I go to this school and it's terrible I don't recommend. When my sister was in year 8 the school made girls do cheerleading for p.e while the boys do parkour. If you ask me that was sexist. Don't get me started on the gum problem if you go here don't put your hands under the table. Also there are terrible staff (some are really nice and I like). Bad hygiene because it's always dirty
I find it inappropriate that the school focuses more on students appearance than education we are thinking of moving my child to another school beacuse of that. My daughter goes to school to get educated not to be pressured by interrpetations of my childs appearance.
I find it pathetic that staff can't find sympathy for students growing up in this generation. The rules that they set in this school is like a giant boundaries being set on students. There are worse things to worry about like the constant vaping in the toilets, bullying, and peer pressure etc, etc.
What a incompetent shower the send team are! The way a certain member of staff treated my year 9 is nothing short of bullying! Believe me I will be reporting this individual straight away!!
My son broke his leg whilst playing rugby and was moved from the playground to the medical room even though he blacked out ,anyone should know you never move someone he was off school for 4 months and was never given any work to do at home despite us asking on numerous occasions
this place is actually hell, i’m year in 9 and the staff do nothing about slurs, harassment or bullying. there is literal asbestos in the c block. do your child a favour and send them to ANY other school in the area.
There has been potentially dangerous scaffolding all over the building for the last 2-3 years, B and D block are constantly leaking and having ceiling tiles falling, the library in C block caught fire because of a wasp nest which was set alight by the builders, there was a risk of asbestos because of those same builders drilling into it, and there is not one toilet in the school which is usable - it either has year 9s vaping in it, urine everywhere or random sandwiches in the toilet bowl. Grim. Despite the school's best efforts to refurbish, it doesn't work. It's still a mess.
The pastoral team, while they are sometimes good, seem to put students' uniform and/or appearance over their well-being (even despite telling them multiple times that all the adults are there for them). When a student comes to the the pastoral team for emotional support or something similar, the first thing they want isn't going to be a uniform check or being told to remove makeup or jewellery. It's incredibly petty, and whilst I understand it affects the school's image and that needs to be maintained, it should be something to note on the student's way out of pastoral, not before they've even got in.
Like I said though, I really can't fault the teaching. In the vast majority of teachers' cases, they are incredible and are able to support students of any ability or background. Recently, the lack of staff has been an issue for the school, but I doubt that is the fault of the teachers themselves and, like I described before, the environment they are made to work in.
Conclusion: Teaching is great, mental and physical environments less so.
Ruined me and my friends and I watched their colour fade away. Broke us entirely. Do not recommend at all. Now I am in college (class of 2021) and it now feels weird being in a good environment. Worse experience of my entire life and showed me properly what it felt like to be discriminated against and how utter misery felt. Wouldn't deal with things properly and would not be good at their jobs. Didn't see things for what they were and lied most of the time or made excuses.
I enjoyed my time at oakmeeds - but mainly because of the people around me. My grades mainly resemble the quality of my teachers; where in three of my gcse subjects, I had 4+ teachers. Right mess
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