
Based on 18 reviews and 149 answers
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Feb 9, 2025


This school is not a place you want to send your children. If your looking for a school that cares about them and has a good affect to help them learn . I currently go there and it’s the worse thing that happend to me , all they do is shout at you . Get out in c5 or given at detention for wearing mascara or jewellery even for rolling up your skirt or not wearing a tie . It’s absolutely ridiculous the way they treat people all they do is scream at the kids they want kids to have respect for them but what respect do they have for us ???DO NOT SEND YOUR KIDS THERE
Jan 23, 2025

Disgusting treatment of children

This is genuinely the most vile and cruel school in hartlepool. It so obvious to anyone who opens their eyes that this school has gone down hill since Dean Cope overtook Adam Palmer as head teacher. It’s understandable to make sure students behave in school but Dyke House abuse their power and use it to scream and shout and children some as young as 11 years old. Punishments such as isolation are no longer spaces for violent or dangerous children, they are now used for children who wear makeup or simply say no to a teacher. Why is that these student's and students who have been reported for sexual assaults are given the same punishment. No matter how many times girls in this school report an assault or harassment these predators are left to wander freely through the school. This school needs fixing ASAP. Students here are trapped by unreasonable expectations. There is so much wrong with this school and this review hasn’t even discussed half of it. Despite a lot of students leaving with good grades they will also leave with zero self esteem and will also be scared of the real world because of how they have been treated in this so called “school”.
Aug 6, 2024

How bad it is

This school has caused people to leave because of how bad the school actually is
They don’t help anyone . You get pit into c5 for the slightest thing or you get c4d for rolling up your skirt . I don’t know how ofstead haven’t closed the school down you can’t go to the toilet without a pass . Just because I don’t have a pass DOSNT mean I don’t need to toilet I can’t control my bladder ? There was only ever one or two teachers that would listen to you . If you want your child to be in a good school don’t send them to Dykehouse .
May 7, 2024

Rude SLT!!

This school is actually terrible, DO NOT SEND YOUR KIDS HERE. I was late once, an SLT berated me because I told him I woke up late. He asked me if I needed staff to come to my door and physically wake me up. Rude. What if I had depression? They lie saying that they have a good anti-bullying policy when if you are actually bullied they tell you to ignore them and do absolutely nothing. The same SLT berated me again - I told him my mum was late from work and drove me late and he had the absolute AUDACITY to tell me that he doesn't care that my mum should rearrange her schedule or this wasn't the right school for me. My friend was also his victim as she was screamed at JUST for smiling at me. The way he tried to cover it up was disgusting... but I digress. Overall, this school literally just a big facade, it has a lot to improve. Everything else is alright.
Mar 21, 2024

It's all about the school

The school got an outstanding Ofstead review last year and clearly its gone to their head, looking for outstandingly outstanding to the detriment of all the pupils. Harrassed all the time when they have a concern; never get back in touch with you when you have a concern. Can't believe they'd be so cruel either to ban the prom based on attendance.

Don't get me wrong this school is ideal for kids who are up to the task and parents who want to drive them on, but for kids with mental struggles or learning difficulties, best to stay away.
Dec 12, 2023

Awful place.

Absolutely zero support for students who need a little extra due to anxiety and stress.
They do not face up to the bullying issue, there are male students who assault females knowing they won't be punished other that a day in isolation, which those boys prefer to the classroom.
They make students clap and cheer during lessons whilst inspectors are present to look good and have extra rewards during these times too. It's all very faked.
Teachers screaming at students over stupid things, constantly threatening detention or isolation.
Humiliating students who don't know answers to questions.
New head is a bully.
Send teacher moans about how she hates being a teacher.
It may look good on paper but it's like a prison and moat teachers think they're there to punish as many kids as they can.
Former Student
May 9, 2023

school Don’t care about well-being or education, only the way you act

The school would always say that they care about their students wellbeing and mental health but they never do anything to solve it. All they ever do is yell at you for getting a C3 and don’t show the meaning of learning. They say that they care about their students education and wellbeing more than anything else but the students in C5 for wearing lashes or makeup or anything else and wouldn’t do anything to try help a students well being and just leave it and forget about it
Apr 15, 2023


I tried to ⚰️ myself cause of this school I was screamed at like a 2 year old by teachers and went home crying also glue sticks and whiteboard pens chucked at your head then no one will do anything and when ever I have panic attacks they tell me to calm down and just tell me to go back to lesson they literally don't care for anyone only their job and ofsted once when ofsted came and I had a panic attack they acted like they cared dykd house is some absolute sht hole the subs they employ i swear there pedos and they don't even have a good anti bulling policy I was getting bullied and all they fcking did was tell them to stop also the food is atrocious pizza is practically cardboard and cheese also they overcharge the food aswell so i notmally have a radnor DONT SEND YOUR CHILD HERE
Former Student
Apr 15, 2023

Worst school in hartlepool

Teachers constantly shouting very loud at students I have bad anxiety cause of going there and they also have unnecessary fits over anything the food is alright while the pizza is cardboard with sprinkled cheese also they live there outstanding rating on ofsted and that's all they care about not the students the rating of ofsted
Sandra Bate
Oct 17, 2022


Full of girl bullies and teachers who always side with bullies absolutely atrocious school. Pupils in uniform representing school shouting abuse at adults and fighting with police involved and still side with the wrong ones
May 16, 2022

Very strict

this school is absolutely shit, the slt teachers scream at you for literally the smallest things and fights are very common in this school.
Former Student
Apr 4, 2022


over all awful, traumatised from this experience for life
Apr 3, 2022

Everything wrong with this school.

The SLT staff are horrific they scream at you if you do the slightest thing wrong or you look at them even a little bit of the wrong way without meaning to. Or they dont see anything at all, in my english classroom linx deodorant is sprayed constantly and on purpose as they know i have asthma and i then have to be sent out of the class so i dont have an asthma attack. If it is not this then white board pens/rubbers, black pens, pencils or anything they can find will end up being through across the classroom and is guaranteed to hit you in the face. If you drop a pen and pick it up or it pops and you ask for a new one tou are given a detention. Dont get me started on the bullying policy in the school i have been bullied since year 7 by one student and her group of friends and my parents gave seen different teachers and the head teacher he didnt do nothing, there was only 1 teacher that cared and did something. If you want you child to thrive and at least like school then do not send your child here please because coming out of that place they will have more mental health issues than you would think.
Former Student
Aug 28, 2021


have literally been left with anxiety after attending this school. SLT insist on doors staying open but are screaming at kids down the hallway every 10 minutes. students are treat with absolutely no respect and treat like toddlers. if you want your child to enjoy secondary, do not send them here
Mar 13, 2021

The worst school I have every studied in.

DO NOT GO HERE. If you want your child to have a decent experience at a secondary school then go anywhere but here. Most teachers couldn't care less about the students in their school. it is scientifically proven that students learn better when they are having fun. Can't do that if they scream like 2 year olds at every student. How do you expect respect when you don't share it. I'm speaking from personal experience here. Once I got accused of hitting someone. A teacher brought me outside to shout at me and my friends with no proof of me doing anything. Also I got a couple of consequences for looking at my working book. LITERALLY WHAT IS WRONG WITH LOOKING AT MY WORK. I will never send my kids to this school. If you are a parent do not send your kids to this school. Unless you have some sick fantasy for your children to suffer.
Former Student
Dec 21, 2020

just don't

if you want your child to have a decent experience of secondary school, dont even bother. SLT staff screaming at kids constantly, absolutely horrific handling of bullying. it's not a pleasant place to be, not to mention the area it's in being perhaps the worst in the town. dont even bother with it.
Former Student
Dec 9, 2020


Don’t send your children to this school, they couldn’t care less about bullying. Completely disregard individuality and self love. Scream at children in year 7, use inappropriate language and punish children for the smallest things like looking away for 1 second. Keeping kids and teens in inhumane conditions whilst in C5 (isolation) with only 3 toilet breaks (taking away basic human rights for silly little accidents or fights). And worse of all is the deputy head giving assembly’s to Year 11s basically saying if you where not abused by your father growing up your not going to be the man your set out to be, it’s actually disgusting I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. And from my personal experiences having teachers tell you your job choice is unrealistic is extremely downgrading.
Former Student
Aug 25, 2020

Good results, terrible bullying

Very strict but produces good results. The staff are not well equipped to deal with bullying however- I had friends who were bullied for being gay and the school outed those friends to their parents, essentially putting them in more danger. Other responses to bullying have been "just ignore it", "find new friends" etc. The school really needs to step up its game.

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