Absolute bullshit this school if you think about sending your child here think again you don't get help at all everytime a teacher says to "put your hand up if you need help" they ALWAYS walk right past me like I'm not there and you get bullied just for not being the same as the popular kids it's not fair at all
This school is Toxic if you’re child needs
Help they are left to rot, do not believe
There propaganda of “I MATTER”, this school should have closed when the
Chance was available, it is clear that
Most of teachers do not want to be there
Make the right choice for your family
And avoid
I was only at this school for a total of 6 months, in those six months i became actively suicidal and the school did nothing about it except send a voicemail to my mum about my sh. I was bullied for being from a 'poorer' area [basildon], education quality depends on your AREA of living, which created a heavy divide. If you were queer, trans or disabled, you would be better off homeschooled. I broke my leg once and i was kicked and tripped down the stairs multiple times, i was refused early leaves, and my french teacher was a bully. when i finally broke and had a mental health crisis in class, i was taken out of the room and given isolation for distruptions. my abuser was a student at my college and he tried to assault me in school and i didnt report it because they were so dismissive. Phones were banned for 'socialisation reasons' but if you had no friends there was nothing to do at all, you were left alone. i ended up starving myself for hours on end because i have anxiety and autism, therefor inable to stand in the line for food in the small canteen. the bus prices were ridiculous and if your pass expires, good luck getting home, they dont cut no leeway. My only positive was my history lessons were amazing, as was my art lessons.
Overall, unless you are willing to risk your mental health declining at a rapid rate, avoid this school!!
I went to deanes and I was bullied badly. They didn’t do enough about it. As they only gave them detentions and isolations and the people who bullied me still carried on. It impacted badly on my mental health. Also that because of the special needs I have I had to sit at the front but because I was one of the best behaved the teachers always sat me at the back. I think in that a school their was only two teachers who I liked. And I believe one of them has left. People claim this school is good for children with special needs, with some kids yes it’s amazing with others like me it isn’t.
One of my old friends got a detention because she started a fight with another girl, the other girl was throwing things at her and my friend has autism and adhd. And my friend got a suspension and the other girl only got a detention.
This school really needs to rethink there ways of helping children. Also the fact that in assemblies they make you say “I matter” as well.
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