some teachers are nice but as a student would highly not reccomend this school unless youre kids are bullys as the school are great at letting bullying slide :(
Yes, it was bad to begin with. It has turned itself around. Coping well seeing as so many teachers left last year. However behaviour isnt the best in the years 7-9. I've done well though and it's been pretty alright. Basically, it's not as dreadful as the other reviews make it seem. Not that bad. Good, maybe. Maybe.
the students first of all are so disrespectful and nothing gets done about it because the teachers can find them ‘funny’, even if they’re racist and homophobic
the school says they care about mental health but realistically they do absolutely nothing about it. for example if ur in the queue for mental health counselling u dont hear from them even after a year. they dont care.
also personal development classes do not teach us almost as much as they should
additionally the reception who runs the phone etc is so unorganised. if someone calls them for something important, and the reception says they will call them back, they never do
there are two queues for the galley and it is always so packed. you have to wait so long to get food then you have no time to eat it
kids’ mental health goes ignored until they start being badly behaved
however the teaching at this school is most of the time quite good and i learn a decent amount of things going to this school mostly
I am a staff member at this school and the lack of respect I get from the staff is appalling. The way I get spoken to on a daily bases is disgusting. Please do not get a job at Plymstock school if you want to keep your happiness and mental health. Can't wait to leave the workplace.
most of my teachers aren’t bad at all, however there’s this one geography teacher who literally makes me dread going to his lessons because of how rude he is. once, he swore under his breath and because i sit right at the front, i could hear it. apart from that it’s not really a bad school and the teachers do their job well but there’s just certain teachers who have to ruin it😭
Dreadful school - it needs an inspection it is failing SEN children and sending them to RTE rooms thus breaching the Education Act and the Human Rights Act.
Too large, too chaotic, too inconsistent and some dreadful teachers.
Honestly they make it out to be amazing but it sucks it’s boring and the rules are super strict compared to what they used to be and there are teachers ever Constantly and they are so annoy With tests
There is a lot to say about this school. Many areas are really awful, in my experience many of the teachers in the English department couldn't care less about your health, I once had a teacher email me asking for my homework whilst I was lying in a hospital bed - they genuinely only care about the grades. The maths department is a mix, from all of the teachers I have had they are all lovely however, whether they can teach is a different question. Maths teachers are either brilliant at teaching or really quite awful. The science department is also pretty similar, although I have found that it is generally only the physics teachers who cannot teach there, as nice as some of them are. The PE department's a bit of a lucky draw when it comes to how you will experience those lessons but the facilities are pretty good. The school has quite a lot of great gcse options like business, health and social care, photography, computer science, drama and music. The performing arts at this school will forever have a place in my heart. The teachers made me who I am today, they've given me the confidence I needed to be where I am and really allowed me to see the talent I really have. Every year there is a show and it is the greatest thing about being a part of plymstock school. I have spent five years at Plymstock and completed four shows (covid stole one from me) and nowhere else in my life have a felt a better sense of community and belonging than I did during these times. It's a family. It took me a really long time to feel a part of this school, but I can say that thanks to the help of the music and drama department I finally feel like I have a home.
This school does have its ups and downs and while generally nothing gets done about bullying, racism and homophobia it is possible to feel like you belong. From what I have experienced at Plymstock, if you are being bullied you should handle it yourself, it may seem daunting but it is the only way something will get done about it and you will feel so good about yourself because of it.
So yeah, plymstock my not be the greatest place but in the five years I have spent here I've made lifelong friends and created a bucket ton of core memories. It's safe to say that I will be sad to leave it behind in a few days.
Don’t care about racism and homophobia despite all the shit posters everywhere. Don’t care about mental health either. None of the teachers care about you, the only thing they care about is your stupid uniform and making money. They don’t care about bullying either, I’ve been bullied for the last year and nothing has happened, they turn a blind eye. If you want to go to a good secondary school LOOK SOMEWHERE ELSE FFS.
This school has made the last couple years the worst years of my life. It caused my mental health to hit an all time low, and none of the staff do anything to help. All the school cares about is grades. They do not care about the students. They put on a facade of a school who cares deeply about their students, but when i was at my lowest and needed support they did nothing. A lot of the time, the teachers take weeks off with no explaination, and we are left with cover work which wastes time and cover teachers who teach us nothing. And the school handled covid awfully, but I guess most schools did. Overall, I cannot recommend this school. I know its a given that school years are the worst years of your life, but this is ridiculous.
The school is okay on the outside. Me and my siblings all went to this school and I will tell you now, it was the worst 5 years of my life. There is no middle ground, you're either good or you're not. There isn't any place to go if you feel unsafe or down mentally and half of the teachers are homophobic and just plain rude. All they care about is you getting grades and if you're not meeting those standards, oops looks like you've got to attend mandatory after-school sessions. But what happens if you don't? You get a detention. The ready to learn system is terrible. I knew kids that got sent there because they liked it. A full day inclusion unit with all the roudy kids isn't a good idea. Also, they do not manage the students very well. As someone who suffered with selfharm and an eating dissorder, my Teachers checked up on me by pulling me out of classes and making me show them I was eating/not self harming. My head of year was homophobic and if you're in the older years you have nowhere to sit at lunch or during break. You have to walk around which wasn't allowed if you had hot food from the canteen.
But I can say something good about this school, once you're in the school, it's okay, yeah you've got all the crap about those teachers and stuff but at the end of the day it's school. It doesn't matter if you have friends or not, if you're good or bad. It isn't going to matter in 60 years time on your deathbead. Personally for me, it was the worst years of my life. But some people thrived and I don't know, maybe that's why they're considered good. Oh and the food from the galley was actually really good. I do reccomend the cheese and ham panini's and the hot wraps.
After hearing stories about other local schools, I'm glad to say Plymstock is better overall. Of course there's always room for improvement, but I enjoyed going to school there.
Such a bad place. This school might look decent and claims to be great but trust me it’s really not- the reason people believe it’s so good is because all this school focuses on is image, how the public/parents see it, and reputation- everything else really doesn’t matter to them as long as the school looks good and people say it’s good then they call it a day. Most of the teachers don’t care at all about kids mental health, they say they do but when a problem comes across they either shut it straight down or ignore it. A good chunk of the teachers single out and pretty much bully kids that they don’t like for whatever reason and make them feel horrible for nothing. I’m not saying it’s all teachers in here but it’s most of them. Don’t send your kid here you’ll regret it
Some teacher aren't great but otherwise evryhing is pefect, struct rules help guide you later in life, inclusive teachers, that do a lot about bullying, I know as I experienced it myself. Great enviroment and super fun lessons. I do not know what the other people are talking about. TEACHER DEFINUETLY DO NOT SWEAR THAT IS JUST THE BIGGEST LIE I HEARD.
the learning at this school is ok but some of the teachers are nasty! they say they don’t tolerate bullying but let bullies get away with it, and there’s only about 3 teachers at that school that care about the students well being and mental health. and one of them don’t even work there anyone! i will never forget the support i received from that one teacher but when they left and another one took over, they did not care about my mental well being one bit and always had a look when i had a visitor to help me with my mental health and my actual health! they’re rules are stupid and far to strict now!
Says to be a good school...well i disagree. The teachers are nosy old bats who get involved with every ting nowt to do with them. Oh and swearing and bullying comes from teachers!!!
Where to start, the teachers are just plain rude, don't really care about your mental well-being, the students are horrible, so rude, bad mannered, it's a disgusting ground full of litter, the toilets are so dirty. Their anti-bullying campaign is so bad, if your getting bullied at this school it's best to handle it yourself, the teachers won't do anything. Would never ever recommend this school to anyone!
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