
Based on 4 reviews and 28 answers
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Feb 26, 2025

Current pupil opinion (year9)

I think on the whole that this school is very good and has lots of positives. These include the amazing sport facilities at failand and the high standard of academic teaching that happens here. However the one main downside is the RP curriculum is very Christianity based and leaves little room for the other religions to be taught. As well as this, in my three years of studying RP we have not done one single philosophy lesson. It might as well be called R! Overall it is a great school with plenty of good things about and only one downside.
Feb 25, 2025

QEH current pupil opinion

This school is very good but let down by mainly two subjects maths and RP in maths the teachers are boring and yap too much in the same tone as well as the lessons 90% of the time being boring excluding the enrichment lessons. On to RP the teachers hold grudges for no reason and hate on people for no reason with their views and lessons being almost entirely with references to Christianity in a mostly religion neutral school. The sport staff half are nice half are rude.
Feb 25, 2025


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Apr 2, 2022

Great for people who enjoy misery

For context, this was written when I was nearing the end of year 11 here. I know it says primary school (which I didn't go to) but I don't care.

Sure, the academic side of this school is decent. However, Ms Fenner is the most apathetic, power hungry bastard in this school, and should be fired effective immediately. I and many others (perhaps even some teachers) agree that she does not deserve any form of happiness in life, as she refuses to let anyone around her enjoy their existence. I got an 8(A* equivalent) in an end-of-topic exam once, and she wrote, "Disappointing". She literally refuses to let anyone have any kind of break in her lessons, even if it's the last lesson before the summer, or any holiday, or if there is an exam that day she will not let you have even a second off. If she catches you not studying for even a microsecond, she will call you out for not working, and if you have finished the work, she will immediately tell you to revise for exams, regardless of when they next occur. Moving on, the school dinners are an embarrassment to the human race. They built an eyesore of a box in the dining hall, which takes up an obnoxious amount of space and limits the capacity of the hall. To add to this, the unimaginable amount of new pupils they are accepting into year 7 is outrageous, and this increase in population is crippling the older years as they take up so much space that could be used for other things. Also, they decided it would be a good use of money to improve Failand, a disgusting sports field with an even worse pavilion. The improvements didn't touch the pavilion, and instead added 3 tennis courts and 2 football pitches. The rest remains a simple field. This cost £2.7 million, for a few courts. Meanwhile, they continue to let us use 15 year old laptops which can take literally the entire lesson just to log in, and use outdated computers and classroom tools. This school normally costs £15,300 per year (unless you have a scholarship and are already smart, or a bursary), which is vile considering that extra fees for school lunches and trips can be applied. And with around 600 people in the school, they must be unbelievably rich but still refuse to use the money in useful ways. Instead, they spend it on a 4k 50" TV that simply displays the logo and a few statistics, to exaggerate their wealth when you walk in, or reducing access by adding 3 giant steps in 1 of the 2 entrances. To this day I cannot figure out why they did this, as it provides no purpose. Finally, some smaller issues I have with the school:
-unless you are insane enough to stay until the sixth form, it is only boys, which I am strongly against. This is great, but only if you are a gay male
--They advertise their diversity, and yet most people i see are white boys. I cannot think of a single teacher who isn't white
-The steps
-The bell is ridiculously loud, so loud that in some places they had to cover it in tape to quieten it
-There is no plant life whatsoever. There isn't a field for the Junior school to play in, only a brown, stone yard. There aren't any trees, any bushes, nothing. It is dead
--They take year 3 - 13. 11 years. The junior and senior school are in the exact same place. I cannot imagine being limited to this one building for my entire school career, and I feel sorry for the boys who have stayed for the entire 11 years.

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