Overall, terrible experience, if you want your child to leave year 11 confidently do not bring them here. It has a stifling atmosphere and is incredibly classist. If you believe that your right to education should be revoked because your shoe neck is too high on you ankles then this is the place for you. Staff are unhelpful, condescending and grossly misuse their authority. There are a lot of other glaringly obvious issues with the school such as their response to mental health issues, and just health issues in general plus they're homophobic. Just don't.
Good school at the time, but there was a big divide between accelerated and parallel sets, and didn't leave much room for students in average/lower sets to get moved up.
The teachers are the rudest people ever the head of years,head teachers, safe guarding does NOT care. Ur lucky if they even know ur name. One teacher was bipolar she ripped my friends essay with her red pen in front of us in yr7 -the essay was legit better than mine. I know the school isn’t in charge of the canteen but the canteen prices are ridiculous compared to last year, last year a panini was £1.80 for a decent size I guess but now they half the size of it and put it for £2.30 plus they lie about the prices on the labels. Racism, homophobia is so normalised in this school which is insane. The school had rats in it, not surprise if mold is growing somehow in this school. If only I can give negatives in these rating.
I feel that my learning since joining this school has not improved at all. Teachers arent as helpful as they seem.so many students have been in situations of bulking ect and teachers have been aware and gone with the decision of not informing parents and leaving the situation to blow off
This school is truly horrific. The children that attend here are sassy, and every single child tries to fit in, by acting exactly the same. Short skirts, handbags, sassy, not a bit of respect for the teachers. The school is also falling apart. It's a very outdated design. If you don't fit in, you don't fit in, and that's that. You can tell. If your a good child, who cares about education, then this school isn't for you. If you are a smart child, you are not challenged. Only dumb children are focused on. Your just told to 'get on with it'. In addition, we always have fights going on in our school. So much, that police and ambulances get involved. The playground is tiny, and pollution is high. The food is disgusting and cutlery is not washed properly.
If you have the option to send your child here please please avoid it like the plague.
Ive been out of this school for a considerable amount of years and still get nightmares about being forced to go back.
The safeguarding is worse than terrible, with staff getting close to and intimidating at risk students. As well as lying to parents (and the student) promising a secluded room for mental health issues. There were no locks on the bathroom doors, you needed a friend to actually close them. Staff, notably heads of year and headteacher, had absolutely no respect for any students. The staff is also incredibly homophobic outright denying access to homosexual sex ed learning (this may have changed since but i doubt it). There was not one good experience i had at this school in those 5 years. avoid !!
Traumatic school.
I went to Sacred Heart for 3 years, those 3 years have left me with so much trauma that I still have 3 years later. To start off, the teachers are rude to their students, my PE teacher called me "a stupid, fat, idiot" because iI asked her if I could sit down as i had been running along a big feild in the July heat, and I felt like I was going to have an asthma attack. She didn't let me sit down and I was told to "stop being dramatic" when I couldn't breathe. I was 11. When I reported this to the head of PE, nothing happened, she didn't get a warning, she didn't get fired, nothing.
That should've been my first red flag, but what happened in year 8 was much worse. We had a maths teacher, who was male, and he would constantly harass us, he was getting really close to one of my friends, and she asked him if she could have some personal space as he was making her feel uncomfortable, to which he returned "i wont move, you don't get personal space, you earn it" and proceeded to get closer and closer to her. In addition, he used to always make weird and pervy remarks about us, he used to say things like "Oh *blank* your skirt is a bit too short, I can practically smack your bare bum" these comments made us all extremely uncomfortable, and when we told teachers about him, they immediately shut us down and claimed we were "being dramatic" imagine saying that to a group of 13 year old girls after they tell you a teacher has been saying those kind of things.
I have many more stories about that horrible place, I cannot be happier that I moved schools-if you want your daughter/neice/cousin/friend to have a happy teenage life and an ok school experience, DO NOT send them to sacred heart.
Sexual harassment and assault is not taken seriously at this school at all. Many girls in older years told me that when they spoke up about things happening to them, teachers did almost nothing.
School sucks sm everyone is rude and some of the teachers don’t care one of them got pregnant and left the school and wouldn’t mark extra work before mocks and is bipolar idk how I dealt w her for 3 years smh so happy I left
I joined in 2015 - the staff were friendly enough and I grew a great relationship with them over the years but it was just the girls in my year group who were unnecessarily rude and disrupted my secondary education experience
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