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Sep 27, 2022

Wonderful little nursery

I highly recommended Focus Nursery School in Wareham. They are a small family run nursery that personally cares about each child and family individually and is not a large commercial concern which attracted me to them years ago. I have sent all three of my children there since they were 2 years old. They have been nurtured and encouraged at every stage in their development. The building is a little old but not though any fault of their own being stuck in the middle of a local authority planning loop, however does bit effect the quality of what is provided. One day they will secure their well deserved new build that they have long awaited for.
They are amazing and there’s never a day when they would come out without a beefing smile on their faces. The way their faces lit up each day on collection painted the picture of how settled and happy they all have been.
Focus Nursery School, BH20 4PH, Wareham
01929 555135

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