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Former Student
Feb 9, 2025

It’ll only go even further downhill

Awful handling of just about every aspect of school life. Students who may not pass their GCSE’s are not encouraged to study, but encouraged and borderline harassed to drop the subject. I was pulled out 3 individual times, one just before an exam, to drop a subject as to not bring the schools average down. I’d say only one teacher there ever fully supported me and believed in me, who has now left as even he recognised the school is at a point of no return. A boys head kicked until he bled out of his ears, girls getting their heads bashed into heavy wooden doors, and assault rampant. None of these issues were properly dealt with, except a 3 day suspension for students involved. Students are not allowed to go outside with food, meaning in hot summers they are cramped into a dining room with around 300 other students. Headmistress doesn’t even know how to instruct people in fire drills, and was also apparently a former bully herself. Many staff have been fired under sexual misconduct claims, with one being barred from teaching. We were left with substitutes who often didn’t speak english, even having a spanish teacher who didn’t speak english well, let alone spanish, only italian. This may be partially because of the students being completely out of hand, but what else do you expect when students continuously misbehaving get took on outings when they behave for only a week? or walked around the corridors or sent to disrupt GCSE students lessons? The only person who installed some kind of structure was the now former head, who returned after the one who took over him left, only to give his job to the sitting headteacher, who has done an abysmal job at managing the school. The only reason i gave it 2 stars was due to the teachers who are obviously way too qualified to be there.
Dec 17, 2024


I don't really know how too rate this school as it lets ppl get bullied. As a student at this school I would say it's awful ignore the teachers reviews it's really bad I regret going !
Jul 10, 2024

Hurworth "Best School in the UK"

From personal experience from the last few years and insight from friends in the school, this school has fallen far from grace.

What once was "The best school in the UK" is now displaying decade old trophies, any forms of decent teachers are in semi-useless subjects or have left and some of the other teachers (some who still remain in the school) get creepily close to the students.

Their idea of punishment is often locking a student up in a dysmal grey room with with nothing to do, their treatment of special education students is slowly walking after them as they run around the school or locking them up in the aforementioned room.

During my time there, there was a number of sexual harassment and death threat cases of which the school covered up and punished students for spreading or trying to tell a teacher.

They have also followed over the top group punishment rules where if no culprit can be found your child and the rest of their class is punished too

Teachers often side with bullies and will not help unless a fight breaks out

Overall not a fun experience and wouldn't bother coming back, the school is incompetent and is considerably low on results (1.5/10)
Jul 10, 2024

Just no

Bad school overall and I just hate it
Feb 29, 2024

Awful school

A purely disaster of a school. Poor Senior Management and staff are not supported at all. Numerous staff assaulted and abused by students on a weekly basis. Don't send your children here. Headteacher appears to simply want to feather her own nest, littered with problems.
Nov 27, 2023

Hub of community

Lovely school with lovely teachers a hub of the community. Work hard to build positive relationships and skills suited to each child. Hires out sports hall to local community.
Jul 8, 2023


It's a great school the staff are lovely even the pe staff play with the students if you choose to take your child to hurworth school don't worry they are in safe hands
Nov 29, 2022

worst school

this school is an absolute disgrace. they do not know how to manage bullying. this is quite simply down to them not being bothered to handle it as they are more interested in grades then the actual well-being of their pupils. the lack of communication between teachers and parents is also a big problem. they do not support any of their pupils when needed most , they just leave them in the dark and also do not provide support for any parents who might need it whether it’s a minor issue or a big problem.
do not send you child here.
Oct 2, 2022

Hurworth school

Overall few teachers are good however buying and behaviour is not managed well
Oct 2, 2022

Poor behavioral correction

The amount of misbehavior, harassment, and general unprofesionalism of this school is something to be ashamed of. Vaping in toilets on the daily, kicking off at teachers, and tardiness are massive issues at this school. How they passed their recent ofsted inspection, I have no idea. The staff, for the most part, are very good. Good at what they do. But 2 members of staff have been sacked in the last 3 years for sexual misconduct. This is appalling. The grades have dropped the last few years, and French and German courses have been scrapped from the option choices. The pastoral team have no grasp on the behavior of students, and clearly lack authority. I would not recommend this school, to be employed by or to study here for years 7-11. Unless you want to be constantly verbally abused by pupils AND staff.
Former Student
Aug 14, 2022

Not a place to go

Hurworth School a rathole of budget cuts , poor bullying and abuse management , unfair treatment of disadvantaged students and etc.
Former Student
Nov 21, 2020

Horrific School

Absolutely horrendous, this school tought me only one thing.
You can only trust yourself in this world because no body is going to help you. I studied, worked hard and always followed the rules and I failed because of the lack of proper education. I now have to go to therapy because of the horrific teachers, disgusting classmates and the overall experience. I am now unable to even visit the hurworth area becuase I am so traumatised from my experience at this school. Ill be lucky if I ever get to forget everything that I had to go through.
Former Student
Oct 31, 2020

Subject teachers and Bullying

Overall, the teachers are good at what they do and they want you to achieve the best grades possible and they try their best to do so. An issue is that the school is short of staff, so they have teachers who are not particularly qualified in teaching that subject. For example, the science department, a teacher in particular does not know what they are doing the majority of the time and when asked a simple question they have to consult the internet or another student.

Another problem i had when attending Hurworth School was the way they handled behavioural issues and bullying. In my eyes, the pastoral team did not do enough when it came to that, they need to be much stricter on the way they handle it.
Aug 30, 2020

Bad Autism Department.

It’s an okay school but I have autism and the autism department is disgusting, it is so stressful because they always try to solve small problems but make them 10 times worse.
Former Student
Aug 26, 2020

A great school to an average one

Hurworth School has a great history of teaching students well however has been going down in grades the past few years , as a result they have been trying to manipulate data for progression records . They have extremely few extracurricular activities compared to other schools and the meals have so minimal healthy options it’s almost like they want you to eat unhealthy. Overall most teachers work well with the kids and are very focused and helpful with ensuring they learn in the best manner .

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