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Mar 7, 2025

Not good education system

The staff do not have their priorities in the right places they care to more about students appearance rather than the students wellbeing and their education.
Feb 26, 2025

Not great leadership

It's very average at this school, too many children , school teaching quite odd . The headteacher is never seen, and some of the weird assembly lessons he has given one calling Donald Trump a racist is totally out of order. My son don't really get anything half decent to do for home work. Maths which is in my eyes top of the list nothing! He has spent some time on homework for teachers not to even ask for it, which is deflating and far from encouraging. Teachers off sick a lot so supplies which are useless. And to me seen as we are hot in mental health these days a lot said to freak kids out. I wish had more control over this but raised I got slapped down as of I was over reacting. If my child comes home feeling low after a lesson then in my eyes the teacher has not done a good job. It's all messed up over here brain washing young minds. No wonder a lot of kids a struggling.
Oct 5, 2024

Rough horrible school

I am a good student who loves learning but some classes and supply teachers in there let people mess about in one of my classes with an actual teacher there were most students chucking paper airplanes and were fighting before the bell went. I was horrified and was very stressed out. Second of, they say they have good pastoral leader care but my mum went to a meeting about my mental health because they didn’t put anything in place the first day back in year 10. I came home crying my eyes out and I didn’t want to go back again so I didn’t. They say they have good mental health support but no the sen staff don’t even listen when I told them I was worried about something they completely ignored it and said it wasn’t w big worry. Third off I had bullying there were people hassling me at lunchtime forcing me to do stuff I didn’t want to do a group of 7 girls. I felt uncomfortable and unsafe and I wasn’t being listened to anyway so I didn’t tell anyone. I have a fair good amount of friends but I think most people in that school are rough and out for trouble. I’m austic and really struggle. I even dread going out now sometimes because I’m really worried I might see people that were horrible to me. Then, they keep changing groups every year with no signposts in advance. Year 7 and 8 we stayed in tutor groups but than year 9 we switched to learning groups. Year 10 is shocking what they done they have 2 sides of the school in tutor groups but in year 10 they dumbly mixed the 2 sides of the school together and did a whole new side of the year again with the 1s mixing in with the 2s then they dumbly put some people on one side of the school then some people on the other side. Didn’t even tell me when they knew I had poor mental health in year nine. They say go to lunch club but you get idiots peering through the window laughing and I still had this weird girl hassling me. Don’t go this school if your a sen student all your get is poor mental health and hardly any adjustments. I wouldn’t recommend this school to anyone who struggles with mental health they act like your fine when your not. There very bullish and they call you liars if you do raise a concern or they just say your fine. It’s not good I would not go there now even stepping through those gates is a struggle to me now . I’m sorry if your planning on going here but I would think again if you are going to.
Jul 13, 2023


My sweet boy just likes cricket and gets picked on would not recommend this school class rooms are bad desks are dirty and teacher don't listen
Nov 8, 2022

Worse than jail

Such a horrible school ran by lazy staff who don’t care about the children they are teaching!! They don’t care about mental health!! They are extremely strict I.e not aloud to wear your coat in doors or even hang it on a chair! They send students to isolation for bare minimum things even when your in yr 11 and meant to be studying for GCSEs. The teachers are mostly vile who get a kick out of picking on children and making their life’s miserable. The communication skills are dire, I would never said any child there
Former Student
Aug 24, 2022


Idk what to title this

This school only cares about Atendance and Uniform. I did gcses here (yr7-yr11) it was horrible, they would rather you be in school when ill, they don't care about the mental health of their students, I am glad to get away from this school. The policy on bullying is just to tell the victim to ignore it/ deal with it. I had to deal with homophobia and transphobia at this school. The teachers didn't care and allowed it to happen.
I never ate the schools food as I've always heard about how bad it was.
The school can't deal with anything they'd rather get the students to do it themselves.
The water fountains are always full of old food and stuffed with packets making them unusable.
Most of the teachers are low key sexist and homophobic, many of them don't help the students.
The teachers and substitute teachers aren't well educated on illnesses like diabetes.
The only good thing I can think of about this school is the school library, but even the library could be better.
The Lgbtq+ club got so much attention that the homobic people in the school would started looking into the room to pick people to bully for it.
The teachers never allow students to use the bathroom during lessons and say that we must go inbettween lessons but then other teachers block them, bettween lessons meaning students cannot use them.
The schools attitude to cleaning the science labs is horrible, on my last day of school I was in science and it smelled like the Room was moulding. One of the boys decided to lift the cover on the sink it the middle of the classroom and discovered moulding food. It was actually a running "joke" with the teacher that they never cleaned the classroom floor. Which I proved as I left a pen on the floor in a place that should of been cleaned and it stayed there for 2 weeks.
The security was apparently so poor that they couldn't open up the backgate which alot of people would use.
The school is bad with communications.
I was also told by many teachers that if we were to do anything bad after/before school hours to take off the school uniform so others wouldn't be able to pin it to the school.
One year I got told off for having half the day off for being ill because it was "unauthorised" though it was the school that sent me home. And the teacher that told me off was the teacher who's class I was ill in.
And the toilets were nearly always unusable either because they had been blocked or because there was no toilet roll
Sep 3, 2021

It's ok to a degree

The school doesn't sort out bulling issues properly and the school does nothing about homophobic or transphobic comments made by other pupils. Not to mention the girls school uniform makes them feel uncomfortable and self conscious.
May 12, 2021


they tend to not sort out problems they need too but focus on the smallest pathetic things like uniform. the uniform is shocking and horrible makes the girls feel rubbish about themselves
Mar 26, 2021


It’s a really bad school they don’t deal with bullying at all they punish students for literally nothing and it’s so rough
Dec 7, 2020

Young g

Pretty good you know

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