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Jul 20, 2023

Give us back the old headmaster

Was really good before it merged into Dartmoor Academy.
Loads of new staff who have no idea, pushing the original staff out.
Bad behavior,bullying vaping ,racist remarks ,pupils running riot. Teachers seem to be scared of doing anything Incase they get accused.
Not sending my kids there when they're older.Its just a joke
May 23, 2023

i hate this school

i hate this school so much the teachers tell you off for no reason i once got told of for holding a bible
May 23, 2023

never go here

Holsworthy community college is probably the worst school in existance as the students dont do very well in there GCSE's and the teachers tell them off for no reason dont send your child there!
May 8, 2023

racism is extremely bad

It’s ok. Racism is not dealt with at all in this school it’s a joke, . I have a friend from another background and I hear racist comments to them all the time . I just hear racism all the time . The N word has become wayyy too common for these students it’s horrific. However it’s alright but racism is just not being dealt with . At all.
Mar 11, 2023

School is improving.

Holsworthy community college, is a basic school, if you do not spend on private tuition then your child will be poorly educated, the school seems more preoccupied with promoting mental health than teaching. Each child as an individual, children come from different backgrounds, I was somewhat surprised and disappointed that my child had been attending school for over two years and yet not one teacher knew her mother tongue is Portuguese, they had no idea that she had only spent a year in UK primary education therefore they had no idea of a teaching strategy for my child, luckily I’m in a position that we could afford to pay for additional private tuition (£9000 per annum) I’m sure the teachers and staff are caring, however there seemed very little interest in my daughter until I took steps to rectify. She is now happy with her schooling and teachers seem to be up to speed with her needs, so wouldn’t be too negative, just surprised that administration did not inform teachers of my daughters background, therefore a management issue, new headmaster appears to be making headway and seems to have support from staff, I just hope the school continues to improve.
Feb 23, 2023

Holsworthy Community College

The truth about Holsworthy Community College.

The teachers are ignorant and treat the students poorly. The school guarantees safety and an education for students yet they remove pupils from classrooms for struggling to keep up with the fast pace of lessons to the point where students loose effort and hope and start to skip lessons or abuse substances to avoid the toxicity of the environment. The students then have horrible [daily] mental breakdown downs in the SSC instead. The school also makes many false claims like caring about mental health but when a student requires a break from a lesson they don't give permission. Students have had empty bottles and rubbish thrown at them, been chased, insulted, false rumours spread about them and many other cruel actions as a result of bullying. The school also claims that they control situations yet students smoke cigarettes and consume other illegal substances on the school grounds and no action has been taken. All of those Ofsted reports and inspection don't mean anything they don't see what happens with the students the teacher basically give the students a script tell them to "look smart" and smile. please pay more attention HCC especially you Smith because your students are suffering with mental health and bullying and Ur not taking any action or putting any support in place for them you just "have a word with them" it's not good enough
Dec 15, 2022

Bloody Joke.

I am a student currently in year 10. They do nothing about bullying but if you stand up for yourself it's a suspension. Mental Health isn't important according to the new Head Teacher Mr Gareth Smith. He cares more about his own reputation as a school than children's well-being. I joined after Christmas in year 7 and the school always has been ridiculous.
Mar 30, 2021

there isn't one

Its alright

im a year 9 student at this school, personally i feel there are alot if things that can be improved, i agree with a previous review that staff need to be educated on mental health alot more. they have gotten alot better but they still aren't that good. there should be more girls sports teams and i feel there should be mixed teams aswell, feels very sexist. other than that its ok
Sep 22, 2020

Needs to educate teachers more on mental health.

I've been here since the middle of year 8 a-year 11 which I'm in know. I think the school is alright but physical education but could do more girls teams.A bit sexiest and they need more of a variety.And the teachers needs to be better educated on matal health.Because it seems as none of the teachers can help or are educated on any kind of mental health.i think support on mental health is very important because loads of people struggle with it.Also I think that all of the teachers should no if the student agrees about a bit about what struggles they are dealing with so it might help the teachers understand more and also to help the student.

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