I missed most of the first year because I had cancer in my leg. Then in the second year I missed 3 more months as I had major surgery to remove the cancer leaving me unable to walk. When I finally went back, they put me in a store cupboard with worksheets as they said I missed to much. After two years of that I decided to just walk out completely. Thanks Newbridge comp for the isolation and lack of any compassion.
Me and my boyfriend attended this school, in our last year, my boyfriend was Sexually assaulted by 4 boys. They did nothing other than "talk" to them, which was just them going "Don't do it again" like that's gonna solve anything? At least they tried, I guess? The P.E. Department is just power-hungry as there is a rule that even if you are sick and cannot do P.E. you must bring in your P.E. kit and wear it. Wow, great way to treat a sick person. The wellbeing staff are great, but the rule in the wellbeing room is just the wrong way to go about things. You cannot speak while in well-being to "respect others' well-being", now I get that, but this further pushes the idea that student's issues shouldn't be discussed. Someone who cannot handle talking should be put in a quiet room. The hallways are too small for the number of students. The system of going home if you are ill is terrible, you have to hope the member of staff to let you go home is in, or else it's this wild goose chase. I had to stay in school for 4 EXTRA hours before being allowed to go home! As someone who has been bullied and picked on in this school, Newbridge has this weird and warped thing where they side with the bullies and not the victims. I know it's better than most schools but it still has MASSIVE flaws.
needs to have free time in forms to go on phones that way can have a better realtionship with form teacher and have less arguments,needs to be less strict on uniform like allowing plain black jumpers instead of blazers to allow idividuality and allow study leave to help revise
the school is just disgusting let’s be honest i was bullied and jumped for months and they did bugger all about it, doesn’t make you feel safe and the teachers are horrible. the only thing i enjoy is the toast
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