The school bever followed my ehcp rules. They are not inclusive and they do not stand up against bullying. Loads of vaping and vandalism and the teachers treat the students so unfair. Awful school don’t go
Perins school,
this school is alarmingly wasting money on unreasonable projects, yes the drama productions are good and give students an opportunity to express themselves but
the production have been sending the school into debt every time. Not every student likes to participate in creative arts and are suffering the consequences on their interests E.G. arts, photography and even being a sports school the facilities are degrading in quality. The gym and equipment used is old and breaking, and yes I know it is because of students but the could at least spare some. Not to add the special education help is next to nothing, unless you are specifically disruptive or low functioning. I'll give this school a 3/10 being generous
Dont come here! The school itself is pretty bad, its not clean at all, buildings are a state. So much drug, vape and sex issues. Teachers dont help with any problems, they will talk to you about it and make a plan to help and say it will be sorted for the beggining of the following week but nothing ever gets done. They say that you never spoke to any member of staff about your situations when you did just to get you in trouble. Education is so bad like actually get teachers that can teach not ones that dont have a clue what they are doing. Teachers swear at the children sometimes even over minor issues. The students go around stealing things from people too. The school website makes the school seem really good when in reality its the worst. Just stay away from here.
Education is alright, not the best but average. All the teachers care about it uniform. Mostly skirts, shirts & blazers. They don’t care about your mental health. They will care if you are going to the school with mental health issues but after a while, they couldn’t care less about you. Lots of vandalism & vaping. Kids are a nightmare. Bullying is so bad. They just get you to write about what happened then wont talk about it ever again. Dish detentions out like sweets. Most of the teachers are rude and if something happens they won’t let you have a say in any of it. Hate the school, think twice before coming here.
-A handful of good teachers
-More Inset days + 1 week extra off during October half term
-Cannot help with any form of mental health issues
-I once vomited and they just said it was "emotion related"
-Overpriced food
-Will refuse to let anyone use a toilet during any period, only letting you use it during lunch/break yet most toilets have been locked due to vandalism
-Toilets are disgusting to use (Vapes in toilet, Food in toilet, Unflushed Faeces Left in toilet, Batteries Left in toilets ect;)
-Toilets are flooded with Y9-11's Vaping Basically making a school Nightclub but instead of smoke machines it is vape clouds
They are horrible at dealing with people that suffer with mental health issues and most of the teachers will be unfair and have favourites! I get they have a lack of teachers but at least try an employ some good ones instead of ones that don’t know how to teach
I have allergies and, after a meeting with the head chef, my food is all cooked separately to avoid cross contamination. I owe a lot to my tutor, the chefs and all the tech teachers. Almost all of the teachers are awesome, there’s just one or two teachers that aren’t the best.
this school is terrible and the head teacher is oblivious of what goes on in this school. the bullying doesn't get dealt with as it should. the school fills the students and parents with falls hope and we get shut down when we ask for help.
this school doesn't do anything about bullying and the head teacher is oblivious to the problems and nothing gets done. i know this because i am going threw it right now.
school does nothing for their students. they simply do not care about our mental health and education. all they can give a damn about is our uniform mainly skirts and blazers. it doesn't matter if your sexually harassed, bullied physically or called homophobic slurs (all of which happen to me on a daily basis) the school will just give you a stupid piece of paper to write down what happened and then proceed to never talk about it again. they neglect their students right to be "safe" and "respected". also the school also don't alert you of personal things you have the right to know about, for example for an entire month the school has not told me about my adhd referral when they should have immediately. they are lucky my deadline for the referral is October.
As a past STUDENT looking back the head teacher really messed up the school. Sadly, he is very focused on the image of the school, so much so it goes against focusing on the education, and he still is doing the exact same thing there. What I am about to say is a FACT not an opinion. While I was at school, he decided to buy a lot of TVs to put on the walls to display various things like quotes and videos when people visit. He decided to do this when there was multiple problems, one being the sewage on Eliot (a building) which exploded in the art room and ruined students artwork. Also a drip which never got fixed in the middle of the hallway which I hope was only water. Also while being there, there was a ridiculous focus on the uniform. I understand that people need to wear the right uniform, however still in 2022 In a heatwave of 29c he is forcing boys to wear trousers. In my opinion, and a lot of parents on Facebook, that really is worrying. And more, he sends people home if they don't want trousers. Denying there right to stay cool is one thing, but disrupting their education for a perfectly reasonable thing to wear in that heat really shows the priorities. Once I got a call home and taken out a lesson for wearing a white sock.... Luckily a lot of teachers I had were really good, and you could tell some of them maybe didn't agree so much with the head.
teachers are either overworked or really bad at their jobs. massive smoking, vandalism and theft problems. blatently gave up on current year 11 and 10. won't fix anything. toilets are rank. leadership is shocking and a waste of space, clueless about problems and ignore the ones brouyto them in favour of uniform 'crackdowns' which have never worked once in 5 years of me being here. buildings are crumbling. some staff are lovely and save it from being completely horrible.
Education is pretty okay. Got us through gcses alright i guess. However their actions towards bullying specifically surrounding homophobia and transphobia is utterly shocking. Apparently has gotten vaguely better since i left, but while i was there we had transphobic teachers and therefore students were even worse as there was awful punishment. this made the learning environment awful. Everything else was fine and as you expect of a secondary school, none of them in the hampshire area are much better. But the experience i had with the students and the staff was not great at all and ruined my secondary school experience. plus staffed seemed more focused on students meeting an original grade prediction and after you met that they stopped pushing you to go further because it had ticked a box on their list to make them look good because we had met what they said.
we got told by a member of staff that our skirts have to be long so it won’t distract the male staff. that is extremely alarming, but there’s nothing we can do. the toilets are disgusting, the buildings are falling apart it’s not a good environment to be in.
Left this school during year 8. The leadership team are a waste of oxygen. People smoked down the end of the field every day. Quite a few teachers left in the 2 years I was there, from what I heard they got fed up of the people above them pretty quick. Seemed quite toxic for the staff to work there. Oh and if your bullied or have problems with other people, nothing will change. They don't fix anything.
Some of the staff are really nice and supportive, but some are just downright cruel. Also the skirt rule is so stupid how about teach the boys and teachers not to objectify young girls instead of making us wear skirts that make us look like nuns.
They help you with your problems and they give u advise. They have good rules and they stick to them. Overall it is an amazing school and it is rlly good.
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