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Feb 27, 2025

Awful school

This school is abominable, no thought for the pupils just bullying from the teachers,
I am extremely upset about how my granddaughter has been treated and hold them responsible
You should be ashamed of yourselves
Former Student
Aug 8, 2024

Terrible Secondary School

I attended this secondary school from 2014 to 2018. It was the worst thing I ever did going to this school and I wasted 4 years of my life going here. The school was messing me around for years and Doncaster Council did nothing about it till I left the school. I had depression and anxiety for years when I was a student here due to this school. When I was in year 11 staff members in the school were nagging me and stressing me out about my GCSE mock grades then eventually I lost some of my hair due to the situation. My parents complained about the situation to Ofsted years ago and they got no response from Ofsted.
Ofsted said this school was outstanding a decade ago it's not outstanding.
The school has been terrible since the mid 2010's. The school wasted so much money on new buildings and enrichment they couldn't afford the Hungerhill Sixth Form because of this. 95% of the teachers there are terrible. I had lots of unprofessional, pathetic and lazy teachers I had in KS4. Yet teachers want to be paid more when they get half a year off work when standard working people work full time. I didn't get a proper education and their school curriculum is terrible.
Teaching me nonsense topics in PSHE and english. When I was in KS4 most of the teachers I had there were work skills teachers basically there not actual teachers. From year 7 to year 11 they put me in the bottom set because I had LSA support. The school did it to help all the thick students out with teaching assistants support in lessons and I found this out when I just finished the school when my parents complained about the school to Doncaster Council. For GCSE options the school barely let me do anything and they didn't let me do the GCSE options choices I wanted to do. The school made me do Media Studies and Geography which were GCSE courses I didn't want to do. I was supposed to do 2 more GCSE options courses but the school didn't let me do them.
Since I did fewer GCSE courses than everyone else in the year group due to this they made me do The Zone lessons where I would basically just sit in the computer room and not learn anything. In year 10 a lot of the days in my timetable lessons
I had a bunch of blank lessons which were The Zone lessons and there was no point coming into school.
All they care about is good grades which they don't get and their school uniform policy. When I was in KS4 a bunch of teachers and teaching assistants would complain about me to higher ups in the school when I did nothing wrong.
The school would call my parents to say nasty stuff about me when I did nothing wrong. The school would give me an attitude to learning scores of 1's when I did nothing wrong. I was always good as gold back in the day at that school.
When I was in year 11 this group of chavy year 9 students would gang up on me because they thought they could fight me when they couldn't. They would get me into trouble with staff members and teachers. They would of got slapped by me in fights if I had the opportunity to fight them. The year 9 chavs students would gang up on year 11's for their attention and thought they could fight them when they couldn't. They were buffoons and they were so cringe. They were doing it for a year straight when I was in Year 11 until I got my parents to complain about them to Mrs Helen Redford-Hernandez, the school headteacher at time.
The school says they are anti-bullying school there not. I known people who have been bullied by teachers in this school. I know loads of bullying incidents which have occurred in the school and the school did nothing about it.
I remember when I was in Year 10 when loads of people in my year group were bullying this Polish student and they were being racist to him.
I left here years ago when different people were in charge when I was a student here but their new headteacher Mrs Lucie Pond used to be a cover teacher and I had her several times as a cover teacher when I was in Year 7.
If you want a proper education, go to a better secondary school don't go here.
Feb 25, 2024

Awful School

Children are treated like animals and uniform is prioritised over the wellbeing of students. Children get bullied every day and kids vape but they do not care. They only care for good reviews for people to come to the school but in reality this school is a joke. Do not send anyone here if you don’t want your kid to commit suicide.
Feb 25, 2024


Appalling school students mental health is not taken into consideration and staff have no resolve whatsoever
Oct 2, 2023

My opinion

This school is a joke yeah sure they get good grades and care about your results but the amount of pressure that they put on us children is on a different level you cannot go a single day without the word gcse or exam being mentioned. We should be able to go to school and be excited on learning new things not overwhelmed at the thought of being lectured for half the lesson abt getting the grades. This school also cares more about how they look to the public over what students feel comfortable in, they make silly rules over skirts and Trousers ect saying it’s to look smarter but we end up looking ridiculous. At the end of the day they care more about being an exam factory over any of our mental wellbeing you can bring up how unhappy you are and you will be disregarded and ignored no matter how many times you ask for support. Overall I’m appalled that this school still has the reputation it does considering everyone ofsted come they change things around and say act better do this do that because ofsted are coming and after that the standards slip back to their usual level.
May 31, 2023

Not good school all !

I attend this school and from my experience it is a absolute shit hole the school only care about people getting grades 8 to 9 and wanting to help them and the people at 4 or below don’t get much help at all and they prioritise the top set and second sets so grade 7, to 9 students and when they get that grade they get prased by the headteacher but if you get a 4 you don’t as experience my mate got a 9 in English language in her mock and the headteacher mrs pond came over shaking her hand and talking a picture of her and didn’t give me anything for getting a 4 appalling! The school also don’t care about your mental health and bullying they don’t take it very serious at all and help you they just act like you’ve not reported anything as in lesson I was getting picked on and no one did anything not even the teachers in the room they just let it happen appalling. They care more about your uniform and how short your skirt is and what shoes you wear and weather you have your blazer on and you can’t go inside and sit on the benches as you get shouted at and you have to go on way at lunch or they shout at you and you can only go certain places in the school or they will shout at you and be awful to you about where you are when some students don’t want to go where everyone is as it’s too loud and noisy. It was a better school when I first started in y7. The school didn’t want to help my brother when my parents said he needed supported with his behaviour and a mentor and he didn’t get that he only got one talk with the mentor. The school just liek to ring your parents blaming your kid for things in that school is awful! appalling school!
May 20, 2023

Hungehill sucks

Worst school ever don't care abt anyones mental health need new staff beacsue they chuck stuff at (@math teacher)
May 20, 2023


This is the shittest school ive ever been to they don't care about ur mental health at all do not come here!!
May 20, 2023

A whatt

Hey ywah so uwah. Jehwhs
Former Student
May 20, 2023

Bad school

Bad school, never handles situations right.Teachers always shouting at students.
Former Student
Feb 3, 2023

Appalling school

This school is absolutely appalling, care more about uniform then education and don’t help the people who are low in grades and want to help the people who are already and arnt bothered about people’s mental health and don’t take bullying very well when reported !
Absolutely appalling, don’t reccomend to send your kid
Jan 19, 2023


Absolutely awful school. Students face bullying from teachers and other students. Total lack of ethics from most not all members of staff, lie to cover themselves.
Jun 14, 2022


Absolutely disgusting women

Well where should I start , I’ve seen and witness bullying. Women who thinks she something her initials are L.y…d was booked in for a meeting and the women in question was slagging children off and dancing around reception say he going he going I won’t mention names but I was shocked. The women is disgusting and she should be able to teach if that’s all she does is slag children off that’s also have learning disabilities. How can a women who seem to have all the right and supposed to be ensuring learners learn is too busy ensuring them are removed instead of helping them. Wish I did my research before attending an interview.
Feb 28, 2022

worst school in doncaster

honestly awful. it’s shocking how bad it is. it’s not outstanding at all!
they don’t care about mental health and how the students are they only care about results which isn’t right.
they turn down people that are clearly struggling and who tell them they don’t want to be alive anymore.
do not recommend this school to anyone. don’t send ur kids there
Jan 18, 2022

Very bad

I’ve attended this school for some time now and I have been shocked on how they tell of the wrong people who didn’t do anything wrong. Bullying is also a problem as many people experience it as well.
Jan 18, 2022

Very bad

After atttending the school for awhile now the school has an extremely bad bullying policy and tells of wrong students as they get misjudged. The teachers are very on the uniform how it is very strict. Sorry but no.
Oct 7, 2021

This school changed

Lots more bullying and the fact that teachers care more about uniform than anything else they force uniform as their top priority so what if someone has a longer or shorter skirt and leaving class without a blazer but when that happens the head teacher will scream at them to get their blazers on this use to be a good school
Former Student
Aug 13, 2021

Mostly excellent school

Overall, Hungerhill is a good school and most students will enjoy their time there. The teachers care about the students and their learning and the school has a lot of extra-curricular activities on offer. However, the school certainly seems to favour the pupils who are good at sports, even sometimes over those who are putting in the most effort in other lessons. Also, many students feel that there is not enough support when it comes to situations like bullying or mental health. Hungerhill also seems to have an issue with money and how they are spending it. Many classrooms do not have enough basic supplies like glue or whiteboards, though they invested in some new lunch tables that they did not need not too long ago, as well as some high-vis jackets and walkie-talkies. In addition, there are some staff members in a certain area of the school who seem to have a worse attitude than the teenage students who attend; ironically, these particular staff members should be the most welcoming (in my opinion). That said, most of the staff are lovely and get on very well with the pupils. Hungerhill School provides a great learning environment and tends to produce brilliant grades. Many of the teachers and staff get to know the students and form great relationships with them. The environment at Hungerhill feels safe and welcoming, and the majority of students at Hungerhill really mirror the core values of the school: respect, care, resilience, excellence and honesty. Hungerhill School also regularly shows that they notice when students are doing well: they provide celebrations and make sure to show appreciation often. I was a student at Hungerhill and would honestly recommend them to anybody because they respect everybody equally and as a student, you will feel cared for and welcome.
Oct 30, 2020


Appalled hunger hill has gone down hill teachers are more focused on uniform then bullying and education the students need more life skills and less bullying as students can see “lgbtq” are favourited cause they have the lgbtq card tahts not right all students should be equal this could be a reason to misbehaviour
Oct 30, 2020


Appalled hunger hill has gone down hill bullying is higher than ever schools changed a lot less about education more about uniform so what if someone’s skirts higher than there knees or if there wearing a body warmer maybe if the school focused more on education and bullying then uniform the students would behave better the year ten head of year is amazing helped out all the problems same with miss p.b they need to get higher up as they both sorted out all the problems and didn’t put “genders” first.
Oct 30, 2020

A good school

It’s a good school but some of the teachers are overly strict which makes lessons less enjoyable.
Some of the school rules which are meant to make the school look better, with uniform etc, are over the top and make the school look very strict compared to others.
The pe lessons are really good but it’s a shame that the ski trip etc aren’t happening anymore because everyone was really looking forward to it.
Sep 27, 2020

Down hill

Seriously gone down hill. Very biased towards sports Children and moves away from other academic studies like Music and art. New Headteacher doesn’t have a clue what’s she’s doing and making things up as she likes. This school used to be good.

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