I would never send any budding musicians to this college. Members of staff want robots and not students who think for themselves, they belittle and embarrass students all of the time and deny any wrongdoing. The courses are predominantly theory not the advertised performance practical, and marking is all over the place with some teachers giving out mark criteria and others withholding it until the end of the year. Organisation is terrible, with students not knowing what they are doing or when and class timetables get changed in favour of what a staff member feels like doing. There's zero consistency and some staff are just plain rude!!! Students are not reaching their potential unless they are favoured and this is made obvious to the entire population of students on the same course. After spending 2 years here there is absolutely no way I would recommend this horrible environment to anyone wanting to learn and move forward in a music related career.
My daughter was not supported with her anxiety
Yes her attendance was not 95% but she did the work and passed her mocks and yet she was told she would have to repeat year 1 because of her attendance
College only bothered with ticking boxes
Therefore she decided she could not carry on and left
I would not recommend Shrewsbury college
During my 3 years at SCG London Road, I found that there have been many incidents of poor teaching. Examples include: Bullying, Poor mental health support, unorganised teaching and planning, unsatisfactory help for students in general. I was upest and very disappointed by this behaviour and left me and others feeling worse for wear.
Horrendous collage honestly. If you have any issues be prepared for the staff to sweep it all under the rug! Was told I was stupid by several staff members and staff allowed some of the worst things to happen to me while I was under their roof. Ended up leaving the college because I became too mentally unwell after everything that happened here. If you think the staff care about the students, they don’t. I will forever hate this place and everyone in it with a burning passion that the staff never showed for their students 🥰
Some big problems with i’m guessing treating the teachers with general respect and I’ve had a lot of problems with the way they use teams. which very much depends on the teacher. It shouldn’t have such a big gap of your level of teaching depending on your teacher.
The teachers are generally good, very good biology department however absolutely AWFUL at pretty much everything else. I have had multiple issues and emailed student services in the past and just been completely ignored!! And we have just gone back to college this week 2 weeks later than everyone else in the country, and the teachers are going on strike because the college have cocked something up again!! So overall scg is a bit of a joke but the biology teachers are sound
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