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Mar 5, 2025

Good school

Good school, daughter is happy and doing really well in all subjects. Teachers are excellent.
Former Student
May 17, 2024

so bad

very rascit school,doesnt actually care about the kids sends alright behaved kids to different schools(harmonize,kings pheonix) without genienue reason if your black/mixed and bad behaved you get sent to a naughty school whne i coild name a few white non autitisc kids that get away with so much to a unfair point COUGH COUGH amelia grace malone but kids with actual stiff wrong with them get punished when they dojy know any better this is utterly ridiculous and nearly every single teacher espesically slt should be sacked and not aloud to teach again. do better st julies you big firm of nonces live laugh hate saint julies catholic high school
Aug 27, 2023



genuinely such a bad school,rubbish everywhere stinks everywhere such snotty people such a shithole.
May 16, 2023


Bullying is rife and the girls are horrid. The teachers do very little in the way of support. My daughter was bullied and attacked by class members whilst in front of a supply teacher. I called the police. The police said they can't do anything other then send a local officer to the school to have a word with the bullies. I was told it's up to the school to decide the punishment, which in this case was nothing. I have no idea what happened after that as the school does not keep you informed or updated. They prefer you just to go away and pretend bullying does not happen as they are more worried about their Ofsted grading than their pupils. I used to have a very confident young daughter who had a lot of friends at her primary school, and now she is by herself most days because the kids are that horrid. She hates going to school and I feel guilty sending her in. Don't send your daughter there unless your daughter is a bully where she would fit in beautifully. One star given just because it's local to us. Otherwise I wouldn't have touched this place with barge pole! My biggest regret was choosing this dump as her first option senior school. My daughter is still being bullied. You have been warned!
Apr 27, 2023


your not aloud your phones at break,not aloud to phone parent/career,unless these bougie ass teachers can pay for it then don’t take it off them!!!!!
Apr 27, 2023

Staff and teachers

miss rooney should certainly not be a teacher,my child came home crying because of that evil human being.
Dec 23, 2022

Don’t go

Racist skl that’s all I can say not punishing racists for discriminating hijabis and having teachers giving dirty looks at them causing a year7 girl to leave the school
Dec 23, 2022

Don’t come here

Disgraceful how you treated the poor girl also not punishing the racists she’s left because of you teachers giving her and other hijabis dirty looks
Dec 23, 2022


Plain and simple racism
Aug 4, 2022

St Julie’s high school

This school is lucky to get one star . My daughter just finished year 7 and now has been removed from st Julie’s as the bullying is awful . My daughter had continued to be bullied even though I had been up to see teachers on a number of occasions nothing had been done . My daughter had no support whatsoever from st Julie’s. Year 7 head attitude is disgusting very unprofessional as a head of year teacher. I would strongly advise to anyone Who’s thinking of this school for there daughter to reconsider.
Jul 15, 2022

Bad school

Wouldn’t send my daughter to this school . The year 7 head attitude is disgusting very unprofessional. Bullying is awful and the school doesn’t know how to deal with it . I definitely wouldn’t recommend this school at all
Jun 14, 2022

It's torture there

The only reason I chose the school was due to a majority of my friends going there, I do not recommend the school as they do not care about their students; they are very strict and most of the teachers are horrible. I haven't really learnt much and my mental health has been getting worse. I once had really bad period pains and I ended up crying and wanting to curl up in a ball on the floor, they wouldn't send me home and they didn't do anything, the most I got was a bottle of water. The school only really care about the money and the reputation not the students themselves. Most of the students are horrible and it is hard to find decent people to talk with. The school has a strict policy that doesn't allow you to use your phones but some students do not follow this rule (the younger years) they enjoy taking bad pictures of people and the school does nothing about this. The food isn't great and neither are the people. My mental health hasn't been great as I have been miserable, I no longer enjoy the things I used to, school has done fuck all about it.

Overall I don't recommend this school and my whole time was like torture, everyday I say to myself 'why can't this day go any quicker, can we just go home there is no point in being here.' I am stuck and there is no help. I don't like school but I just have to get over it. I wish I went to a different school but it doesn't matter I'll get over it. The only enjoyable thing is my friends and a few of the teachers. The younger years think they are better that everyone else, I am glad that my time there is nearly over.
Jan 19, 2022

Not that bad

Not that bad of a school, some teachers shout a lot but don’t rlly get enough education I think there should be more teachers to help people learn but in everything else very good
Sep 21, 2021


homophobic !!! straight people are apparently allowed to hold hands but gay couples are not
Jun 9, 2021

shit school

such a shit school. i’m in year 10 and there is constant shouting from the teachers, i’ve suffered from mental health while in this school an the teachers don’t do fuck all for you i don’t even know why i chose it as a first option in primary that was a stupid idea, i hate all the teachers there and as soon as the bell goes on my last day of year 11 i’m running out the school as soon as i fuckin can it’s that bad. all the teachers don’t even notice you’re going through something and put no effort in at all to help you that’s why people struggle especially our head of year everyone is just horrible and i hate the uniforms they’re uncomfortable. in year 7 i actually thought this school would be sound but it’s not, every girl in the school is a bitch and they bully everyone. i couldn’t name one nice person in my school it’s ridiculous and still can’t get it on my head that people stay in that shithole of a school for six form it baffles me😂
Jun 8, 2021

Not good

The school does nothing for when your going through something, when I was self harming a teacher found out about it and told my head of year they didn’t once come to find me to try and talk to me, just went on about how i coloured my hair, at this time I was going through the loss of someone so life was already hard enough. Also they lock all the toilets so we aren’t allowed to go and the only one open is the one downstairs which is only allowed to be use if you have a medical condition which I feel is disgusting as we are an all girls school
Jun 8, 2021

Not good!

The school do nothing for you when your going through something, when I was self harming a teacher found out and told my head of year and she didn’t once come and find me to talk about it just went on at me for having coloured hair I was going through the loss of my grandad at the time so life was hard enough. Another reason it is poor is even though it’s an all girls school all toilets are locked and we aren’t allowed to use the downstairs ones (which are the only ones open) unless we have a medical issue which I think is disgusting.
May 10, 2021

Awful place

Absolutely disgusting school. My daughter suffered for over a year in that place due to bullies. School do not care. Awful school. Best thing I did was removing her. Children with mental health issues are pushed aside. Horrendous place
Feb 24, 2021

Not A Good School

The food is at a poor quality, they don't give you full meals leaving you hungry for the full day. You cant even get water in the morning. They also lock the toilets during lesson times, even if your on your period and ask a teacher if you can go to the toilet they will be like "you should've went at break" I have also been told to take out my box braids when they were of a natural hair colour. Some teachers are racist like I would be walking with some my friends and the teacher would just tell me to take stuff off and not me mates. Also I have been sat next to someone in one of my lessons and she literally bullys me and the teacher does nothing and wont move me away from her.
Former Student
Jan 10, 2021


Excellent school !! Couldn’t do enough for me. I have had the best experience and there are so many ways to get involved. Brilliant school with great teachers and facilities ! Always someone to go to if you need to. Loved it !!
Former Student
Dec 9, 2020

Not good!

Made my mental health worse than it was when I started. Dealt with self harm by telling my mum I’m attention seeking and that she has to check up on me every five minutes. Sent me into lessons during panic attacks and made me sit audibly crying at the back of this year 8 class when I was in year 11 when I was in so much pain, had to message my mum to come get me because they refused to call her. You could literally be throwing up and they’d say it’s lunch so what’s the point in going home. Left st julies with so much more trauma than I started with and they clearly picked favorites.
Former Student
Nov 20, 2020

made me want to die

had my mental health and physical abuse from home ignored by this school. the "councillor" is compleatly incompetent, they sent me and other girls back to lesson during panic attacks, and they made a big deal if me taking a week off to recover from my suicide attempt that honestly wouldn't have happened if I got the support I needed. oh and I got called slurs regularly by students that teachers where fully aware of and did nothing. the pe teacher forced a girl to take her hoodie off during lesson despite knowing she had problems with self harm, it was entirely to humiliate the girl.

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