I mean, its about as much as you can expect from school in general, its never gonna be great and somewhere you want to be but they could've atleast made it bearable. And scratch what I said at the start, its horrible, the staff are fine for the most part but the environment they put hundreds of GROWING CHILDREN in is actually diabolical. I mean, the tightest stairways, your always being pushed about, flung into walls by year 11s that look like they should have they're own job at this point, and the lessons are fine I mean, literally just school but I found that some were just like a broken record, it felt like they were running out of things to give us to learn so they just said 'oh well! give them a book meant for keystage 1 and let them analyse it for a month!' And don't even get me started on this stupid little 'rewards system' for having 'good attendance' and learning or whatever, if you do good in lessons they stick a little sticker in your book and say 'oh you can go to the hall on friday and get a bag haribo tangfastic' which is miniscule and weighs about 2 grams, you could probably get more value shoveling driveways for the local grandma's and getting an ACTUAL bag for probably less of the work. Oh and don't think I forgot about the 'good attendance' thing, basically 'good attendance' is something like anything above 97 percent or something absurd like that, meaning if you have a few emergencies out the year, they'll cut you out of SCHOOL TRIPS, and a whole pizza party (which doesn't look all that good to be fair) but still, it just makes it out to be like they don't wanna use money on extra kids when they can just kick a few off because they weren't absolutely role model student of the year. Anyway, my point of all this is that not only does it give the image that they're just trying to make a bag over actually educating and caring for kids, it also alienates the kids, for example: what if you had to be kept off school because nobody could drive you there? (one that I had many times) well, if that happens enough, I guess your cooked all because of something out of your control, and all of your classmates are gonna be talking about that awesome school trip they went to and your just gonna be hanging about, being that one kid who didn't go because of attendance. Now I'll give a few things to them because I don't want the whole review to be me whining, for example, the food there is actually pretty good, obviously depends what you get but the pasta pots were legendary, atleast when I was there. The teachers were also a bit on and off but most were mint, English teacher I had when I was there was great, same with the maths one, a few could be a bit stubborn and just rude at sometime though, that's mostly up to how lucky you are with teachers though. One last thing before I stop yapping is that the way they handle kids misbehaving is actually just goofy. In my first months there I witnessed 2 fights with actual rings of people around them like in films, and the teachers just didn't really do much and kinda let it happen, also watched two kids in year seven that looked like they were still in primary beat eachother until they bled in the cafeteria, and no one said anything. Actually insane. Also another detail is that even at break times there was no space at all. even with spaced out breaks meaning older years weren't with younger ones, it was STILL cramped in there, I honestly think that it was just that if everyone was on school for a day it would be proper pandemonium in there, but if it was quiet it was lovely. It got to a point where I couldn't eat my lunch because there wasn't enough tables, and yes, you read that right, TABLES, not SEATS. They only allowed like 3 seats around a table which wouldn't be a problem if they didn't have about 9 tables in the whole atrium, so I literally had to bin my legendary pasta pot because I couldn't eat it standing up or I'd get screamed at by some overweight grey haired middle aged woman who thinks she has some authority over ME. Anyway that's my rant over, thanks for reading this anyway. Also if I got any details wrong that's because I literally got put into homeschooling 5 months after I joined and for a year now because it was that bad, I could rant for hours about all my stories and peeves with this school but I'll leave it at this. If your a student going through reviews to see if anyone else had the same experience then I'm over here with you pal, good luck if your still in that hellhole.
I used to come here my mental health was frozen in time for over a year the amount of bullying in the school was apauling they say go to the learning manager but whenever I went they tried to flip it on me "overreacting" and when they didn't they would say "we will sort it" but nothing ever changed I was ther through year 7 and to about 3 weeks after the start of year 8 I was thinking of leaving pretty much when I started I tried to make my situation better by moving form it took over 6 months and when it happened the learning manager was acting like it WS such a burden the wellbeing team is actually useless if you have an autistic child or any other disability do NOT make them come here I am autistic so I would know thank you to anyone who reads this please take my advice
Even before when the old school existed nothing has changed still full of useless teachers who are incompetent. Kidz sitting useless public exams which are not worth the time or effort. Need a much better system. A shame what could be good establishment considering millions of tax payers money wasted paying teachers salaries and running costs.
I used to go to darton accademy and i’m being serious, this school needs shutting down its the worst school ever as soon as i stepped foot into that school my mental health went down the drain sick for other 3 days? school comes knocking on your door interrogating you asking why your not at school without any warning they just show up and at school the food is absolutely disgusting no halal meat they say they do vegan / veggie meals but they barely serve them the pasta is as dry as the Sahara desert they have apparently removed all tomato sauces so vegans/vegetarians cant have pasta anymore they have also removed all the juices cupcakes and deserts. and if your a second late first period even if its not your fault c4 if you get bullied and you run out of class crying c5 they say they settle it but it doesn’t the only thing they do is a c4 and then it carries on and carries on and they always believe the people bullying other people the bullies act like the victim then teachers belive them and punish the actual victims it was that bad that a friend of my literally wanted to move schools and he barely came to school anymore and ran out of class crying every single day there wasn't a week where he didn't run out off class crying. ever since this “accademy” came in the darton school was ruined when delta accademy came in it ruined everything the uniform our mental healths when it was just darton accademy we had way more freedom girls could walk freely without slt members slut shaming them “look at your skirt” “its way to short” “pull it down” “it’s distracting to male teachers” girls in this accademy have it the worst skirt down to ur knees? ur considered weird. Skirt rolled normally? you get told to pull it down and teachers don't let girls wear leggings in pe but we are somehow allowed trousers? ill tell you why because leggings are tight and teachers cant avert their eyes from looking at YOUNG girls if anything leggings are better for PE because you have less chance of tripping when you run but with trousers they are baggy and you always trip over the backs. also teachers favourite certain students mainly popular people to be honest half the time its slt! Slt are horrible they pick on certain students when i used to go to the school slt let girls walk past with massive eyelashes and skirts rolled up put as soon as i came in with mascara foundation and eyebrow gel suddenly its a issue? Thats what i don't get how they let girls with full faces of makeup walk past like they don't exists but when its me or other girls suddenly its not okay? my opinion is some slt members are pedophiles and get attracted to certain girls. same for female teachers they always favourite the popular “funny” boy they always suck up to him and always let them talk. this school seriously needs more inspection.
i’ve been at this school for a while now, and from my experience, i don’t have many good stories to tell. the only good things about it are my friends, the students. sometimes it feels like we’re the only sane ones. i hear the teachers telling kids off for the most utterly ridiculous reasons that make me question their priorities. we are made to go to school to live a good future, but plainly in this day and age it’s more about the teachers rather than the students themselves. i do not understand what is so important about the length of our skirts, or if we’re 30 seconds late to the lesson. we’re not bad kids. it’s a simple mistake anyone can make and we could be the most well behaved child ever, but we’re getting punished for feeling comfortable. the buses are sometimes late, traffic also exists, they fail to remember this is a real world we’re living in, and we are real people with feelings. just because we’re teenagers, that does not mean we are all out partying, doing drugs and burning homework on the weekends. the people in charge of delta need to rethink. there are many schools in the delta chain, and the ‘directors’ they call them, come up with all the rules that every school has to abide by. some of these rules, for example, 6 around a table at lunch and break, the length and material of girls’ skirts, and having planners out at the beginning of school and during lesson. none of these are necessary. why are they rules in the first place, they serve no purpose. they make students feel unwelcome and dehumanised. so many have mental health problems, mostly probably to do with the school and the way it handles situations. a student in year 11, earlier this year committed suicide. i myself don’t know why exactly but i’m sure the school didn’t help, and it only helped lead to this. the school needs to change before anything like this happens again to such a young person.
Dear anyone reading this, I have been at this
school for 4 years now and I have enough
experience to say it's not on the best side. The
food is disgusting and soggy, with very little
choice. The teachers are more concerned
about the material and length of girls skirts to
care about if they are getting to their lessons
on time. My friends have been told they are
making people "uncomfortable" by wearing
skirts that are mid thigh. I'm Disgusted. Girls
should be allowed to wear what clothes they
like without being told we are "distracting" and
"sexual". There are some great teachers here,
however there are very limited. We have had a
teacher suspended from school as there was
a video on the darton academy Facebook of a
pe teacher screaming at a child. Appalling! I
would be petrified to be screamed at me like that,
and it certainly wouldn't make your child listen!! The hallways also get very crowded a
lot of the time with people pushing eachother
all the time. People also vape in the toilets.
Speaking of toilets, we used to not be allowed
to go in lessons, which deprived us of a human
right to be able to use a sanitary toilet at any
time necessary. Fortunately though, more
teachers have started letting people go to the
toilet. I have rated a low personal development
because I have not developed into the person I
wanted to become, I have been stripped of
happiness and mentally drained multiple
times, and I know that many other students
feel this way with nothing done about it.
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