I've had nothing but problems Since my dad had a word with the Headteacher at the start of year 7. My parents had decided to inform the teachers before I had even started school that I was going to go on holiday to see a family member who had recently been in a very serious accident. My parents wanted to do things the right way and inform my teachers rather than lying but it all blew up in their faces as we were fined for a week of absence. My parents were very unhappy as it was only a week out of school in year 7 and they had told them months prior. My dad organised a meeting with my Headteacher because he was absolutely disgusted with how the situation was dealt with. A few weeks after my holiday we got a fine and then found out from one of my close friends who was also in my year had got a holiday to Turkey authorised. Ever since this I have had nothing but problems like I am the black sheep of the school. As being repeated in the other reviews you are either a golden child and are favourited by the teachers or are bullied by them. However some teachers are lovely but the majority act like entitled children that are drunk on power I.e one of them demands to be called sir and although I have been brought up to respect my elders the only way you earn the title sir is by either being commissioned in the military or having a Knight hood neither of which I am sure any of my teachers have. The teachers deserve respect as does everyone however respect is earnt and not given which is not how they see it as they bring up every assembly to respect them even though some teachers belittle the students. One of my teachers also gets very angry if you don't get the answer correct which is absolutely disgusting as they are being paid to teach us so it reflects more on their teaching than us as students and they shouldn't belittle us for not understanding something that they have clearly failed to teach properly as then the students are less likely to ask for help in future out of fear of being bullied by the teacher. Another instance the other week was my Headteacher telling two girls who were out of lesson after the bell had only just rang "I'll be laughing when all you get is a five." which is absolutely disgraceful that he thinks the students should give him respect when he acts as if he is better than everyone. Another thing which I find absolutely hilarious is that the think they have the right to take basic human rights off you for "discipline" such as having to ask for the toilet, which yes I understand you shouldn't be going every single lesson multiple times for ages however 1 toilet break for 5 minutes is not going to effect us in the long run. Another rule that you have to follow which some of the nicer teachers let slide is taking your blazer off even on boling hot summer days when there has been weather warnings even outside you aren't allowed to take your blazer off. You have to ask to drink which is another basic human right which even prisons can't take from you. Also the teachers have one rule for them and another for us with our hair, makeup, jewellery and nails as you could be getting told off for having your hair an 'unnatural' colour by a bright pink haired teacher. I agree you shouldn't be able to go to school looking like dolly parton however they should do as other professions do and practice what they preach. It's strange how you can identify as a cat and demand a milk bowl in your class but you can't paint your nails a sensible colour. Some teachers also give you detentions just for your shirt not being tucked which could easily be accidental. Another thing which I find funny is you can be put in isolation a month after skipping a detention just because they had worse cases to deal with which at that point if you aren't going to put them in isolation the day after making a mistake don't do it because what is the point if you found it so insignificant you decided to make them wait a month to be put in. Also there is a 'head of year' which is technically pointless because unless you are stood outside the office bleeding out of your eyeballs they will tell you to go back to lesson and they'll come round to you which most of the time you have to wait absolutely ages if they even decide to come (speaking from experience where I'd been in so much pain I could barely walk so I had told my English teacher and she sent me to head of year only to be sent back by the Headteacher who was sending people back to lesson even after explaining to him). Another thing is they put you in isolation for having the "incorrect" shoes on so you miss out five hours of lessons yet when you have a day off for a medical emergency they look down their nose at you. The teachers also seem to think they have more of a right to tell you what to do than your parents which is comical when after we don't listen they call our parents for help. I think a lot of the teachers that use their little bit of power as a weapon don't have very good personal lives and have to take it out on us children to keep their little bit of dignity they have left. As I said before there are some absolutely lovely teachers however you can meet lovely people everywhere so in conclusion when I grow older if I were to have children I'd rather send them to battersea dogs home than scalby school.
ive had awful experiences already , i only started in September (year 7) and the teachers don’t care about you , or your mental health, the teachers are absolutely horrible , are the most strictest and will blame you for anything they can, if you try say that wasn’t you / your fault you get screamed at because it’s “disrespectful” they pretend to care when on the phone but never follow up with your requests, it’s a shit school please dont ruin your mental health by going here
tbh it's an alright school. I'm half way through scalby almost and it's alright. I struggle sometimes with my mental health and I don't feel like I can talk to them because all scalby care about is if your uniform is correct and you're getting good grades. If you're in the top two sets, you're forced to do French and they push you to do academic subjects, but if you're bottom two sets oh it's a completely different options list. It's not fair. some teachers are so mean and not understanding but some are kind. they're to strict. yes being strict is good in some forms but they are way to strict and have very very strict rules and blame people when they aren't doing anything and they jump to conclusions without even getting to share your thoughts. They mention EVERY assembly how we are in the top 20 percent of schools so that means your teachers are the best. and how we need to work hard to get a good job and good money things like that. All they do is put pressure on us to be in top set and when you are in top set you get pressured even more! The whole school system is messed up and at the end of the day scalby only care about your grades and the way you look. I do love the performing arts department though. I'm an individual who loves musical theater and I do alot of it and I love the teachers for drama and music. I really like a few teachers but some are just so strict, so for that it's a 3. soz scalby😍🤪
Never helped when issues occurred, only a few individual teachers did.
Found meat that had been spilt into vegetarian options, ridiculous school rules that just squash any sort of personal freedom including being unable to wear hair bobbles that were say pink, aka not black, hair colour or school colour blue.
Male teachers can tell you that your skirt is too short and to unroll it. Even in the dining hall in front of everyone and embarrass you completely despite the only issue being that your skirt rode up a little and you couldn’t pull it down as there was a dinner tray in your hands…
Did not make me feel safe or secure, despite all the good stuff that happened. I was a good student but I’d still get told off for things out of my control.
However, some of the teachers are absolutely amazing and wonderful people, this is not on them, rather the people running the school currently. The difference between the old leadership and current is night and day.
i had the worst experience, that’s all i’ll say. i had to get homeschooled, i got bullied by a few teachers, the list goes on. all i’m saying is don’t send your child here if they have mental health struggles because this school will not support your child. also, if you’re not academically ‘perfect’, you probably won’t have the best experience either. and if you are, then good luck, because they don’t have mercy on the top set students either.
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