
Based on 8 reviews and 72 answers
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Former Student
Mar 22, 2025


This skl is dog shit. I was getting beat up in year 7-9 and the teachers did NOTHING. I started staying off for month's bc of my mental health and they never had meetings w my mum about it unless it was to complain. They never answered the phone or rang about meeting plans but the second I had BLACK TRAINERS. They got angry even tho my ankle was sprained and the other time my shoes were broken. I got a nose peircing and changed it into a CLEAR RETAINER. And still they complained about it but didn't care that I was a 13 year old with scars up my arms bc they didn't bother to help. This skl ruined me DO NOT GO HERE.
Aug 29, 2024

Bad school

If your 20s late you get a detenrion you misplace a school equipment you get detention if you start getting bullied you cant go to anyone of the teachers or year team bc you'll get in teouble and they will just get a meeting and tell them to stop and then the bullies with still do it, no respect at all by students or teachers yoi cant wear your coats inside if your cold and you habeto ask to takeyour blazers off if you miss one day you come back you get a recovery day so all day im recovery and detention for literally the most ridiculous reason so if your thinking off sending ur kids to this school dont go millbay acedemy is the best school or ucla and plympton acedemy im saying this as a student who left that school bc of its bad experience
Sep 5, 2023

Unnecessary rules

When it’s wet and there is nothing to do you can’t even go on ur phones

They do nothing about the fights that occur at break and lunch

Bullying is never dealt with except a little “stop doing that” and if it carries on they don’t do anything about it
Jul 26, 2023

Really bad

They scream at us for no reason but us in detention all day and treat us like we are nothing even though are future depends on them.
Jun 4, 2023

Overall dodgy and not pleasant.

School does nothing about bullying and when anything major happens there is no punishment except for 'don't do that again'

Very strict on unnecessary rules, such as the S on the tie must be showing at all times.

When tests come around, nobody can pass because we have not been taught anything on the paper.

Recovery is given to the wrong students, homework is seen as non-compulsory to students that repeatedly skip it.

Overall I would not recommend sending your child here, although they do have kitemark and plenty of clubs and opportunities.

However opportunities are lessening by the day and teachers are rude, insulting and often make students cry. Some teachers are alright but there are also a fair share of suspected pervert teachers (male) involving the girls changing rooms and locks.

I have personally seen a male teacher go into the girl's changing rooms, and if you do decide to go to this school I would advise being wary of the fact. The design of the changing rooms has a wall beyond the door to make it safer, but I am not sure how far the teacher went or if he saw anything.

Fights are common, but nothing is done to prevent them.

Vapes are also a massive problem here.
Former Student
Jan 30, 2023

Womp womp

School did a very good job at making me feel like a German in 1945 with how restrictive uniforms were.
Jun 24, 2021

School rules

School is making new rules by the day, by September the students have to where proper shoes and not trainers. The students have to wear black socks now or we have to stay behind after school. It's getting worst by the day. It doesn't matter what shoes or socks as long as they are there to learn it shouldn't matter
Dec 10, 2020


Very nice and caring school with a lot of nice teachers I am very impressed the school

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