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Feb 24, 2025

School Review

I dont know what to say...

Broken doors (boys toilets)
Torn roof (precisley room 32)
Random stickers (FS1 window)
Graffiti (toilets)

Please fix
Feb 23, 2025


THIS SCHOOL IS TERRIBLE! I get IEU for NO reason. The people here are so weird and rude. I got into an argument with someone when I was not even the reason why it started.The girl i even argued with didnt even get into trouble, because "i took the first step?" i never took the first step towards the argument if the girl was the one who came up to me and starting arguing with me. RIDICULOUS! The deputy head teacher should honestly get fired. I got IEU for 1 day and IFTE at green lane for 2 days. While on the other hand, that girl didnt even get A SINGLE DETENTION? They handle behaviour at this school so strictly and UNFAIRLY. THE IEU TEACHER IS SO RUDE. im not even allowed to raise my hand to ask to DRINK WATER?? And whenever something bad happens to me and i talk to a head of year about it, I GET THE 1H DETENTION AFTER SCHOOL?? This is a joke! Going to this school is like a nightmare in reality. If you are planning to go to this school, please dont go to robert clack lymington because YOU WILL REGRET COMING. I feel free after transferring to a much more peaceful school.
Feb 18, 2025

Better than ASCS

Outstanding , I have found this experience amazing , one of the best schools in LBD
Feb 10, 2025

Secondary school/ 6th Form

The worst school I've seen in a decade!

This is the worst school ever! I chose this for my little kid in year 7 due to the close proximity to the house but the teachers... PE teachers are big bullies. More troubling the 6th form has no designated teacher for any of their subjects.

Most of the learnings are 90% self directed and 7% of the lessons carried out are after school hours. Lessons get cancelled at will, and children have to walk aimlessly from one site to another to attend lessons. Whilst off their regular sites, they are not allowed food in the canteen or anywhere in the school at break times.

All these afformentioned conditions put together are not good for any child's mental health. The school cannot even afford proper education resources but they are mostly concerned with building decorations..

What a misplaced priority! If I have my way, I will turn back the tide and send my 6th former kids to a different school. The teachers in this school are unschooled. They are a bunch of opportunist, uncivilised 'personas' and bullies! Its high time the local council and CQC wade into the matter.
Oct 15, 2024


this school is WAY to strict and they care abt the length of the skirts rather than education. One time I only forgot my frickin book and they gave me an hour detention which is the most stupid punishment for JUST forgetting ur book. The fights r fun to watch tho
May 9, 2024

Year 7

Bad teachers

I had a fight with a white person I got IEU 2 Days and the white person went unpunished. RACIST TEACHERS.I had another fight and the guy told me to say"SORRY DADDY KING........."held me on my jumper and teachers came, I had lunch Detention but the guy did not get a lunch Detention.The RACIST teacher , I put my hand up to go to the toilet and the teacher said NO......
Feb 20, 2024

Senior staff incorporate their anti-Palestinian bias

School teachers incorporate their anti-Palestinian bias on students who use their right to freedom of expression:

The school has so far failed to discipline the Deputy Headteacher who wrongly interrogated a student based on his pro-Palestine stance, without an adult for him present, in a way which the student and his team see an Islamophobic approach.
Another staff member threatened the student be deprived of his right of his education, by forcing him to take off his Palestine badges else he cannot go to lessons, despite him using his right to freedom of expression within school policy and government guidance.
Jul 6, 2023

The worst fucking school in history

This school actually makes me wanna kms. The students are all fucking bullies, there’s fights almost every day, the PE teacher belong in jail, they over load us with work making our mental health drop - they lie about caring about us. I’ve been called multiple slurs, been called “useless” by teachers, and when you file a report? “Yea we Will talk to them” they get no punishment apart from a stupid 10 min talk. My friend was almost pushed down the stairs by an asshole of a girl and they did nothing to protect them. This school is ass.
Jul 2, 2023


This skl is so bad the teachers are too strict of little irrelevant things however completely ignore the important stuff they worry more abt ppl Lenth of skirts than education.
May 25, 2023

Childish teachers!!

My child was given an hour for being 2 minutes late form despite other pupils not given a detention for being late and had several breakdown school related yet she labeled as childish! Yet the teachers are the childish one and told my child to "come and fight them" ridiculous!!

Now transferring my child asap!!
May 25, 2023

Teachers or dictators?

Teachers are unbelievably stricts and gave my child an hour detention for being two minutes late to form, while her peers does get any. They also changes their rules if your twice in a week you get 1hr but now it if your even 1 second late. Absolutely disgusting. My head of year said "Come and fight me then" such a ridiculous statement as a teacher with a high positions. My child had several breakdown school related yet she labeled as childish.

Now I have to find a decent school for my child to transfer to in such short notice ridiculous!!
May 21, 2023


It’s rlly bad because the teachers are rubbish we don’t learn anything and we just get yelled at for the most dumbest things
Apr 13, 2023

Year 8 @ lymington

This school is a pile of flaming shit. I was bullied continuously and had told the school about it, they done nothing. I don’t learn anything and they have placed me in the wrong sets so I’m too low. They also made my target grades too low (3) as I am a smart kid and got really good scores on my end of year tests considering I had only joined the school in February of that year. I shouldn’t be getting that bad of a score and it is majorly affecting how I work and act in class. Not to mention the fact about how strict they are down to the hem width of your trousers. My English teacher extremely sexist and does nothing to help any of the boys expect her quote on quote ‘favourites’
Nov 24, 2022

Year 8

I hate it

Very stupid school I don’t like being here it’s very boring I want to leave pls
Sep 13, 2021

Whatever this is

Whilst I've been going here I agree with the fact the teachers egos are way above and going out of the ceiling . This one teacher for ***** keeps going on about how she has had experience for nearly idk how many years in every lesson and quite simply I do not like her. I'm falling in ***** and it's not even easy to ask for help. All these stupid one way rules that had us going around the building for an extra 5 min and then teachers shouting saying you're late. They dont follow the rules and they know why are late since we have to follow this rule .

Then they're wearing coats inside and if we are they give you detention or you'll get a shouting at from their loud mouths. In PE if you are fasting they simply do not care and will say the purpose of fasting is to experience what homeless people feel. No its not. Half dying here with no breath and u want to teach us what our own religion is about. What even?

I've been going suicidal for the past months and this is one of the main reasons. The problem is whether to tell my school or not or even my family. This state of depression isnt getting me anywhere and I dont even want to face the school anymore. How will I deal with this.

The fact you've built 3 separate buildings is cool and all but maybe put money into things we actually need like glue sticks and other supplies that I know personally some teachers have been buying out of their underpaid salary.
Aug 31, 2021

an authoritarian nightmare

i came here thinking it was the best school in the area. boy was i wrong. from under-experienced irresponsible teachers, to almost authoritarian rules that we were expected to abide by, i hated my time here. in year 11, we were forced to line up every single day in form order, in silence, to which we were normally screamed at by our head of year for around 10 minutes. sometimes the colourful nature of her language was kinda shocking to be used against a group of 15-16 year olds. honestly, i felt like i was stepping into north korea 5 times a week.

the food used to be quite palatable around 2016-early 2017, until of course, the old head teacher resigned and was replaced by our current one. then that too started to fall in standards. now our lunchtimes consist mostly of packaged high calorie snacks, god awful chicken wraps which have been pink inside many an occasion, greasy hot food from the freezer and sandwiches that contain almost half a daily allowance of sodium (i'm not joking). however these sandwiches are probably the most acceptable thing offered to us, most likely because they source them from someone that probably actually cares about feeding students, which is why about 15 go on sale every day... to feed almost 420 year 11 students. the amount of money fed into constructing pointless buildings and extensions, while some parts of the school suffer with such extreme dilapidation, it's a surprise some parts haven't already collapsed. all the money pumped into these "sucking up to ofsted" projects rather than making the school better for the students really says volumes about their ethics and priorities.

onto their response to covid-19, which of course, was abhorrent too. in march 2020, they began on a good foot and created google classrooms for each subject to act almost like a hub for students to reach their teachers for help, and a place that made doing homework much less stressful. this was until the following months when teachers continued to assign homework as regularly or even sometimes more frequently than they would in person. i personally had NO zoom online classes, but i was being assigned work as if i was. doing that for 9+ subjects threw me into a depression spiral that i was extremely lucky to crawl out from, but in true Robert Clack fashion, they didn't care. after a few months of telling them about how this lockdown was affecting me, they put me in learning mentors and assumed that was that. until they then decided to move me down a set in maths almost randomly, choosing to pull me out of my art class to pass the message to me, and then never giving any follow up. i had to personally pry to get any sort of explanation as to why i was moved down, the first reason of course being "lack of space in the classroom" and after a few weeks i finally was told that "my grades hadn't progressed as much as they should have", almost completely going against everything i had previously told them about my situation. the classroom i moved to was not good. a teacher that treated us simultaneously like babies and full grown adults, rowdy students, classwork that was insultingly easy for me further signifying that i shouldn't have been moved here and much more. in terms of our gcses, we were told 3 weeks in advance that we would be doing 5 weeks of exams. giving me almost no time per subject to deeply study before doing gcse papers i've had absolutely no prior experience with (as my year group didn't end up doing our year 10 mocks). this led to about 100x more stress than i personally needed that year and it's nothing short of a miracle i made it to the other side considering the lack of support and empathy from most teachers.

even on the basis of basic health and safety when returning to school, the response was abysmal. no emphasis of wearing masks until much later in the school year, minimal social distancing despite the hundreds of giant sickly neon yellow signs that stood ironically in some of the most crowded hallways i've had the displeasure of seeing (and experiencing), students being allowed to wear their masks (if they had them on at all) completely incorrectly as we sit shoulder to shoulder in unventilated classrooms. i also happened to notice that the lunch tables in the canteen are cleaned so irregularly that it's almost scary. as an experiment, my friend decided to leave a fairly big pile of crumbs on one section of the table, coming back after a few days and the crumbs kept in the same exact position. gross.

i can't even say their sixth form is any better. i for one haven't even gone back to school yet, and the amount of summer work i've been given for each subject is almost criminal. disguised as "bridging work" designed to "bridge the gap between our year 11 knowledge and the a-level curriculum." which i wouldn't have as big of a gripe with if it wasn't being shoved into my face in MY summer break, the few moments i have to destress from the hell of year 11, being once again ruined by Robert Clack and their desire to be so much more than they will ever be.

i could ramble on for much longer about the microaggressive staff that seem to feel the need to reprimand us for even the tiniest of things, or the lack of basic school supplies that teachers have to buy out of their own pockets, but i fear i would never be able to stop.
in short, this school has taught me nothing except that educators have to do so much better. i'm sure that the issues i've discussed aren't exclusive to my school, which makes everything so much more concerning. the normalisation of schools completely crushing the creative spirits of children, only to pump out burnt out, uninspired 18 year olds who have no clue what to do with their life... it's scary.

just don't come here please. don't raise their ego any more than it is.

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