Staff are absolutely horrible in school. staff scream and spit in your face. "good school" far from it. Pupils are disgusting to other pupils and to staff. The principal and vice principals do not look out for there students as they say they do. They will kick you out over something small. The principal is no help at all and dose not suit being a principal due to his unprofession. The learning is absolutely horrendous even in GCSE years. Being a student for a few years i came out with no knowledge. Staff are only bothered about there pay and do not put the time and effort into making the school a good place. They do not support students with reaching high grades for when they leave in year 12. This school is an absolute mess and needs sorting. the only positive thing was the canteen staff and the food.
My honest opinion on this school. Terrible this school makes me dread living. Teachers expect us to be amazing at all time never talk back when where screamed at never ask why when they tell us to do something we don’t want to do. They also have the audacity to make us pay for folders now I think it’s ridiculous because some of us may not have the money and then if u don’t have a folder (couldn’t buy one/ lost your old one) you get a 3 on the register and shouted at. Don’t think about sending your kids here trust me
Well where can I start ! My son was bullied here and locked in isolation because he was bullied ,he was thrown into a lift by an SLT member of staff then who has now moved to another school to try and hide , the then head laughed in my face as a parent but I couldn't reach that far across the table or I'd have dealt with it myself as nothing gets sorted here ,my son was locked in isolation for Wearing a coat in winter , he was bullied close to abuse by staff and even the school officer then helped cover up , all isn't forgotten I'm still planning a comeback as half the things that happened I won't list but the way they treated a child won't be forgotten.
I went to this school, don’t send your children there. It should be just cause for child protection services to take your kids. The food will give you salmonella, the Seinor leadership team don’t do anything in terms of bullying, I wouldn’t wish this place on my worst enemies. Hands down the worst school in Merseyside if not England. Homeschool, move somewhere else, do whatever you can to avoid sending your children here.
To start off my essay I shall first state that I suffered first hand experience of being at this school. And believe me you will never find a more corrupt and evil place in the whole wide world every teacher there is underpaid and has no sense of mercy at all and if you even try to eat something in this wretched place you will end up with no teeth because that crap is frickin plastic only safe scran is the chips on Friday they are heavy speaking of heavy things the current headmaster has the structure of a circle and when you get bullied there is no one to save you Cus you have to and I quote “stay in your own lane” despite the headmaster taking up 2 of em. Also time works differently in that building it slows right down so you feel you’ve been in there for 8 days a week every day and I conclude my review always go for the fit women in life not in a wierd way but chase good relationships with women and not just any women - goth women
this school is an absolute disgrace to society.putting your kids in this school is like torture the staff don’t communicate with the kids whatsoever and are very sexist
For a secondary school it's better than Riverside college
Ide say that for a secondary school in Liverpool it is pretty average. In my experience in this school it could be better the technology is old and slow and they refuse to upgrade it. The main issue I experienced at this school was teachers that didn't understand the subject they where teaching and required a sheet that would guide them through what to say and exactly what to write but even this was very hard to understand. Other than the few teachers like that the rest are motivated and know about the subject they teach and will give help where they can. The violence at and around this school could be high I've saw fights that ended up with police involved and students being sent to the hospital (These are pretty rare) but the main issue with violence is outside the school it would seem that a number of students where in gangs and I have heard of stabbings nearly killing students and the worst I have ever saw was a group of boys attacking another boy which put the boy in hospital and the group of boys had help from adults which just makes it seem more dangerous knowing u can't trust anyone and someone in my year was arrested for an attempted stabbing.
Overall I wouldn't recommend someone go here. The main danger to a student is themselves as the gangs do not attack innocents and that student has to have stolen something valuable off them to be attacked meaning the violence is not a big reason to stay away from sending your child here but it's a pretty below average school.
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