
Based on 2 reviews and 18 answers
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Jun 5, 2024

17 years and ashamed of my peers.

I am currently an S6 here. The learning techniques are bland and hardly memorable. It's unengaging and monotonous. Teachers deal with misbehavior poorly. The cyber-security budget is wasted, as they install a 1-star malware/spyware, poorly disguised as a school security extension "Securly". Due to Securly, the majority of educational content and resources are blocked. Anything rated above PG13, is blocked as well. Securly also tracks your live IP address, even on your home computer and mobile phone. It clearly violates COPPA and actively puts pupils in danger. Securly outright states that your IP address is public information to anyone on the web. Spoiler alert, IT'S NOT! There is clear evidence many of their claims are false and they sell your encrypted, personal information. The program significantly slows the chromebooks, taking far more processing power than the entire browser does. It's a very clear sign of malware. You can't even view YouTube comment sections and it makes the YouTube page reload several times before you can watch the video. Securly stores your encrypted, personal details and not only sells it, but has also experienced several data leaks and continues to ave said leaks on a regular basis. The moment you install this program, you may as well post your full name, address, search history, files, emails and passwords to every platform on the internet. The cyber-security of this school is abysmal. I have written descriptive emails to the highland multiple times. I once received a response, saying the message was forwarded to the appropriate individuals. One month later and nothing has changed. I send another email and this time I receive no answer at all. Swept under the rug after detailing about the security weaknesses and issues. Instead of investing in adequate and noninvasive security systems, they instead use it to purchase 3 houses in the same location. They put up such an image about how they care for their students and their opinions, but they really don't give a single shit about their students. The only time they answer is when legal action is threatened. They say they pride themselves on communication. EA and SONY have better communication with their audience than this school does. I've been here for years and it only gets worse and worse. They even blocked CROSH, the built-in program for Chromebooks to do system diagnostics. Now you can no longer ask the Chromebook what's wrong with itself. They know nothing about cyer-security and refuse to listen to anyone else unless it means a fat stack of cash. Securly is facing several lawsuits and the school actively supports Securly's practices. Not only putting themselves at risk of legal action but also constantly posing a threat to the safety of pupils. Securly has the audacity to claim it has saved "more than 2000" lives. They provide no evidence of this whatsoever, just spouting out whatever buzzwords the administrators want to hear. PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! DO NOT COME TO PORTREE HIGH SCHOOL! You'll have better luck with homeschooling than you will here! When you use your school email, at no point do they ever tell you that it will be terminated when you leave. I have a friend who left school and they lost access to their Steam account, worth hundreds of pounds, and lost access to their bank account too. They don't tell you it is terminated. They should make that a very clear point and tell you not to sign into anything else using it. The vandalism here is also very common. Entire bathroom doors and walls have been stolen. Bike tires are constantly slashed. The average score on tests and exams continues to drop every year and the school does nothing about sexual harassment. You can't walk ten feet without having someone grab your cheeks. They do nothing to stop this. Even if you lock your things in the lockers, expect it to be stolen anyways. The cyber-security is by far, the worst issue. It constantly poses a threat to the safety and privacy of students, allowing stalkers, creeps and cyber-criminals, an easy way to endanger students. It also blocks PG13 and above content. Making courses such as criminology very difficult to do as the information is blocked. Even the word "horror" is a blocked word. Your identity is not safe and neither are that of your family. The staff always have a "holier than thou" attitude and opinion. They rarely care for your opinion. Closed-minded totalitarianists, stuck in their ways and outdated.
Oct 30, 2022

Shit 😕

Teachers might have well got an F in all of their exams. other students are complete an utter judging arseholes
Viewfield Road, IV51 9ET, Portree
01478 614810

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