in groups. Absolutely a disgrace to Uk and the Education board however maybe they are busy breaking rules and their lies to cover up. Disgraceful……
This school is poorly run in every aspect and the only way forward is to remove the headmaster! Until this happens this school will remain the same. It has some really good teachers which are massively let down by poor leadership and poor management.
Racist teachers and students , misbehaviour unpublished ishex or even addressed , poor teaching skills and even poorer teachers, administration department is very rude and unproffessional. Also bullying is wide spread , overall it is terrible it should be closed down . The head teacher is disposable and so are many off the teachers
I had a great experience during my time at werneth. The teachers are really amazing and will guide you each step of the way to make sure you are keeping up with the work and to help you get the grades that you want and there are also additional support available for those students that needs it. There might be some negative things about the school which every schools have but if your child focuses on their priorities then they should be ok
We are all given separate staircases which would be good , accept when you reach your desired floor you are met with a sea of students from other years . Classrooms are not socially distancing as we are in “ bubbles” . Although , you are given some hand sanitiser , if the teacher remembers . But I think they forget hand sanitiser Is useless after 3 pumps , especially in a short time space . Students are made to wipe down there tables at the end of the lesson although you can’t expect the best cleaning from the more immature students . In conclusion werneth has not got it under control and the government is not helping the situation .
From my time at Werneth School 2016-2020 I had lots of great experiences such as getting to go to France and going to year 7 summer camp. The majority of the teachers at Werneth are amazing however there is the occasional teacher that isn’t bothered about the child’s learning or personal needs. When this situations occur they are dealt with very responsibly. From the learning aspect there is lots of interesting subjects that a student can chose to learn and will succeed greater as they’re doing something that they want to rather than being forced to. There is a few rough students at the school but as long as your children or you keep your priorities on learning then you should be okay.
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