
Based on 7 reviews and 63 answers
Apr 2, 2024

ant infestation in the changing rooms

overall this school is average. nutritional food, reasonable uniform guidelines, etc.
but there is a few flaws. for example, it has been taken note of that there is a trouble with insects around the school, especially in the P.E changing rooms.

i have nothing against this school but i would love to see changes to student hygiene.
Unverified review The review has not been verified by the School
Jan 22, 2024


This school excluded my child when he didn’t do anything wrong at all he got the same sanction as the student who did it because he was just there this school is ridiculous and needs shaming for how poorly they treat things tbh yes they’re may be a few alright teachers there but the rest of them are not even teachers and only care about the money they make and what grades the students get to try give them a better look they never ever care about the students actual feelings and emotions and stuff that happens at home all they care about is themselves selfish people the lot of them I’ve had it up to here with them now and it’s really starting to annoy me
A certain teacher not naming names should get sacked for dealing with things the wrong way for innocent students who are in the right and not the wrong
Unverified review The review has not been verified by the School
Sep 2, 2023

rules r dumb

rules are shit asf like why ban phones BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS!!! so dumb + 30min detention if ur caught

good food tho
Unverified review The review has not been verified by the School
Former Student
Jul 6, 2023

true feelings of the school

the school is too focused on misbehaving students rather than the ones doing well or struggling with friendships. they’re more bothered about the grade you come out with for the look of school instead of how much a student is struggling even if it may not be this way that is how it feels. problems are often brushed under the carpet or said they will be sorted because teachers just want to sort the misbehaving students out. from observing things it seems that as soon as a student has misbehaved the school puts a label on them as being a bad child and just constantly gives them punishments and stops trying to see really why the child is behaving this way. i also feel the school doesn’t appreciate different strength students have such as preferring the creative subjects, they just want every child to be good at the academic subjects and seems as though the children who are more academic are favoured. teachers also need to put into consideration that gcse students have up to 9 other subjects to also study for and most year 11s will have started working so the pressure is very hard.
Unverified review The review has not been verified by the School
Oct 5, 2022

School is very friendly

In my opinion its the best school in the area. It has its flaws but not much else bad to say about it.
Former Student
Aug 27, 2020

just average tbh

a very average school
Unverified review The review has not been verified by the School
Former Student
Aug 27, 2020

just average tbh

a very average school
Unverified review The review has not been verified by the School


The organization has verified the content and works actively with SchoolParrot.

School facts

  • Total students
  • Total teachers
  • Total trained teachers
  • Students per teacher ratio
Newdigate street, ng16 2nj, Nottingham

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