
Based on 19 reviews and 163 answers
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Jan 20, 2025


I honestly don’t even know how to describe this school. It’s an incredibly toxic place for both staff and students. The school motto is about being ‘happy’, students and staff aren’t. Parents and students moan about teachers and the rules. Teachers don’t make these rules, leadership do. If teachers don’t follow them the consequences can be severe.
A very unhappy place to work and be for students and staff. All of the issues in this school stem from weak, unsupportive and bullying behaviour by multiple members of the leadership team. Don’t work here, there is a reason the staff turnover is so high!
Former Student
Dec 26, 2024

Don't go here if u don't wanna get bullied.

They do not care about bullying. At all. They witness it and see it everyday, but the teachers lie for the bullies! And can't be bothered to discipline them or follow their anti bullying policy. This school is bully central. I went to this school and it was the worst 5 years of my life, the teachers, SSO and SLT teams never did anything about the bullying, they are absolutely useless. Oh and the head teacher also brushes problems under the carpet and defends bullies too.
Former Student
Aug 22, 2024

The shart school

This school shows no care whatsoever to mental health or bullying. They care more about their social status than the care of their students. The school is diabolical and the teaching staff do not give you the right amount of education or knowledge to lead you to your better self. They have rules like needing a pass to go to the toilet to do a natural bodily function and if u say your desperate they make it all about them but still won’t let you go toilet.
You get put in isolation where you have no communication with people or a teacher over stupid reasons like arriving late to lesson multiple times a week even though you only have 5 minutes over transition time do make it through the corridors and then to the toilet then to lesson.
This school could not care about your child’s wellbeing and they choose to care more about being the “best” school.
Some teachers are lovely and great and care about your wellbeing but it is unusually rare.
Apr 6, 2024

the hart school are gimps

not a good school don’t send ur kids they will be traumatized from bullying that’s how bad the school is they expect students to treat them with respect but they don’t treat them with respect so of course u will get attitude from students cuz ur a bunch of gimps
Mar 18, 2024

bad school

the school is shocking!!, ofsted claims it’s a ‘good school’ and they also claim they give 24 hour notice before visits but teachers tell us when they are visiting saying to be on our best behaviour, if you want a real report go in without telling the kids then they will understand what it’s actually like. The toilet situation is horrendous i got told in lesson that a ‘menstrual cycle is not a good enough reason to go toilet and we should learn how to control it’ how am i meant to control when i’m bleeding bad and when i’m not? the amount of arguments i’ve had stating it’s an emergency and them still not letting me go is horrible, the teachers aren’t good enough with kids with special needs as a kid got mocked of her aid that she required, bullying is ignored and they say their going to do something about it and they never will or it will take ages i wouldn’t recommend sending your kids here as it can really ruin their mental health.
Mar 18, 2024

Crap school!

I wouldnt even rate this school One star as I genuinely don't think it warrants one! But Unfortunately I have to submit my review !!!
School is shocking correspondence regarding your child is non existent reports of bullying ignored!! And never followed up on or acted on!
Students unable to use toilet during menstrual cycles being told to control it which is ludicrous!!🤬 No time to eat lunch if your lucky enough to even get lunch as there's never enough food to go around! No indoor place to eat so students stay out in the rain and cold!! Teachers mocking children with esential aids for disabilities!! Can't get InTouch with the school half of the time as they don't answer phone and always told they'll cal bak but never do!! Crap school majority of teachers are crap headteacher non existent unless for a photo opportunity !!😤. Teachers lack compassion for students and understanding of their mental health. 💩School!
Feb 21, 2024


student from hart

2.7 star rating is appalling very bad the teachers have 0 respect expect for other teachers and themself very bad
Jul 21, 2023

Best school

Love this school ! ❤️
Jul 21, 2023


Fantastic school! Up and coming. Great teachers , really supportive.

I’ve loved my last 4 years here.
Jun 13, 2023

ruined my mental health!!

Idk what to even say to say it’s a bad school is underestimated they don’t teach they just nag and lie to parents making u fall out with them at home, they don’t control the school properly nor do they run it they don’t do the jobs properly they just tick boxes it’s not like they want to help u they just wanna make u worse.
Most of the time the pastoral team are good but then again there never there at break and lunch, which makes u feel like nobody cares and then when they get back they send you to your lessons every time even if u have spent all lunch and all break waiting for them and u haven’t had no food they will still say next time come at break and lunch and they have like stupid rules like u can only wear one ring which makes students feel like they can’t express themselves. Also the teachers here say about mental health and tell people to speak out for help, and when i tried getting helped, i got no help at all and the school just made it so much worse. this school is killing me and nobody cares.
Jun 13, 2023

the real truth about the school

This school is horrible and they preach about caring about your education and then when you have the smallest lashes on or a little bit of nail varnish on they pull you out your lesson for the whole day and make you sit in isolation while the teachers record you? And the teachers will get in your face and scream at you but when you stand up for yourself you get a punishment and get told you have no respect. They lack basic standards and dont allow students to express themselves freely unless they identify as a certain sexulaity or are put into isolation over the smallest diagreements or miss understandings this where you have to sit in a room for 7 hours then a 1 hour period after school this can become draining when you are only trying to do your best it is human to make mistakes and people shouldnt be trapped in a room for so long because it affects our mental health. students have left isolation/refelction room feeling anxious and some even coming out distaught. we arent heard and told to be respectful regardless of how we may be treated by our teachers. during the school being understaffed there is always cover teachers that have no idea how to teach the subject they are covering and studnents leave feeling let down because they dont understand the content that has been taught.
Former Student
Mar 27, 2023

Good school!

I’ve had great experience.
Former Student
Jan 25, 2023


Hart school review

I was a student here left in 2022 the environment and way they regulate rules is appalling. Young girls me included all of young women which by the way a senior male staff kept and referring us as “females” and told us our Skirts were distracting we even were split up the boys in lessons while all of the girls were in the hall being told how and why our skirts were distracting ( they always said how boys were looking at our legs and was distracting for the Male teachers this is beyond concerning every girl student even many boy students will tell you how many times only girls were being pulled up for our skirts being too short one teacher in particular said “ you could see your bum” not to mention they changed the skirts and made only ALL GIRLS PAY WITH ONLY A FIVE POUND DISCOUNT TO PURCHASE ANOTHER SKIRT this one was nasty it had the logo on and didn’t fit properly so instead 98 percent of girls wore trousers THEN THE SCHOOL a had another r problem in lesson time ( by the way this was during 2021 less than a year from completing GCSEs) they did MANY MANY online meetings DURING LESSON TIME saying how girls or as the senior male teacher called us “females” our trousers were distracted how? Because apparently our ANKLES WERE SHOWING you got detention -YES THIS SOUNDS EXTREMELY SILLY BUT THAT IS HOW TRUE AND ATROCIOUS IT WAS- the school principal who is a woman which again makes no sens because why is She saying about our skirts??? They were sending young girls DURING LESSON to detention if you showed your ankles. Please please do not send your child here especially if they are a young woman, I wish the teachers cared about the sex education ( WHICH WE NEVER HAD ONLY CONCEPTUAL WAYS ON HOW TO NOT GET PREGANANT) as much as they did with uniform, we did not get taught about consent until the end of year 11 WHICH MANY STUDENTS WERE LAREADY OVER THE AGE OF CONSENT and might have already done so without realizing the importance of consent. It is appalling. AND the teachers??? Many amazing teachers especially maths and science and art teachers however, many acted helpless and DID NOT SAY A THING about this problem WHICH EVEN THEY SAID IT WAS WEIRD AND DISGUSTING THE AMOUNT OF OVER SEXUALISATIOn the sex education is non existent plus the fact they TEACHERS over sexualised young women how do you think boys acted? Keep this is mind. Wouldn’t this allow them to sexualis women further? BECAUSE THEY are literally being taught how to specialize women. I am appalled and cannot believe that I survived high school I honestly in year 7-9 loved it but it was dreadful. Also makeup is forbidden and any self expressionism is forbidden yes even eyeliner. ALSO I was a student who was always wearing the right uniform before the skirts got changed I wore high knee socks above my knee, and in year 8 when I was 11 years old I was pulled aside not physically but a teacher a woman teacher told me these exact words “do you have any tights, because boys are looking at your legs” she was implying I was influencing boys. And yet again they go to young women thinking they are the problem this has had an impact on my mental health for many reasons the main one is getting over and recovering from the shame I felt for having a female body I waanted to hide it. This is truly damaging and I know it will get worse at the hart school. This is a sincere reminder not to bring your child there it was so clinging ask any student they will tell you.
Jan 12, 2023


faZe Jarvis

this school does not care for your wellbeing and mental health and is more focused on your behavior. They are trying to get rid of the low academic achievers.
Sep 23, 2022

The hart school isn’t so good?

My daughter has been going to this school for the last 3 years and all I’ve got is calls from school saying stuff about her behaviour , after my daughter videoing everything that happens the teachers pick on her and push her to her limits . She was naughty for a few months so I understood her punishments . She’s now went in to year 9 with a new mindset wanting to learn and catch up with the months she’s missed out on her education. She got her nose done over the six weeks and it’s jammed i her nose and can’t it taken out untill a few weeks . She has been excluded for two days for saying she can’t take it out and saying it jammed. apparently she’s refusing an slt member because she Litterly can’t take it out . I have let her stay at home for a day and the school has came out saying she’s gonna be in isolation everyday for a few weeks u till she can get it out . My daughter is a visual learning and need someone to explain to her , for her understand . She was in isolation today and told me they had to give her year 7 work due to her not understanding anything and she has spoke up for someone to help her and so have I , nothing is being done . It’s obvious it’s draining her . So does the school actually care about the education of the students ? I don’t think so it takes weeks and multiple phone calls for the school to help ur child the communication that goes on in the school building is horrendous . Theses students canr out of a lockdown to all new rules and the school expects to them to adapt and cope straight away . I’ve been in the school for meeting the teachers can’t handle to students . The rules are ridiculous.
Sep 10, 2022


Poor environment.

In all honesty, the teachers are absolutely fantastic and supply education to us students. The p.e facilities are brilliant for those who are hoping to go on further for GCSE level sports, the class rooms are all up to date with plenty of learning materials. There’s been a new consequence system introduced called “isolation”. Which means, if you slouch, disrespect someone or do something wrong you get a warning. If you do it again, you get removed and put into a isolated room with other misbehaved students and sit quietly. You are expected to do 3+ pages of school work per hour and work through breaks and lunches. Then, you serve an hour after school. This seems extreme, but it is understandable. However, there are many issues regarding the schools attitudes towards the children that go there. They call us ‘young adults’ yet we are not allowed to dictate when we can go to the toilet, which goes against our human rights. There is constant bullying going on towards minority students including homophobia, transphobia, racism and ableism. For a ‘zero tolerant’ school there seems to be a lot of bully’s throughout the school’s years. Instead of addressing these issues directly and focusing on these life threatening issues, they make amends to the school uniform policy. We can’t wear: makeup, hair accessories, jewellery, fake tan, nails and many other things, or red coloured hair! This is no disrespect to the teachers who are just trying to earn a living and influence our lives, however the school’s priorities are definitely in the wrong place! The after school curriculum is brilliantly diverse with plenty of choice. Overall, it’s an ok school.
Apr 15, 2022

shocking school.

they take away basic human rights and expect you to treat them amazingly, people are doing there GCSEs and they’re putting them in isolation for having fake tan and make up on!! they say the education is main priority but its honestly a prison. They lock all toilets and only unlock them at breaks and lunches. The only problem is we are separated by years and we only get access to our “zones” and sometimes then toilets aren't even unlocked and when they are they are jam packed! another problem due to the “zones” is the fact that there isnt enough food on our tiny little portable “lunchboxes” to supply the whole year! by the time you get to ordering your food, theres none left and so you go hungry. This school is horrendous. During breaks and lunch you arent allowed in the buildings, and there is no shelter on the zones, so your stood in the cold and rain all because the teachers dont let you go indoors. dont consider taking your children here! it will ruin them and make them miserable until they can leave!
Former Student
Jun 20, 2021

Academically supportive but bullying problem

I feel like a lot of the people who leave bad reviews about the school never actually reached out to teachers and academic support staff and showed them gratitude and patience, yet expected to be doted on. The teachers were brilliant so long as you actively tried your hardest during their lessons, and were really kind and supportive about mental health, especially in the sixth form when they helped me through a huge amount of mental health issues. The teaching in some aspects could be improved, for example the combined ability classes up until y9 hinder both those struggling and high achievers, and there is a high frequency of staff absence, however if you’re willing to work for it it is still possible to get really high grades, and I know many who have achieved these. All in all, it’s a supportive environment, but if I had one criticism of the school it would be their management of the student base and their lack of control over the evident bullying problem. As an academic institution however, it is better than many.
Aug 27, 2020

Shit school

So bad. Teachers talk too you like shit and expect to be treated like royalty. Take away your human rights, dont care about mental health in students. Absolutely horrendous school

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