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Feb 24, 2025

Lies, laziness and complete idiots

This school is set on lies! They don’t sort important issues out and refuse to meet deadlines! The head teacher is a scared, unqualified, questionable lady that can’t sort things out! If your child has an issue that needs to be dealt with, the ferrers school will not deal with it!
Feb 17, 2025

Don’t go here

The schools is horrible. Toilets are disgusting (tampons on the floor). Broken roof, used to have rats. Teachers don’t teach they only give you worksheets about things they haven’t even taught and expect you to know them. Headteacher is pathetic, glad she’s going. I’m not gonna name names but one of the ladies in a house office spoke badly about a kid saying he’s fat and shouldn’t have mental health issues. Don’t recommend
Jan 1, 2025

Stupid school

I have been to the school around 20 times telling the head teacher to help my autistic, traumatised son cope better. They have done absolutely nothing at all and the head teacher diagnosed my son with ADHD when she isn’t even qualified to say that. I’m fuming
Dec 13, 2024

Unable to do their job

I have made a review about this school before, around November, concerning my child being bullied and mentally struggling. I have spoken to several team members concerning the bullies for a month and nothing has been sorted. It doesn’t help that he is in year 7 and has just started the school.
Dec 10, 2024

I hate this school

Getting bullied, have been beaten up and the girl who did it didn’t get expelled. Have enough with this school and the horrible people.
Former Student
Dec 9, 2024

No help at all

No help with mental health. I was suffering for years in that school and not one person noticed. This was back in 2017
Former Student
Dec 9, 2024

Undisciplined bad behaved kids. Bullying

As a former student that went here in the 90s and my 15 year old goes to this school I have to say it’s changed a lot. I hear from him that kids walk around school in big groups during lesson and mess about blasting music in the toilets. Basically the kids are being tw@t$ and the school system (aka teachers) can’t control their behaviour. Back in the 90s there were never any children outside lesson or shouting at the teachers, but if there were they would get sorted out and it rarely would happen again. My child is anxious to go to school because of these people and I bet a lot of other introverted children who get picked on are aswell. Sort it out
Dec 8, 2024

If your child is SEN please read

My child suffers from diagnosed anxiety and depression and goes to this school. He has also been diagnosed with ADHD and autism since he was 5. We have had so many meetings trying to make it easier but they don’t cooperate. My child, his friends and some parents I know that got information from their own children said to me that the deputy head of the school had an assembly and mentioned a student in the school who had ended up in hospital because of mental health and she said it was because of everyone there (including my son and his friends who are trying to survive school). Shouldn’t this be confidential? This shows they don’t keep any secrets that need to be kept because of a students mental health and just tell everyone. Don’t trust this school nor any safeguarding teachers. The thing that made this even worse was that the deputy head who told the whole of Brunel about this is the safeguarding leader.
Don’t send your children here especially if they are SEN. From my child’s words, he said that he feels a bad feeling in his heart walking in and is scared of people including teachers.
Dec 2, 2024

Disorganised staff, unqualified moron teachers

Very disorganised, doesn’t meet deadlines and can’t set up plans for the future. I’ve witnessed a room full of kids screaming and talking very loudly and the teacher can’t even control them. About 10 of them were on their phones and another 5 were hiding them under the desk. There may be better teachers but the one I saw was awful at his job. He moved on very quick with the work so it looked like some students didn’t have time to write and process all this information. Keeping in mind the work looked very difficult as it was year 10 chemistry. He needs to keep in mind some students learn quicker than others. Overall I wouldn’t recommend this school. If you want your child to have a good education and good mindset i recommend trying out Friars Academy in Wellingborough. My experience teaching there is outstanding
Nov 19, 2024

School never takes action

People have been spreading nasty rumors in the past about my boy and when I reported it they didn’t do anything. It still happens today and I’ve tried so many things. The school never takes action
Former Student
Nov 13, 2024

I hate this school

I had the worst experience ever. One of the cadet teacher laughed at me for shaking my leg because I was really anxious in lesson when I was trying to mind my own buisness. Loud kids would make jokes about me and point out my looks and what I’m wearing. Whenever I reported things ( a girl spread rumours about me and got a year 11 to nearly beat my friends up) the head took her side and didn’t do anything about it. I’m sick of the school
Former Student
Nov 13, 2024

Horrible experience. All useless

I got no support from the school. When I got beat up by a few kids and broke my leg the teachers suspended them for one day and then it was forgotten about. I had to get in contact with the police and they sorted it out. It’s a useless school and I’ve seen so many bullies and quiet kids picked on by loud kids and the teachers don’t do anything. Isn’t that their job? If they don’t wanna do it, don’t work at a secondary school
Former Student
Nov 12, 2024

Horrible school

Absolutely terrible, hated it so much. Will 10000% not recommend!
Nov 11, 2024

Terrible school, no support

As I student about to go in their last year of school I must say the school is horrible. There is no support for mental health and the teachers said that going through with the one way rule (walking one way in the corridor) will help with students mental health as well as keeping our phones away. What if there is an emergency and we need to check our phone? My dog died and I got a call about it. I was hysterical and went to house office but they said I needed to go back to lesson and confiscated my phone in the office. I’ve see so many bullies but teachers don’t care and don’t do anything about it. This person was spreading fake allegations about me but they went on their side in the argument and were saying things like “well she wouldn’t” “she’s not that type of person” I’ve seen a person in my year pick on a group of year sevens for months and the teachers not seeing it. I want to leave this school and go to another one I can’t handle it anymore
Nov 11, 2024

Don’t send your kids here

My kids go to this school and have been bullied on multiple occasions but the school hasn’t noticed. I have told the school multiple times but it hasn’t been sorted out. The head of year doesn’t do anything
Nov 11, 2024

Bad school not good at all

My son gets bullied every day. He says the toilet are broken and the food is terrible. The school doesn’t care about bullying and only cares about his uniform. He got thrown into a bin and the only thing the teachers noticed was his missing tie.
Nov 11, 2024


Got so bad my son attempted suicide
Jun 13, 2024


this school prioritises the wrong things.

i’m year 11, leaving this week. Sometimes the school is great but more often than not it’s awful and draining. This is partly due to students but mainly how the staff manage situations. The teaching staff are mostly supportive however the teachers higher up and actually there for support and improving the school couldn’t give a shit if you’re being bullied, struggling with work, etc. It is clear that teachers prioritise uniform over well-being and performance. On multiple occasions i’ve been shouted at for incorrect uniform, this being the odd time every now and then and id always have a note. My grades were always where expected but the teachers lack of interest was always a knock of my confidence.
Aug 22, 2022

Great school but lack of support

They are a great school and are trying to make the school the best environment it can be. Education is fantastic and the facilities are good. The school is not so good at providing support for those struggling with mental health, bullying or and other issues. I would recommend this school though.
Former Student
Apr 15, 2022

Awful school don’t send ur kids here

very shit school constantly moan about uniform most of the teachers are horrible and shout in ur face. dirty , barely any toilet paper the toilets r vile. in tech toilets there is only one available toilet out of 5 because all the others have either a missing toilet seat or no lock. awful graffiti on the walls and teachers think it’s ok to enter the toilets and scream at u for being in them and kick u out. there’s always this one teacher who stands at the science toilet doors and comes inside to shout at us to get out we can barely ever use the toilets. haven’t learnt anything in these 5 years of being at this school. care more about ur appearance than ur education.
Former Student
Jan 27, 2022


No, please do not attend.

I started this school in 2015 so I’m a couple years out of it now. My experience was terrible. I was bullied for the entirety of my time there and staff did the classic “stay away from them” move. I was assaulted and my head of year asked me if I was “sure” it happened, clearly because she adored the students that did it and didn’t want to get them in trouble, but we’d already contacted police about it. My Year 7 drama teacher gaslit 40 students into staying 3 hours after school for a tacky show because she had them convinced they would be “losers” if they dropped out for their physical well-being. The staff were so afraid of my mum that they refused to call her even in a medical emergency, because she shouted at one of them when they refused to see her about the constant harassment I experienced to the point of attempting suicide. The teachers left you to your own devices to a point where you were just teaching yourself from a text book. If you value your child’s life, do not send them to this school. Sorry.
Oct 2, 2021

It’s a terrible school I would not recommend

I’m currently a student at this school and I would not recommend it I haven’t learnt anything useful since joining and get constantly harassed about my clothes by the head teacher outside of school on top of this teachers will try and involve themselves in your personal life then on top of all this they recently implemented a no phone rule even In the case of an emergency and the school is on special measures due to its poor security and teaching
Former Student
Jul 27, 2021

Stand your ground

The education here was “eh”. The HEAD OF MATHS (at the time) gave us questions that he had never taught us how to do, told us to “just do what you think” and then yelled at us when it was wrong. My year 7 drama teacher tried to low key gaslight us into not dropping out of a show that was quite clearly not working out for us. [Name] was assaulted, and my head of year asked me if I was “sure”. Honestly.. would not recommend, sorry.

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