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Feb 23, 2025

The school could be better

This school is average like any school but some of the bad parts of being there is that there is loads of chewing gum under the tables but if your sending your child to the school beware because the school has given detentions and isolation for rubbish things and most teachers are good but there is always going to be a strict teacher but apart from that the school could be better like the canteen prices have to drop because sometimes people can't get a bottle of water but over all the school is decent
Feb 19, 2025


it's okay I guess, I mean it's rather annoying when it comes to 'FOCUS'. at this point it's so pointless, like no one ever really does it. I mean when I'm in lessons, it's really annoying having to sit with my arms crossed really bugs me, it's really hard to focus as I always fiddle with my fingers or doing something to focus and if I do I either get sent to refocus or I get a warning.

refocus is also annoying. they always say "it calms you down" after being disruptive. but it really doesn't.

with the SLT, they act like they are Gods are they always shout the acronyms and never really care about anything else. like I know it's their job, but it's just getting boring and tiring after hearing the same phrases over and over again, it feels like it's officially embedded into my brain.

apart from all of that, I really do enjoy the social side of school, it's nice to actually hang out with friends and all, it's just hard cause they are quite strict with what you can and can't do.
Jan 11, 2025

Sort of okay

I’m currently a Year 10 student at the school. I would say I’m doing well academically and if you work hard you can definitely succeed there but it’s clear some teachers are infinitely better than others. We’re quite behind in some subjects and it always seems to be blamed on our class in some way or another, but I feel that a part of teaching is classroom control - so surely that can’t all be our fault.

They have this thing called ‘FOCUS’ which basically means you have to sit with your arms crossed all the time. It does sort of help with behaviour in the classroom but not to the extent they make it seem. Outside the classroom behaviour is okay, it can be chaos at times but thats not any different from any other schools really.

SLT seem to be the downfall of the school. They care more about shouting acronyms at us than anything else and although I understand they are working hard it seems their great at focusing on really small issue but forgetting the bigger issues. The school is falling apart and very underfunded - though thats not their fault it seems that they spend all their money in really stupid things. They sell themselves as a creative school but they don’t fund drama, dance, art or music.

Overall it’s okay. I’m sure I’m biased because I’m a student and who can say they really like school? It’s not any worse than other schools in the area but that doesn’t mean it’s good. Schools are subjective, it’s fine for me but it seems to be one method fits all which definitely doesn’t work for others.
Oct 1, 2024

Bad dont let your kids go here

Shamful school they abuse kids teachers r rude disrespecful bully kids block them in door ways scare kids with there intimidation get in kids personal space and there schooling is that bad they dont help kids im going to the mp shame on u devizes school u will come unstuck soon
Sep 17, 2024


Jul 8, 2024


Awful school. The only thing that makes it good is some good teachers but they’re all leaving because it’s so bad. They blame the constant lack of equipment, and breaking classrooms on the fact students keep breaking things but surely the students behaviour is their fault. SLT want us to treat them like Gods and think the school is amazing but every other teacher seems to disagree. Don’t come here if you want to do anything creative. They don’t fund music, art, dance or drama - it’s only the incredible teachers in those subjects that make school concerts and shows happen. Also you have to do either French or Spanish GCSE (and don’t get a choice) and either Geography or history. The only way I’ve actually learnt things in most of my subjects is through working hard at home not from lessons. There’s a constant lack of teachers and supplies don’t appear to know what they’re doing. AVOID AT ALL COSTS
Jun 28, 2024


A great school with supportive teachers and staff
Jun 4, 2024

The worst school ever.

Devizes school is a PRISON! If you willingly send your child here your insane at Devizes I received hateful and spiteful things verbally said to me by teachers and students the support system is terrible and you could tell the “hub” which is where you go for support and once you had left the staff will gossip and joke about your situation. It’s disgusting most toilets don’t lock and myself and other students have witnessed toilets being opened on students many times this had been reported with nothing happening this school allows bullying and teaches students to just put up with it. Honestly do not send your child here
Jun 3, 2024

;( :( :( :(

May 13, 2023

Stay away

Very biased school, rude staff bully governor
My child is not doing well, disruptive classrooms, when I was viewing the school children were randomly walking around the corridor doing what they wanted and teacher looked embarrassed.
Apr 23, 2023

Devizes school very bad school

Very bad,they do not help at all,very upsetting don't teach children how to behave correctly. Also the slant is hurting my child's arms I will be moving my child.
Apr 23, 2023


Worst school I’m so sorry it’s just a the teachers don’t help and everything
Apr 19, 2023

Devizes school reviews

hello so I am currently a student not saying what year what my name is or anything, but the school has gone down hill massively, teachers have become very rude, some teachers are actually nice and that I can trust them. Some on the other hand speak to you in a bad way and then expect you to give them respect no matter how they speak to you. Respect is earned and no matter what you have to give them respect because there the adults.. soon we won’t even be able to go to the toilet because there is a wall blocking the toilets in A block which will soon be locked if behaviour continues and lots of student leave lesson to go to the toilet. If a girl is/has just started there time of the month they can’t go to the toilet because they are just going to be locked. The only one that will be open for males is D block, they moan about students missing education because they are leaving the lesson to go to the toilet which is actually a human right but now if your in B block you have to walk to the other side of the school which will cause the student to miss even more learning.
Feb 6, 2023

Would give no stars if I could

Awful school. Nothing but a horrible experience since my daughter started there - they do not care about students needs
Former Student
Oct 3, 2022

Worst years of my life.

Mental health had never been worse, especially during gcse-- far far too much pressure put on everyone. The environment is horrible and breeds insecurity. Only now I'm out of there have I made real progress in combating my anxiety and my depression is pretty much gone.
Mar 27, 2022

Devizes school

Devizes school is a terrible school. It is bad at managing with peoples needs and dealing with problems. At Devizes school it is a one protocol suits all policy.
Jan 7, 2022

Pretty avarage.

I don’t feel like I learn much there. People in my year smoke in school and many of the buildings look like they are falling apart. There’s a few good teachers though.
Apr 26, 2021



Absolutely rank, incredibly dirty. Staff STILL not cleaning desks in the middle of a pandemic. PE bibs have literal mould on and are never washed. Let alone the teachers being to strict, they have favourites and accuse children of things all the time which has an impact on there mental health and well-being. This DISGUSTS me.they set FAR too much homework and put much too pressure on the children. Special shout-out to miss Luscombe the only good teacher in that school
Former Student
Jan 9, 2021

don’t recommend

teachers pick favourites, and they make it obvious. they don’t care if youre having issues with learning, all you get it “give it a shot then i’ll help you” like i can’t give it a go if i don’t know what i’m doing
Dec 13, 2020

Not great

Cracks in walls everywhere, just get covered by posters, it's evident that desks aren't cleaned often which is bad enough during corona. Teaching quality ranges but the majority of teachers give the impression that they don't know what they are doing. The way that they deal with SEN students is pretty bad. One time the head of year 10 made fun of a girls tourettes and then denied it. I hear other students use racist and homophobic micro-agrressions daily. Unfortunately this is the state of mist public schools so 🤷
Nov 25, 2020


It’s a quite good school with good sports facility’s
Nov 25, 2020

Why does this school exist?

Teachers don't actually teach anything
Oct 23, 2020

bad school

they do not do anything about bullying
there are kids smoking and dealing in school grounds
poor discipline system
Sep 23, 2020

Devizes school

It’s disgusting 🤢🤢 don’t go there

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