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Mar 7, 2025


My child has experienced racism by s female student and my child was the one punished from this shit school. DO NOT ATTEND THIS SCHOOL IT HAS NO EMPATHY TOWARD RACISM!
Dec 29, 2024

terrible school

This school is horrible for children above the age of 13 it’s like a military camp students are forced to line up outside no matter the weather for 15 minutes in complete silence and if someone is to talk, they will go inside do line up again and that student will receive a after school detention. Some staff are excellent with the children and are so caring but others only care about uniform, work and homework. If a task is left uncompleted it will result in a detention. If a student is disruptive in class no matter if they have a disability or not they will be sent to RR, for the whole day and miss out on important learning. Do not send your children here if you want them to be damaged. It’s only good for education and nothing else.
Oct 22, 2024


Bad School, doesn't know how to cope with difficult children - they skip an easy solution and send them home which isn't very effective to their learning. This has occurred for multiple silly reasons that could be resolved easily if they took the time of day to care about the students that find learning and other children nd school environment difficult and sit down and speak /help them, possibly children would enjoy school more. The Teachers have also made fun of children's heights which is unacceptable if it were the other way around children would be in serious trouble. I would save yourself the hassle of sending your child to this school.
May 16, 2024


If I could score it a 0 I would. It is miserable there and I would not recommend this school to any child.
Mar 16, 2024

Lack of empathy

If your child has SEN then they are used as a scapegoat. Their views are disregarded against other students accounts of events.
They can’t handle children who find it difficult to regulate their emotions and who can only ‘fight or flight’ in certain situations. One or two misdemeanours and your child will always be in the wrong never enough to prove themselves.
Oct 20, 2023

Kids should be seen and not heard.. so the school thinks

If I could have give 0 star I would..
to be fair the teaching is not bad, my daughter has learnt well here.
The problem with this school is most teachers are interested in uniform issues and feeling powerful against the children.
As a parent your views don’t count it’s there way or no way.
For minor issues kids are sent to RR for the day to reflect and not allowed to voice there opinion, a few times my daughter has been sent here when she’s not actually done anything wrong but rather than get to the bottom of what’s really happened it’s easier for teachers to send them here all day then discuss what’s happened at the end of the day so kids feel it’s unfair and they wonder why kids rebel.
There’s definitely more punishment than there is praise.. I would remove my daughter from here but she’s at an important year group getting ready for exams.
Before you send your children here do your research.
Sep 26, 2023

Why brakenhale is bad

I find this school and its rules revolting,the fact that if a student is having an emergency if they need the toilet,they have to wait atleast 10 minutes to be escorted to the toliets is extremely disappointing.Many students have wet themselves or left classes and been punished with detentions unrightfully.These new rules,not just the toliet rule all of the new and old ones are just overall pointless,the students are angry and clearly aren't listening to the rules and good for them.
Sep 18, 2023

Mental healthcare

The school is overall okay, look wise… but they do not care about mental health, they tell you to just Drink water….
Jul 9, 2023

This isn’t what school should be.

Where do I start? I believe this school since I’ve joined has gone down severely in quality. Teachers are a very mixed bag, some are honestly the greatest people you’ll meet but most are just not that friendly and also at despise the students. Many of them have bad attitudes which cause more problemas in the class room. Break and Lunch are ruined thanks to almost half of the available area being reserved for year 7’s and what is left is usually crowded leading to many students unable to go to lunch. Most teachers won’t let students go to the toilet or fill up a water bottle saying quotes such as “you had your chance at break” which personally I find ridiculous especially in the summer. Of course some teachers will allow you but outside of that small group of actually nice teachers this is very rare. However, my biggest complaint is the line up. Students are forced to line up for 15 minutes before tutor, before period 5 and at the end of the day. If you want a kid to learn and want to go to school don’t force them to do things like that lowering their attention span and attitude even more. Sometimes the line up just feels like an excuse for teachers to deliver most of the time up to 15 detentions for kids who were barely talking or laughing. There kids. Not adults. We shouldn’t be forced to conform to such a mundane and un-motivating activity. The only good part about this school is honestly the facilities (which we barely use thanks to the school not letting students go anywhere at lunch and in class) and the food is 50/50. Overall 1.2/10
May 6, 2023


The teaching is overall ok. But they do not care about the students mental and physical health. If you feel really sick they'll tell you to just drink some water and go back to class. They care more about how students present themselves than they're actual education. Having acrylic nails, multiple ear piercings or dyed hair is not going to affect anyone's learning and they'd rather put you in isolation so you lose as they say "valuable learning time" than just leave it. The teacher will tell you off if there's anything in your hands while they're speaking because you "can't focus if there's something in your hands" not taking into consideration that some student's need something to fidget with. I could go into detail about so many more things but it's overall a horrible school. Please don't send your child to brakenhale.
Oct 7, 2022

this school is terrible

worst school ever! teachers are stupid. give isolation for writing words on white board! dont go here you will wan to leave!
May 29, 2021


Such a bad experience at this school. Made me feel unwelcome and hated. The teachers are rude and care more about uniform then they do the students mental health. They put so much pressure on the students to do every single little thing write but then preech about trial and error and that it’s okay to make mistakes. But when you do actually make those mistakes, it’s a whole different story. So glad I moved schools.
Jan 19, 2021

Inadequate support

The school have repeatedly done nothing against a maths teacher who has caused many severe issues even after multiple complaints from students and parent. Furthermore the school seems to care more about uniform than providing students with adequate support especially if they have an illness or disability that puts them at a disadvantage to others.
Dec 7, 2020


Don't enjoy it here, makes me feel stressed

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