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Mar 11, 2025

Disgusting school, unfit to teach children

This awful school is happy to pay people to shoot a family of foxes who are harming no-one, just trying to live their lives in adjoining land. What values are they imbuing in children that this is something acceptable to do? Utterly disgusting
Mar 11, 2025


What a vile school allowing the shooting, poison and horrific killings of wildlife on schiol grounds. As a local I hear gun shots in the night, this triggers me and my anxiety, I then check out what's going on and I see animals being shot in the grounds the school is complicit with this. What kind of message does this send to impressionable children/teens? Surely children should be taught compassion not murder!!!!!
Nov 6, 2022

An amazing school

An amazing school with a good balance between academics, sports and free time.
A lot of amazing club opportunities.
Aug 11, 2022

First Year At Pate's

I have completed an entire year at Pate's and await the second one eagerly.

Lessons are fun (except Maths, Music, French and Art, but the French teacher more than makes up for it.). We probably learn subjects that no other school does. The indoor and outdoor environments are easy to navigate and have many things. The school has a high level of safety. There are many activities but the only ones I participate in are going in my form room with my classmates and going to the computer room. I have no interest in absolutely anything else. Most teachers are wonderful, but a few are very strict. I think that one might even be biased, but I don't want to jump to conclusions. I don't know about handling bullying as I haven't been bullied. Girls have more sport options than boys for Games, as they do hockey and netball while boys only do rugby. We are separated by gender for PE and Games, but I don't mind as gymnastics and rugby exist. When it comes to food, I find it wonderful. My favourite is the vegan sausage roll (if you don't know which student wrote this review, now you know). Mozzarella sticks and cheese and onion sandwiches are amazing too, but I see more prawn mayo sandwiches than cheese and onion sandwiches. I have never seen someone buy a prawn mayo sandwich. Why are they even sold? Maybe someone does buy them. I'm going off track. If you enjoy sport, you are in for a treat. This school loves sport. We have held an athletics trophy for over twenty years. We have numerous sport teams. This school also has a high diversity. It acknowledges and accomodates the diversity. All in all, this is a near-perfect school. The only flaw is the location, but we can't just pick up and move the main building, sixth form block, performing arts block, refectory (our canteen is called a refectory), PE department, food science department, the field, the astroturf pitch, the outdoor education department and the tennis court thing. I've probably missed a few other locations, which is further evidence that we can't move this school
May 7, 2022


I Love School

My experience at Pate’s so far has been nothing short of one-of-a-kind (no, I haven’t been asked to write this by anyone!) Despite finding it hard to settle into a new school, the head of Y7, Mrs B, is amazing and really helped. Each year has got better as covid has slowly vanished and more opportunities become available, and this year there hasn’t been a day that goes by where I don’t appreciate the school I go to. The types of people here are so unique and wonderful and I am so infinitely glad that I have the fortune to call Pate’s my school.
Mar 8, 2022


I love school

I’m a student at PGS and I love every day at school here. The majority of the teachers are absolutely brilliant and in lessons we have discussions on an equal level. Behaviour of the students is probably the best you’d get anywhere and the broad ranges of diversity and talents everywhere, from sport to academia to the arts is really incredible when you stop to think about it. As my time at Pate’s heads towards it’s end, I realise more and more how lucky I am to be a student here.
Feb 17, 2022


its so bad here, all the kids think there so cool and smart, there not, dont go there you'll regret it soo much
Oct 8, 2021



the school is great and the teachers actually care about you not just your grades and uniform. the community is brilliant and i wouldn’t go anywhere else. my only complaint would be that the mental health support varies from student to student and is not at all consistent.
Sep 9, 2021

I love school but…

Brilliant school, amazing friends, but limited GCSE options and the skirts are so restrictive :(
Aug 16, 2021

good school

its good, good teachers, but the segregation between sexes in pe is rlly bad, and the mental health support isnt great. but i'm just listing bad stuff, overall i'd really recommend it.
Föredetta elev
May 14, 2021

great school

i loved this school, everyone was lovely and i felt like i learnt a lot here. i didn’t find it too stressful or pushy, our teachers allowed us to work at our own pace
Apr 1, 2021

Love the school, despise the uniform.

As a student currently at Pates, I absolutely love it. The teachers are so supportive (for the most part) and I do not feel at all pressured. But the best bit is the extra curricular stuff. We learn current affairs, a range of unusual sport, we rock climb, we have the opportunity for air rifle shooting, and it is all available to everyone. Even people like me who live miles and miles away. The canteen food is pretty good, and the student body as a whole is beyond friendly and welcoming. My only complaint would be the girl’s uniform. We have to wear LIGHT grey skirts which are NOT AT ALL forgiving when it comes to periods. Not only this, but they are pencil skirts, leaving us no room for running around or even sitting on the floor, forget actually being comfortable. Furthermore, when we are in PE kit, we are not allowed to wear our skorts alone. Thus, even in the middle of the summer, we have to wear long black trackies to ‘cover up’. Like what?? This is 2021. Come on.
Mar 24, 2021

Best School

Honestly the best school. I love each day here, it’s so fun. The people are brilliant and the teachers are amazing.
Jan 30, 2021

A great school

It’s a fantastic school, the teachers are lovely and they really help you to achieve good grades. There isn’t too much pressure from school, especially in the younger years where we are left to enjoy house events and sports:
Föredetta elev
Dec 7, 2020

You won't find better teachers

Although many in my year liked to complain about the teachers putting 'too much pressure' on them, this is absolutely not the case. The teachers at this school are absolutely incredible and work so hard to provide all students with resources and extra help when they see that they are underachieving in comparison to their true ability. When students cooperate, the staff ensure that everyone reaches their full potential - there's a reason the GCSE and A-level grades are so high after all. For students who want to be put in the work and achieve highly, there's no where better to go. I feel so lucky and blessed to have had such friendly, clever and down to earth teachers when I was a teenager.
Oct 24, 2020


The best school you will ever go to if you smart enough.
Princess Elizabeth Way, GL51 0HG, Cheltenham

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