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Mar 31, 2022

Don't send your child here

I had great trust in this school when I chose it but sadly it's the kind of place that will drain every drop of joy for learning out of a child. There are some exceptions but the majority of teachers and TAs behave like they're deeply frustrated and/or unsatisfied with their jobs and that reflects on the kids. In reception, my child had fantastic teachers and TAs, so I decided to keep her there. Sadly though, problems soon started in Year 1. The teacher used to shout a lot, every day, and generally had an unpleasant attitude. My child being only 5 at the time was unable to express this in words, however, I realised something must be wrong by the way her behaviour and demeanour changed and so got her to explain what the problem was. At the time I had a conversation with the teacher about her attitude and methods, then asked to speak to the Head teacher. We had a meeting, and it seemed all was good. Sadly though, within few months it was back to normal. And this teacher was not an isolated case, rather, she was the norm. My daughter is now in Year 6.
What I've noticed all these years in this school is that a lot of the teachers actively use shouting, and generally treat the children in unfriendly ways to make them feel bad about themselves. I've witnessed this first hand when accompanying on trips and swimming classes. And of course my daughter tells me what's going on. The result of going to this school is that children grow up miserable and develop a mindset focused on scarcity and competition.

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