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Aug 16, 2024

Lack of support

The school has let my child down badly not agreeing with parents that he had adhd or similar. Treated him as a bad egg and ignored the signs that were in front of them. No duty of care what so ever and can't be bothered attitude. Child fidgeting, lack of concentration so get out of class was their idea of helping
Aug 5, 2024

All years


The school has recently been inspected and as a parent, i find the results inaccurate

There is a large problem with bullying from pupils and low level from teaching staff. Totally draconian and staff only pay lip service to the parent and tell them what the parent wants to hear.

A high turn over of staff, some of which can be demonstrated as incompetent.

No school trip this year nor work experience - very odd.

Every turn is the threat of "no prom" and at prom my child and friends were blanked by the female head of year. Not a good impression for the children nor parents to take away from the night.

Instead of focussing on maths/english/science the focus is on polished black school shoes. I wonder how that evokes a great environment when the child is singled our and embarrassed. Polished black shoes does not help pass GCSE exams. The same with haircuts. Perhaps the clothing policy should be extended to several members of staff!
Aug 17, 2023

sometimes okay

as part of the lgbtq community, people in this school need to stop. some of the staff and teachers are nice but the rest aren't. kids constantly thinking they are better than you because of your sexuality or gender or even how you dress. the uniform doesn't make anyone feel equal. meh school
Sep 7, 2022

Girl toilets

The girls toilets are really unsanitary because there was a rat found in one of them and it flooded
Jan 13, 2022


Lil nair review

Hi Lil Nair here

Absoulutely hate it here lol i get bullied cause im a rapper like juice wrld and xxtentacles
Oct 4, 2021

Lack of Mental Health support.

Head teacher will ask me about the shade of my shoes before asking about how I am. No support for mental health in regards to the students. Crashed a higher and was bright down to N5 and got absolutely not support or help throughout the entire year even after asking for it. I have reached out multiple times to multiple staff members in order to get help for my mental health, yet have never received any support and have been turned away or forgotten about. Teachers are disrespectful ( not just because I am a teenager am I saying that) I am a good hard working student who never argues back yet I am still totally treated terribly and I am yet to know why. Would not recommend this school for your kids.
May 9, 2021

Okay I guess

It's alright. Nothing special. Certain teachers are great others not
May 9, 2021

i dunno what to put here

em. it’s okay. some good teachers. shoutout to a certain drama teacher, we all know him.
Dec 10, 2020


complete and utter waste of a building. genuinely a terrible school. teachers do not respect pupils at all even when they have done nothing wrong.
Oct 25, 2020

The maths department needs serious change

The maths department needs change it is not a positive learning environment, I have had no good experiences in the four years I took maths, my homework was almost always never returned, my questions were usually ignored, many other classmates had similar struggles to me.
Oct 25, 2020


Some teachers are really great and kind, whereas some teachers literally suck. There was a math teacher that lied to me that he was going to give me a C (on there year were no exams took place) he said this in front of two other people who I had the exact same grades as and he ended up failing me and passing them. When approached about this he denied it ever happened. All of the art teachers are lovely though 😊
Oct 25, 2020


Some of the teacher here are really great and some of them really suck. And the school deals with bullying really poorly
Former Student
Oct 22, 2020

Hermitage Academy review

The school has been nothing but a pain on my life a small batch of good teachers, a revolving door of head teacher's and a lack of respect for s6 pupils. openly trying to become a primary school to make s1's not have to grow up making it worse for everyone else.
Oct 9, 2020

It’s ok

It’s ok, wouldn’t go there if you have a choice, but only public school in the area
Cardross Road, G84 7LA, Helensburgh
01436 672145

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