Today as I was driving to work one of your staff cut me up I was driving in the left lane at 30 mph the speed limit and she was in the right lane and cut over to my lane and nearly swiped me out this manner of driving is not only dangerous but looks bad on the building she works at It was a blue mini clubman the reg is PK17 HMD This is not good driving and she should be sanctioned
The staff are not trustworthy they do not care about assaults or bullying, being in the school building makes me feel unsafe everyday and I want to die
This school is bad because not many of the staff care about you and they don’t sort out problems. One time when I was in year 8 I kept being attacked bye some year 9s And no one did anything about it. Teachers say they care about it I would not go hear what they say to you. Is a lie don’t go here
The wifi that the whole school has its bad and slow. So needs updating, some of the computers need updating to. All on windows ten not eleven.
It’s sometimes not wheelchair accessible. Take parents evenings and concerts (I.e Xmas concerts) which would happened prior to covid, the chairs are so close together it’s really hard to get the wheelchairs passed.
This is a specialist school. This is also a Secoundary and a sixth form school as well as a primary school.
The sixth form printer breaks or gets jammed regularly and sometimes isn’t even on the sixth form computers meaning we can’t print work.
The one in the ports cabin only staff can use bit students. Even if it’s apart of the sixth form block. Not really fair.
Girls PE and swimming pools have no buckets so please bring bags if your getting changed. There are benches and pegs but the benches in the swimming pool, I’m not sure they’ve been cleaned in a while.
Lockers in the swimming pools don’t work and are broken. The girls pe changing room ceiling could do with a fix also. Two ceiling tiles have been broken for about 2 years or more.
The school is known to have its asbestos problem. Mostly in classrooms meaning they get changed last second without warning to students.
Some school buses in my light arnt safe, bus number 10 nearly bumped into my Nan once. She’s 62.
One of the school buses once crashed into a students mums car and badly damaged it. Luckily the mum, and her two kids son and daughter were alright and just shaken.
Also one of the buses parks on the pavement in a way of a neighbouring school. The neighbouring school is Ash Green, and it parks on the pavement in the way of students and staff getting into school.
Also, I don’t think you can park on a pavement either. One of the school buses used to park on a corner and would repeatedly get told no. Also one bus driver drives the bus on the M6 for no reason if there early.
In my opion they don’t know a lot about Epilepsy (I have epilepsy have had since I was 3), on one occasion I had a staff member try to give me the wrong dose of medication. Which most likely would’ve ended up me with d or seriously injured at more of a risk of SUDEP.
I took my medication and took it myself. Also the same staff member and another staff member asked why I took it even though they had my details right there in front of them.
As the school is marginally an Austic school now, unless you tell them you have a completely different disability most will see you as autistic which is not fair. On those who actually have autism.
Some of the kids Y12 and below are quite immature, for example they break things like soap dispensers from the bathrooms and vandalise school property.
Some staff I’m pretty sure are homophobic and transphobic. The PHSE teacher I have didn’t like me telling her the correct answer to a question she answered wrong and then didn’t apologise when I was proven to be correct.
Once you leave Secoundary (by that I mean leave Y7 to Y11) reading isnt forced on you but some do like to read still and wish for the rescors be made for thouse who wish to use them.
There is a mental health teacher on site but when I addressed and shown proof of being cyber bullied I was told oh he’s just being a boy and it was left at that even if I was told ko myself.
The school is protected quite well. They mark Covid as an authorised absence (I have no idea how long this will last though). They sometimes (in my case told me) to rejoin a group outside of school that I left for postive reasons.
They do want high grades and they reminded you constantly that if you fail your maths and English you will have to retake it again. It can get very stressful.
There isn’t really any fire drills as there mainly caused by other members of the pupils or by a piece of toast burning.
Once someone broke the fire alarm for the whole afternoon. Also when the school had a gas leak they didn’t move the Xmas dinner day to Friday so everyone missed out.
They won’t let you eat unless it’s break or lunch. I once had permission by the nurses and a TA due to my blood sugar being low and the head of key stage told me off. Luckily the TA backed me up.
Sometimes the head of sixth form can go on about New Zealand or her former jobs instead of teaching us the lesson at hand and then wonders why it’s boring.
Some of the subs are like that to. It can get pretty annoying pretty quickly, when it’s everyone lesson and not the odd one.
There also expect us to find work expirence is if in sixth form and it’s like they’ve forgotten covid was a thing in September.
You need parents permission for testing on school site if under 18. 18 and older you don’t.
The Y7’s I have heard are talking about offing themselves and I don’t think anything it’s getting done about it.
They push me and kick me and one even slapped me. But apparently I can’t tell them off? Even though they started attacking me out of nowhere and dragging me away from my friends to be kicked or slapped.
They will sometimes (not always) chase after you if you storm out of class. Always hide somewhere new is the tip. They don’t have CCTV cameras if I’m sure.
Sometimes the transitions doors can break and stay wide open so they have to be locked shut which is apparently against school policy but they do it anyway.
They prefer you go for school dinners. There bad by the way. I deftly do not recommend at all. There gross. I went into pack lunches because of it.
The yougurt actually made me sick. And I’m not allergic to dairy at all so.
They take fights in class seriously but won’t stop one outside? So be careful.
They say no swearing but they swear themselves or accidentally teach you it French.
Sometimes forced to do stuff we don’t want to do which can make peoples anxiety much worse or cause meltdowns.
Your never asked how your feeling unless you start to cry.
If your a girl and your crying or upset the first question there gonna ask is if your on your cycle. It makes me feel icky as you can feel any emotion at any time.
Be careful when you loo. Once my head of key stage actually tried to opened the toilet while I was in the bathroom doing my business.
If you have absence seziures or have nystagmus or are proned to daydreaming be careful the other students will moan at you.
Or they’ll talk about bodily functions while you eat your dinner and it puts you off.
The students wings moan and cry about the weather work, the fact that they want a break. The fact they can smell a smell that’s not there. The fact there unwell.
Or they’ll bring up something that happened ages ago to you. To embrass you.
They set some homework and in the younger years it is a ton. Like seriously once I got a whole paper (GCSE one) to do as homework.
Deputy and head reuse the same cringy dancing elf video each Christmas. They always don’t patroll as much as they say they do.
It’s mostly you pass that they care. Other then that they don’t care what you do.
Takes them a while to find out students are misbehaving if it’s not a fight.
My brother and his head of keystage told a student in a year below him to leave him alone as she wouldn’t.
This didn’t work. She kept doing it.
Kids have been expelled due to breaking of the fire alarm and there is the pod as well.
Least that helps kids.
School Tuesday and Friday cafe for sixthform is great
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