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Föredetta elev
Aug 28, 2024


As a now 20 year old looking back on my experience at testbourne community school, it is hard to believe the way that we were treated. I remember being so afraid to say no to or speak up to any of the teachers. It was as if we weren’t even people and our opinions didn’t matter. Whether the staff were in the right or in the wrong we would get berated for speaking up. During my 5 years there I felt extremely worthless and would often go days without saying a word. I have now built my confidence back up again after this school destroyed it.
Förälder / Vårdnadshavare
Oct 14, 2023

Terrible school

Worst school ever, if your child is a A grade child who acts like a Robot you may find it ok. Stupidly strict on things like uniform but bullying brushed under the carpet and what’s worse is they will lie to you about it! Tried for a year to get a meeting to no effect !
Aug 2, 2023

Testbourne teacher

Terrible school the teacher always provoke me and even with proof they do nothing and try and get a reaction out of me they see it as a joke but my eduction is on the line even tho I have a massive friend group the teacher ruin the school life for me
Jul 23, 2023


This school does not care about ur mental health at all. It does nothing about bullying and when u do go to a teacher about it they laugh at it. Teachers have favourites and if ur not one of their favourites they literally won’t help or support u in any way and give u glares.I went to a teacher about an argument where the other person was being horrible in and the teacher did nothing and said to me that she doesn’t want to deal with it. They have a really shit mental health system. They’ll put u on a waiting list but u will never hear anything back. Please please do not send ur child here
Jan 11, 2023

Not good

They say they care about your mental health but all they do is put you on a 6 month long waiting list with no help while you wait. Except for spending your lunch time talking about it in a group of people who you don’t even know (this isn’t good for people with social anxiety). When your stuff get confiscated some teachers don’t hand it in to they office so you have to try and find the teacher or if their in a meeting you have to collect it the next day.
Aug 25, 2022

tesbourne community school

This school should focus more on kids mental health then learning as I have heard the teachers do nothing about how the kids are feeling and send them straight back to class I think the teachers should talk to them and maybe for the student get there friend to talk to them
Jun 4, 2022

Not that good

Didn’t like it. Definitely could be better. Not as bad as other schools tho
May 2, 2022

Rr Idk

It’s alright but some bits could do better
Apr 25, 2022

It could be better

The school is not good but it could be worse. They have the car park gate open so if a student wanted to they could leave but if they got caught they would be in big trouble of course. This happened to someone in my year and they aren’t allowed to tell people about it because they don’t want everyone know which is kinda weird. My friend almost got an isolation because of a skirt. The teachers definitely don’t care about our mental health as if they did they would realise that most of the students are suffering. I understand that their are not experts in mental health but most of us are dropping obvious signs. Overall it’s pretty bad as I’ve been bullied by this one girl and they always took her side. Some of the teachers are nice though.
Apr 3, 2022


Pretty rubbish get detention for having shirt untucked or skirt to short (they’re particularly obsessed with skirt length which is weird) but do nothing when homophobia , racism, sexism, bullying, ablest ect. Is being yelled across the class. Also they have locked the toilet doors next to canteen so everyone queuing up can see Cubicles. Food can be ok but mostly meh.
Also constant tests especially science and have to stand outside for break/lunch unless it is super heavy rain and head of year makes you line up for 10 mins before school to rant about uniform attendance ect. even if its -3degrees head of year also likes yelling at kids which is quite sad
Mar 25, 2022


the school pretend to care about your mental health, when i really dont think they do, i had counselling in yr8 as i needed it and it got stopped with no explanation or anything, they are also overly obsessed with skirt length which is pretty creepy
Jul 27, 2021


They do not care about the students mental health at all, they are overly obsessed with skirt length (punishing short skirt length more harshly than bad behaviour) and do not serve enough food at the canteen leaving the kids at the back of the queue hungry.
Föredetta elev
Jul 27, 2021


This school does not care about your mental health at all. They will watch you suffer and never offer any help. It is obvious that none of the teachers are trained in mental health either and do not know how to handle it.
Föredetta elev
Apr 6, 2021

Kinda bad

Was good when I started in year 7, left in the summer of 2020 and can safely say it was pretty terrible. Largely poor teachers with no passion, bad facilities (outdated classrooms, poor sports facilities) and no help given too low achieving or average students, testbourne very much has a focus on the over achievers.
Dec 11, 2020

save me

it’s disgusting the walls are peeling a walls are falling apart there’s anti semitic drawings everywhere and the teachers a to strict on homework the new head teacher over the past few years has made the school slowly get worse and worse
Oct 22, 2020

Testbourne is no longer BestBourne

The headteacher if the past 4 years has sent the school plummeting into mediocrity.
Föredetta elev
Sep 29, 2020

it was okay

was okay but the first two weeks they’re strict on uniform and at random points then they don’t care 0 consistency
Föredetta elev
Sep 2, 2020

This Review is a Mistake

This review is a mistake. Somebody used this email to write a bad review. I don't know how to delete it.

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