As an individual who currently goes to this school, there’s one word. PAIN! Like why at 7 in the morning is the head teacher shouting “WELCOME MY SUPER TROOPERS!” Like bro I just wanna be gone! And the best part of the day is when I get to eat my flapjack! The flapjacks they sell are delicious!! And there’s this one guy who’s bullying everyone!
Teacher's have favourites and will let kids get away with homophobia, transphobia, ableism and racism they do nothing about bullying at all. The school treats disabled people horribly. Will give detentions to kids for stupid reasons.The mental help at the school is non exsistent. Removed a set of lockers without mentioning it.
Told lgbtq+ kid that they're not allowed to wear pin, and that they can't be lgbtq+ because they're "too young to know". Also don't handle bulling well at all
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