My main issue is that lot of kids of all years vape on (very crowded) school buses, which is annoying and just needs to be sorted out but no one really cares. A handful of teachers are okay but the majority are awful to be honest, getting cross at people for not putting your hand up, even though it's supposed to be a "no hands up" school!! The only lessons that are fun are science (because you get to do practicals (occasionally)) and pe, in which teachers can be really really nice or really really strict/angry. Food is great and the dinner ladies even serve ice lollies in summer, which is definitely a plus. Many people use compasses to pierce the lids of fizzy drinks and mess around - which is fun for them, but not when they spray other people and they're covered in horrible, sticky stains for the rest of the day... Gum is a HUGE problem at Pensby, on the underside of almost every table in every classroom has still sticky or old, solidified gum stuck there, which is just unpleasant once it sticks to your skirt!!
Nothing has changed. My son went here in the mid 1990s - from primary school out of his area because they had a visual impairment unit. My son had a support teacher. He used the unit a total of 3 times in 3 years. The support teacher did PE by playing catch with a ball in it. He had no friends. He was bullied at dinner time. Ham in face. He suffered migraines because of the long journey there & back each day - another symptom of his condition. When I brought this up at an OT meeting - his support teacher mouthed - I’m sorry at my son. Apparently hadn’t believed him. I didn’t know much of this until the day he lost his eye. He came home from school - I instantly saw his eye was bad - I rang & then took him to the local hospital - head consultant said the eye was gone. It was to be removed immediately. Sat in that little family room my son let everything out. All of the above and more - including that day - he told the teacher 3 times that he couldn’t see the board - on the 3rd time she actually called him a pain in the neck. He told his support teacher that his eye hurt. Reply - any excuse (insert sons name). IT WAS BLATANTLY OBVIOUS THAT THE EYE WAS WRONG! They didn’t have a visual impairment.
The eye was removed - he was in hospital isolation for a month. I had a meeting with the headmaster - feeble apology. Removed him from the school. Occasional home school for a year - then off the record told about a school that catered specifically for his needs.
He was accepted. He was also awarded an extra year of education - he won a special achievement award, and PE was swimming, rock climbing, dry skiing, and running - even winning medals at British Blind Sports.
Many years later I’m still angry at the torment my son went through and even more so because it’s obviously still happening.
I currently have a complaint forwarded to Ofsted & Pensby
I cannot recommend this school if your child has special educational needs
My child is adopted & regularly voiced she struggled in class, homework & concentration
I reported this with her Therapist & nothing was done
She failed all her academic exams
5 months later at College they picked up dyslexia & a private assessment reported she had moderate processing issues & moderate to severe dyslexia
Headteacher sues parents with PTSD for exposing his narcissistic actions - leaving them reliant on food banks to feed their 4 children, due to having to pay thousands in legal defence bills. Poor, poor headteacher😡
horrible place to be, school cares only about the kids they know will succeed and not about anyone else,constantly belittling kids they take a clear disliking towards,and kids with SEN and issues regarding mental health are not dealt with and made worse by teachers.
tried to kill myself multiple times while in this school because the teachers and especially the head were bullies. would rather be locked in a cage with a starved lion than ever go back. headteacher kevin flanagan had an affair with head of SENCO and left his wife and kids. miss davies has a head lice problem and miss ohare needs her roots doing xx
tried to kill myself because of this school multiple times. shit school teachers are bullies and get off on telling kids to go to hell. would rather try to survive in the sahara with no water than go back there. kevin flanagan had an affair with head of SENCO and miss davies has fleas x
Teachers have no regard for children with disabilities.
A child will need to use a a fidget toy to help them concentrate, and will explain this to the teacher. The teacher will then say "Don't use it while I'm talking", completely missing the point. A certain teacher will hurl abuse at students with disabilities and mental disorders that they are fully aware of. They will threaten the student that they will send them to an institution for, e.g., crying outside a classroom. Various classroom equipment such as pens will be thrown at students out of frustration. Bullying is horrendous, students will be ostracised and taunted at for their shortcomings in terms of school work and homework. If a student is upset and crying, they will be sent to the Student Support Centre, and usually ignored, and if they do not stop crying, they will be labelled as "hysteric". The tolerance for students with autism, ADHD, dyscalculia, dyspraxia and dyslexia are abhorrent, and they are treated as worthless, and as if they choose to not be able to function as a neurotypical child would. There is no understanding towards students who require extra steps to understanding the lesson, whether this be the need for fidget toys, music, doodling, etc. It seems that the phrase "It costs nothing to be kind" was thrown out the window. The school itself is filthy, with mould and dirt in corners of windows, making the school look hundreds of years older than it actually is. The teachers cannot be relied on to be teaching children correct spelling, the head getting primary school level mistakes in spelling, not being able to differentiate between something as simple as "sight" and "site". Students have been physically assaulted on school grounds, and action is only taken when a parent has to intervene. Students can call fellow peers homophobic slurs in front of a teacher, and nothing will happen. Decades worth of examples could be listed, but the overall consensus of Pensby High School is that it is nothing short of abusive.
I like the people there, but most of the staff are really rude, horrible and mean. When girls are in their periods, even young female teachers, wont let them go to bathroom to change a pad. Or the no hands rule is stupid,when i need the toulet amd i put my hand they shout at me and tell me to put it down.
Doesn’t deal with homophobia or racism that well even though staff have clearly seen this occurrence. Some teachers are lovely but the system isn’t right.
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