Avoid avoid avoid. My cold has been assaulted 3 times. The 3rd being hospitalised!! They don’t give a crap. Just want academic results. They take in all the problemed children who will bully and school do nothing. This school has ruined my child’s teens years!!!
Terrible school and we made the decision to remove our child from St Marys. The school have no understanding of mental health issues and how to deal effectively with Children.
The school needs a serious review and so do some of its staff of which they seem to have a high turn over.
The year our granddaughter attended St Marys will live with us for ever. Whilst children will have their different attitudes, the policy at St Mary's would appear to focus on a draconian method of teaching. Negatives are the key points with zero tolerance, and rewarded with a confetti of detentions. This serves only to break a child's spirit. That year almost broke our granddaughters health and well being, her parents mental state, and us as grandparents, who felt helpless.
Their mission statement is a mile away from the realities of life at the school with the SEND facility almost non existent.
The last OFSTED report was in 2014, when the school became an Academy. In our opinion a revisit is well overdue and indeed necessary
I went to this school for a few years and it was not pleasant, no idea why people have such a good view off it but from personal experiences i would not recommend it. Some of the teachers really shouldn't be teaching with how they come across when you are student there.
To anyone reading this, please be aware that the Ofsted results the school goes on about so much is from 2014, a decade ago!! Believe me they need another one soon, I will never know how they managed to get "Outstanding". Ofsted need to visit unexpectedly to see the real St Mary's at work!!
This school is not a good place or healthy learning environment. It is so oppressive.
Definitely not as it was sold. My child's education has gone backwards and we have had to pay for private classes.
Really disappointed with the lack of support provided by staff who showed no empathy, understanding or willingness to make any changes.
To be avoided.
Terrible school and I would strongly advise any parent to think twice about putting any child here. I made that mistake and regret it. The pastoral support is none existent and they do not listen to children or treat them as individuals. Don't be fooled by the marketing and the head teachers speech when she says "we will care for your precious child" during the open days as we were because they really don't.
Miss Pounder screamed at my face at the age of 14 for not having a hair bobble, no idea what she’s doing now but hopefully she isn’t harassing more kids.
Horrendous school. Grades are bad, rules are way too strict like you can't take food outside for break, can't wear a coat indoors even when you're 5 seconds away from getting outside, give instant detentions(as of next year) for any bad behaviour even small. Most teachers don't care about their students or their job at all, there are some redeeming teachers but honestly they should just find a better school that will treat them better. Would like to add this is all due to a new head teacher and deputy head teacher, the previous head teacher was amazing and all the things I've just mentioned were directly opposite with him. Not only that but this school obviously doesn't check their teachers very well as there have been 2-4 accounts of SA(Sexual assault) within the past 10 years that they've kept quiet about
my daughter have been put in iso multiple times it is an awful school she was put in isolation once because another child started a fight with her she as also gotten in isolation because a teacher thought she was laughing at her which she was not this school is awful don't send your child to that school especially if you live in Pudsey you will need to ride the school bus with year 8s 9s 10s 11s and six formers vaping
the food is over priced slop and you cannot have warm food in isolation the staff do not listen and one has put her finger in my child's face and told her to shhh and another member of staff has grabbed a child by the collar this school is HORRBLE
Extremely disappointed in the school. As per previous comments , bullying is not dealt with properly and unless your a high achiever you may as well not bother going to school!
This school is only bothered about children who excel academically. They do not have the resources to deal with any children with additional needs etc. my child has dyslexia and has had very little additional support. The staff in the school seem to have little or no knowledge on how to support a child with dyslexia and ask them to do the most ridiculous things. How the school got an outstanding rating is beyond me.
This school is a farce, i am disgusted and disappointed with a certain member of staff. Miss Linda Davis is an evil wench and deserves to be removed from her mere position of receptionist in which she treats to be a higher power then Miss Hatersly herself. This woman must be removed A.S.A.P as she abuses power that she does not have.
most teachers are pretty decent but like always there are a few who will abuse their power a bit too much but nothing terrible. handles bullyings terribly and spends more time telling pupils off for minor things. other than that tho its pretty decent
A great secondary school for academic achievement but poor home communication and poor online learning. Teachers can sometimes be hard to reach and bullying is dealt with poorly but many teachers are great at their jobs and are good at helping you through the course.
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