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Feb 13, 2025

Awful do not attend.

School is appalling. They only care for money and the children that ‘can do’ if your child needs support or extra help they do not care for these children. They only like the children who are more capable and allow the others to fail or struggle. Head teacher is disgusting and actually says ‘if we call you to inform you your child has done something do not argue with us telling us they haven’t because we’re telling you they have’ which is absolutely awful as parents know their children better than any overpaid ignorant headteacher.

Do not send your child here. It’s all a facade and there is no ‘care’ in this provision.

Any members of staff that encourage this ‘turn a blind eye’ or pick on these children should hand their head in shame because enough of the parents know who these teachers are and nothing is ever done.
Nov 23, 2023

depends on how you behave

as a student here, I think its a pretty good school, apart from the fact that the teachers will try to target you, pick on you, and often blame stuff on people when it wasn't even them that did it if you act suspicious.
Jan 2, 2023


A poor school at best

Former student of 5 years here.

Hockerill has massively gone downhill. Siblings and many former students agree, as well as their parents who I have talked to on the matter. Teachers are leaving at an astounding rate. Language facilities have gone downhill and language trips are virtually non-existent these days. This was Hockerill's bragging point, the thing they always claimed to be brilliant at, which they no longer can do truthfully. However, they undoubtedly will try to fool parents of prospective boarders and persuade them into giving them thousands of pounds per term so that their son/daughter can become an 'IB Leaner' and a 'Global Citizen'. Hockerill is an average quality state school clinging on to a dying image of a posh and upmarket place of education.

All they truthfully care about is bringing in money from boarders, and it shows. The students are for the most part rude and loudmouthed, producing average academic results at best. There are plenty of secondary schools in the town with better GCSE grades by a long way and with nicer people. All schools like to talk about how 'special' of an environment they have there, but Hockerill truly takes this crap to a different level.

Most of the students vape or do some sort of drugs. Walk into any toilet at Hockerill and you will find hoards of Sixth Formers vaping. There are constantly cases of assault and fights breaking out at Hockerill that the school deal with appallingly. Each and every time that I spoke out about mistreatment to teachers or even the principal I was met with virtually nothing and they allowed it to continue. They care only about boarders and the LGBT. If you don't fall into one of those categories, expect to be met with useless advice when consulting teachers over behavioral matters.

The facilities at this school at worse than many in the local area for the most part. The language block feels like it belongs in a school in East London. It is truly awful.

I think if I were to sum up Hockerill in one word, that word would be LAZY. Don't send your child here.
Former Student
May 25, 2022

disappointed former student

I was thoroughly disappointed with this school. when I joined in year 7, I enjoyed it. However, I found it quickly went downhill. the student support is bad, especially the mental health support of which is appaling. Multiple times they have tried and even been successful in kicking out students experiencing mental health struggles to avoid ruining their reputation. Never before have I seen so many people being forced out of a school. As well as this, the drug issues are very apparent. During a school assembly during my year, at 9am a large portion of the year had taken drugs. One overdosed during assembly and narrowly survived after medics managed to save him. His friends, who had been promised lenience if they told the school the details of the incident were all expelled. No one was even talked to about the incident and it was as though they hoped we would forget it. It is even on the news, listed as an 'isolated incident'. lies.

The actual education isn't bad as long as you're clever enough to take things into your own hands. Students who are independent and clever can still do well. However, anyone needing support, I highly recommend finding a different place of education.

If you plan to let your child come here, please keep an eye on them, and trust them over what their teachers may say.
Former Student
Jan 24, 2022

Former student responds to other former student

This school is a wonderful school. And the person who wrote the other review clearly had some issues at home or something because he is slandering the school for nothing. A school can do it’s best to prevent things like sexual assault form happening and in my opinion they do this well, however they can’t control a students every move so the school having a sexual assault case is almost irrelevant, also boarding and school are run as seperate entities in other words the school can’t spend boarding money as this is illegal so please get your facts right. And to top it all of all the teachers here are doing their best and their best is among the best of the country and this other former student below clearly was badly behaved otherwise they wouldn’t try expel them.
Former Student
Sep 6, 2021

Don’t trust this school it’ll be a big mistake

Hockerill Is a place where the teachers don’t care abt the students only abt the money they earn as a teacher they won’t teach you new things only the same for half the yr there is this female teacher that tried to expel me for 2 yrs but failed every time because nothing she accused me for wasn’t actually me and when the real person was caught nothing happened Hockerill is on the sexual assault list many teachers will try there best to embarrass you in front of the whole class on purpose and if you have any minor debt like a couple pounds they put it to something else for them and then still ask for the money my parents payed them 4 times and they still asked and the amount they get from the boarding the after school clubs or summer holiday clubs that are run there they earn a lot more then they actually need
Dunmow Road, CM23 5HX, Bishop's Stortford

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