Worst school ever. Filled with rude chavs plastered in fake tan, and if u slightly don't fit in or aren't super popular they will call u irrelevant and bully u. The boys are horrible to everyone as well. If u are neurodivergent DO NOT come here u will be bullied badly, which is completely ignored by the teachers. An autistic boy in my maths was bullied so bad by chavs and the maths teacher fully ignored it. Bullying is not dealt with, but if u wear the tiniest bit of jewellery u get stopped in the corridors, embarrassed in front of everyone and get it confiscated, even if it's expensive. Those kids also literally come into school high, and the school is literally falling apart. DONT COME HERE!!!!
Not great whatsoever I’m disappointed with 3 years spent there people who I very well know should be expelled are not and when serious issues arise it is dealt with in terrible ways eg. assemblies which honestly more make people laugh then reach them in any way at all anyway it’s absolute arse burn it to the ground
Not very good at all. Teaching staff are rude, they show favouritism and show no empathy for the students who have things going on. My daughter was bullied and nothing was done about it, apart from isolating her when she was not the problem.
A plethora of bad memories, one being my PE teacher telling me that “someone’s obviously had a good Easter” when being forced to share my bleep test score in front of the whole class in year 8 (2014) after dropping out of the test early due to having a panic attack. VILE
awful school i tell you, my daughter lydia is in year 10. one of the staff members (miss bolland) has been utterly RIDICULOUS!! she claimed my daughter was a thief saying she STOLE prime from miss bollands office. miss ferns another member off staff really didn’t help the situation. she claimed that lydia WAS ALSO A THIEF. i was shocked really as hazel ferne was sometimes a help when lydia was getting bullied. but oh no hazel has gone mad, i don’t know if her husband left or maybe she’s been getting no action but her behaviour OUT OF HAND I TELL YOU. don’t send your kids to this school hazel and tracy on the loose.
I go to the school and am bullied everyday. When you report it to the teachers, they say that they will do something but don't. It only gets worse. Bullies dont get told off and when they do get detention they act like they didn't do anything. I feel like the school just doesn't care about their students.
As an ex-pupil, I can honestly say that my years spent here were the worst of my life. There was a ‘hierarchy’ based on intelligence and popularity. I felt like nobody cared about me- the school were only bothered about the grades that pupils got! The handful of teachers that supported me throughout my time here were amazing, but the senior leadership couldn’t have cared any less about pupil wellbeing. It never seemed to click with them that happier, more supported students would achieve more! I really wasn’t surprised when I heard about the last ofsted rating either. The way I was treated by certain staff members was absolutely disgusting, and looking back now as an adult, I feel so so sad for my younger self having to put up with that. Unless you were a perfect A* student they didn’t care one bit. The staff member in question also probably shouldn’t be allowed to work with children either, I mean I wouldn’t want my child going on a school trip knowing that the teacher leading it had been arrested for drink-driving whilst on a previous school trip and also knowing that the same individual has a white powder history…
I was sexually assaulted at this school and I had to say sorry to my sexual assaulter. I got beat up by a boy and he received no sanctions. But when I said something back to a girl who was threatening me I got a c5. My mental health is bad. I asked for a well-being pass they blackmailed me and said they’d get me one if I signed a contract. I didn’t get a well-being pass. I have a hub pass and I’m not allowed to use it. Because my mental health isn’t getting sorted it’s getting worst and that leads to my anxiety and behaviour becoming worst. I truented, c5. I told a teacher to F off and she told me to F off back. Nothing happened. And I’m probably going to have to say sorry and I’m probably going to get the sanction. This school is awful. We’re going into the Laurus trust and it’s going to be 10x worst. All my favourite teachers are leaving and I’m losing it.
im a student at priestnall and its overall pretty average. school is old and falling apart, and the school cannot afford to fix it. this is also seen through the stationary, as teachers have to pay for glue and pens with their own money. the education itself is good, the teachers know what they are doing and they give you plenty of resources to use at home. however, the social side of priestnall isnt very good. if you have any flaws about you expect to be taken advantage of, wether thats being a girl, foreign etc. some of the kids, mostly boys, will make fun of you for it at least once. ive come to realise how bad some people can be in this school, and ive heard and seen some horrible things. there is a wellbeing room, but its often full and they arevery strict about who can go in as people go in there often, and who really blames them. i recommend this school if you dont have any flaws and will most likely become popular, and if you dont mind the school being a little run down.
This school should be under investigation or closed!
Bullies are welcomed and pupils who are bullied are silenced. No safeguarding and and protection from bullies at all. Preinstall does not bother about its pupils' safety or well-being at school. This school should be under investigation or closed!
(DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILDREN HERE) for there health and safety
Harassment,bullying,death is all I can describe this school as it's mortifying
Please take my advice and take your child out of this school immediately for there health and safety (mental health included)
If your child dies here it will all be swept under the rug, I can't believe it's still open
(DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILDREN HERE) for there health and safety
Harassment bullying death that is all I can describe this school as it's so disgraceful that this school is still an option if you want your child to fail and commit suicide then send them here
(Written by a student and a prisoner to bullying DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILDREN HERE)
i hate it here all the teachers are unbelievably strict on unimportant things like earrings and wearing coats they cannot focus on dtopping bullying and discrimination. In lessons i see people throwing gluesticks at people and being awful but the teachers dont give a shit. they just ignore it, but if your wearing earrings, its at straight C5 and a confiscation. I think some departments are good like I enjoy art and science but some are awful. Like the english department. I compared some on the things i wrote in yr6 to my cureeny standard it its gotten worse. Teachers are so uptight about the tinyest rules and when you ask for an explanation sbout it they say 'rules are rules'. Also the kids are so mean and disruptive like its taken a toll on me like i judge people now and myself and i hate it. like some people just love to hate people and it makes me so sad like why. like its not that hard to be nice and not be annoying af. and when i talked to a teacher ab it it was so awkward. they made it out that i was a 'little biy worried' it made me feel like a 3 yr old. i now come home after a rubbish day at schl to sit on my phone then go to bed for it to repeat sll the next day. but there are dome nice teachers and there are quite a few fun subjecs
I am now in year 10 and at first school was good in year 7 but it is terrible now. It’s like they don’t care as you start to get older. There’s a lack of GCSE choice and they don’t give all of us the same options which is stupid and not very equal. The teachers have got no time for us all, they always say they’re busy when they’re not busy. Some of the teachers are horrible like my cookery teacher she told me not to pick cookery as an option because i won’t pass it and it made me feel depressed literally. I wouldn’t recommend this school to anyone
As an ex student just left. I want to say what an awful place. One of the years I was there, there was a rat infestation. Boilers constantly broken, school was practically falling apart. I know they didn’t have much money but it’s a school, health and safety should come first. The teachers. I praise only a handful of them who actually made the time in school some what enjoyable, other than that majority of the teachers didn’t really bother. There was a lack of food for the whole school, sometimes ending up with no food for the lunch. Also, I personally think they need to relax a bit on rules. One year I got told my shoes weren’t allowed even though i spent £60+ and got them from the school isle, and the fact they were more worried about jewellery than your education and wellbeing is shocking. I didn’t enjoy my time at the school.
I find the school doesn’t challenge us enough and they don’t discipline those who are naughty. The majority of the teachers are rude and don’t want to help us in class and the remote learning has been stupid and if we ask for help then they say ask a friend instead.
What teacher stands there and watches a kid with a physical disability get beaten up then tries to intervene when another staff member does. They are not trained!
There is no bullying policy. I swear! They do nothing to stop the bullying or speak to the bully.
So what’s this about equality? What equality. They have favourite students. That’s not equality ! So if a student says they feel ill. They get sent to SLC. Well I felt ill and got told I’d be fine. I got made to clean the throw up off the desk let’s just say.
Food isn’t cooked properly! Frequently I’ve eaten food like chicken and been ill afterwards. Not to mention about the dinner lady’s! They’re rude!!
Alright some lessons are great like sociology and pe. But cookery for example. I can’t wait to go into a different tech. And I’ve heard bad things about cookery and science.
There’s this kid in my class who is sacred about doing lessons because of the pupils in our class. They’re so disruptive and the teachers do nothing to stop it and are never there for us!
The support is stupid. The tas are quite good though some of them but others are evil and are abusive with their words. There’s a kid that has a ta next to me in maths and I heard her say to him I am here to help you and if you don’t let me help you then your going in detention. That’s not nice. They’re there to support when needed not to be nasty. The N2 room is a mess and not a quiet space it’s like toy land at Christmas.
Current Student. One of the teachers purposely ignored me and my friends because we were asking for something he had previously said he would get, teachers don’t know how to control us, they don’t push us enough, teachers are generally rude. No packaging on food (had an allergic reaction that nearly cost me my life). Horrific with dealing with mental illnesses, virtually no support and they just watch you suffer. No support for students with learning disabilities. Bullying that they haven’t sorted out, despite it being reported numerous times. I’m hoping to transfer out of Priestnall either Christmas Holidays or next year.
i really dont like it there. the support system is okay,, the councilor hasnt really helped when my mum outed me to her but she has helped with other things. a lot if of the teachers cant even control the class and theres always a lot of litter around.
Not very good, there’s teachers that can’t discipline a class or even teach for that matter. All that they do if somebody does something is take them to the study centre then do it over and over rather than getting help for them until they can eventually kick them out giving them an easier job.
I am an Ex student and I hated it. The support system is over the top. I’ve gone from getting fails to getting top grade D** S now. This just shows that the support is worthless. The amount of nasty teachers at this school too, when I was in year 9 my technology teacher told me that I couldn’t use the sewing machines and constantly made me feel like rubbish. There is this teacher who obviously had mental difficulties because she made me stay on my own at lunchtimes and I actually sat and cried all lunchtime whilst she took all 4 of my friends away to do something else and when I tried to and asked to join in she told me to go away. We started study leave in March which was appalling and I calculated how many core lessons we missed out on before the exams! Came out with over 50 lessons for all 3 cores which is embarrassing. Not to mention how rude they are and have no control over the students. I’ve known students to be disrespectful and disruptive and nobody gives one and jokes around with them instead. Not happy and not reccomended. I loved school but looking back now I don’t know why I didn’t want to leave and glad to be out of there! Ridiculous place with a lot of crime. Not to mention the bullying! It’s hurrendous and the reason why it’s so bad is because the kids get away with it.
As for the displine! The study centre. Bad idea mainly because Kids aren’t going to learn their errors of ways. I was in there before and loved it so it teaches you nothing. The teachers never stick to the curriculum and hardly ever give out homework.
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