My kids were so happy last year. This year it's all got so draconian. Children can't touch one another, one of my children is petrified and so sad that they can't comfort friends. The other keeps getting detentions because a friend thinks it's funny to touch them! Such a rubbish reason for detentions - how can you prevent someone touching yoy (and actually promoting low level bullying). Neither are happy now, one asked to change school. Avoid if you can.
it has given me emotional trauma many unspeakable things have happened within these walls also a teacher's hand got burnt off one time during science not joking (miss monahan)
shocking school tbh, only care about mental health when it goes horribly wrong before that they don’t care, only want your uniform to look nice. year 11 was the year teachers seemed to care the most about you as a person, and tbh it’s when i got the most support thanks to one lovely ssa <3 but other than that, worse five years of my life, never had a solid friend group and basically traumatised from it so avoid if u can it’s not worth it xxx
I could talk forever about how disgusting this school is. I went to this school for 2 years, after transferring from another fantastic school, and left after an absolutely atrocious experience- now homeschooled. It's left me scarred for the unforeseeable future. As a result of the people, culture and system at this school, I developed crippling anxiety and mental health issues. They simply turned a blind eye to all problems, and were completely useless in helping to receive any help.
Upon first viewings and impressions of the school, it seems as if it is a warm, inclusive and welcoming environment for all students. It appears as if the are concerned around students' wellbeing, regards for their safety and their experience of the school. It is very much quite the opposite. They are dismissive of issues, pretending to be sympathetic without actually taking any effective next steps, and truly care more about your uniform and its conformity to their policies than anything else. "Student Support Leaders," lack training entirely, and are invalidating of the majority of cases brought to them, unable to properly provide the correct support. Cases of sexual harassment are dismissed, severe mental health crises ignored, and wrongful treatment of students from teachers turned away.
I had rife issues with homophobia and harassment, some of which was physical, and the school did next to nothing about it when reported, despite there being video evidence for such.
Punishments are irrational, and many unnecessary policies are enforced within the school in order to control each and every student. An absolutely atrocious example of this was the notorious case of **** ******. Upon the return to school in September 2019, a new uniform policy was enforced which required all students to wear a particular brand, style and colour of trousers- the David Luke trousers. These school trousers are irrationally priced, averaging around £20 per pair. For obvious reasons, many students were unable to afford this, and wore normal trousers to school instead. When the school opened again, on the first day, rows of teachers were lined up at the school gates, and pulled anyone aside wearing incorrect trousers. Furthermore, throughout the day, students' trouser labels were checked- in the WAISTBAND of the trousers, in order to ensure they were the correct brand. They were led to the isolation centre, where all students were forced to stay for the entirety of the day, away from all other students- missing out on education due to the brand of trousers they were wearing. One student, named **** ******, was included in this, and was kept in isolation for weeks due to not being able to buy the trousers. He then wore a skirt, conforming to uniform policy, which was still 'unacceptable,' and continued to be kept in isolation. Not very inclusive and welcoming now, are you Swavesey? All attempts to protest against the policy were met with heavy oppression, and the policy continued for several months.
This 'review,' could go on for pages. Any student or parent, and even teachers will tell you how vile this school is, alongside many stories about their horrifying experiences. Seriously reconsider sending your children here, even if you are in catchment.
so so so bad, teachers only care about your grades and attendance, nothing about your general well-being and mental health, most staff a rude, and you don’t get help you need
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