One thing I’ve noticed about my child
ever since I’ve sent her there is her covering her face when she goes out, wearing clothes that hide every inch of her skin, being ashamed of who she is! She would come home Insecure and very upset every day saying children pick on her, just because of the colour of her skin. I’m not going to name names but these boys in her year has said the n word slur to her several times these past few months and I’m tired of it! Who raised these children!? Some racist idiotic person! It’s sad that even children are being called racial slurs. I thought nowadays racism towards any colour individual would stop! We have been fighting for racism to be put to a stop for decades but yet we still have to face it in our everyday lives. Even 10 year olds like my beautiful daughter. I thought the head teacher would understand and do something about the racism but nothing was done to sort the issue. I hope you really think hard about taking your child to this school since they don’t educate their students that being racist is unhuman and wrong! I think they should focus on it more, instead of teaching the same things over and over again! Children need to be aware that racism is wrong and hurts so many beautiful strong coloured people all over the world!
They allow too much aka staff coming in late for no reason, dinner lady’s not wearing correct uniform and one particular staff going for cigarettes every once in a while. Head teacher is completely useless and has no backbone
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ever since I’ve sent her there is her covering her face when she goes out, wearing clothes that hide every inch of her skin, being ashamed of who she is! She would come home Insecure and very upset every day saying children pick on her, just because of the colour of her skin. I’m not going to name names but these boys in her year has said the n word slur to her several times these past few months and I’m tired of it! Who raised these children!? Some racist idiotic person! It’s sad that even children are being called racial slurs. I thought nowadays racism towards any colour individual would stop! We have been fighting for racism to be put to a stop for decades but yet we still have to face it in our everyday lives. Even 10 year olds like my beautiful daughter. I thought the head teacher would understand and do something about the racism but nothing was done to sort the issue. I hope you really think hard about taking your child to this school since they don’t educate their students that being racist is unhuman and wrong! I think they should focus on it more, instead of teaching the same things over and over again! Children need to be aware that racism is wrong and hurts so many beautiful strong coloured people all over the world!