I don’t like that school,the student services dosent give a single shit about how sick you are,they just expect us to survive for the rest of the day,and the teachers annoy me.Like,why am I getting told off?These teachers only care about how mature you look.Expects us all to be wearing blazers,what does that even to do make us mature?They also banned skirts.And that also pisses me off.What are we even supposed to do when it’s hot outside?!Honestly,this is all my opinion,some teachers which I know,I like because they are nice to me,the rest are just annoying and disrespectful.Hope anyone agrees with me.
i got kicked out for a fight for standing uo for myself i lasted 2 and a few monrhs at tca shittest school people get bullied and they dont do shit untik a fight happens then a student gets suspended for stsndin uo for thereself? Wpuld never send my kids there childreb are vile teachrrs will swesr at you people have broken into the school before food is shit mouldy school is always dirty
This school is a joke! Especially when it comes to certain teachers who are adults who actually act as if there are children themselves. The amount of times my perfect daughter who never gets a detention, never misbehaves, never does anything wrong, get accused of things she doesn’t even do. Example during an exam she sat. She was just mindfully doing her job exam. Until a rude “exam invalidator” came up to her and said that if she would talk again she would get her whole paper ripped up, of course when that ✨exam invalidator✨ accused her of something she did not do she started crying and gave up half way through. She was having a panic attack she couldn’t breathe properly. She was shaking so much she couldn’t even pick up a pen. Thanks to Thomas Clarkson Academy for giving my daughter mental health issues and anxiety!
Its not the best school but not the worst.
My experience at the school wasn’t the best i was bullied and nothing happened back but most people like it there.
Terrible school. The school fails to handle its students in any way, bullying is a fact of life. Assault? Why not give the 17 year old students some days off school. Homophobic behaviour? Tell the victim to be less openly gay. If you love your children, do not send them to this school. Sending them to the coal mines of Victorian England would have the same emotional effect. I had to work much harder to achieve anything of note, as many of the teachers hated their jobs and their students. However, some teachers were truly outstanding (and it’s a shame the rest bring the school down). The building is also amazing, shame that the students don’t care for learning.
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