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May 16, 2024

Disgusting school

Darrick wood is a terrible school and condones bullying, and wrongly punishes the vulnerable. They advocate abusive behavior towards girls and as such bullying is never dealt with properly and parents are not informed and they explicitly damage a child's mental health, shattering confidence through their lack of care, ethics, and disguising correspondence and use of degrading language, if you're lucky enough to get any.
They favour the super bright and fail to support those mainstream students that want to do well. I am appalled by the lack of duty of care and power of bullies that they side with, rather than be a fair, diplomatic and non-biased establishment. They don't even follow their own polices and procedures and conveniently do not have a thorough complaints policy. Avoid.
Jul 3, 2023

Find another school for your child

Very disappointed this school always had a good reputation but that's going now, its surprising how much damage a new Headteacher can do to bring this once outstanding school down to good and will probably go down again in the next inspection unless there is a new Headteacher soon as the one in place at the moment is unapproachable and rude and does not seem to care about his pupils or parents.
Jul 1, 2023


We moved to DW catchment area as it was an outstanding school, my oldest child went there and it was outstanding and got great results and lots of support half way into my middle child being there the Headteacher changed, I thought the school would still be outstanding as the new Headteacher was already working but how wrong I was. The new Headteacher brought the school down to good, I was not surprised as he is arrogant, unsupportive and rude So my young child will not be got there
Jul 1, 2023

Uncaring school

In over 20 years working in Education I've never worked in a school that does not care for there pupils, this was a first it starts with the Head Teacher across the school with the exception of a couple of Teacher.
Jun 30, 2023

Uncaring head teacher

As a year 11 leaver, my head of year was one of the best however my time at Darrick Wood wasn't good as having ADHD there was little support only had one nice teacher that understood me and really cared but she was pushed out when I was in year 10 so I had no support in year 11, head teacher don't care about pupils unless your gonna get good exam results wouldn't recommend to anyone
Jun 30, 2023

Awful school

Please don't send your child to this awful school no duty of care from the head teacher down
Jun 21, 2023


Please DON'T send your children to this school it was a good school once but not any more, the head teacher needs to go there is NO duty of care he only interested in pupils that will get high grades
Jun 20, 2023

Awful school don't go there

Awful school no duty of care and does not deal with bullying, head is rude and unapproachable. A lot better schools in Bromley
Sep 16, 2022


i hated that school so much. All the teachers believe that they can scream and shout at you for literally forgetting a ruler. the lanyard system is so stupid. i was once told by the headteacher that by me forgetting my lanyard i was putting everyone else in danger and that its my fault. i was in yr9 i was literally 13 bro what-. no freedom for yr11 anymore. they used to be able to leave school for lunch but for my year group they canceled it
Apr 25, 2022

GCSEs and A levels

Darrick wood school

The lower school is pretty average. There are some amazing teachers there who genuinely care, but there is bad organisation. The teachers are overworked, and they try their best but it gets too much for some of them. The behaviour of the kids has deteriorated so much since I started. No wonder all the good teachers are leaving.
The sixth form is pretty good and offers a wide range of subjects, but Year 7-11 is nothing special. Not sure why it’s so over subscribed to be honest, it’s not any better than any of the other schools in Bromley.
The classrooms are outdated and need to be refurbished. Some of the ceiling tiles have fallen down, which isn’t a great sign. The carpets are old and also stained.
Former Student
Sep 29, 2021

from a year 11 leaver

honestly this school could have been worse. however, they stood back and watched as my friend was a victim of transphobic abuse and bullying. they also watched me get bullied and did nothing about it. my form tutor was a literal saint and i adored him but the rest of the teachers were questionable.
Jul 25, 2021

school is ok

foods ok literally can’t do nothing at lunch or break and we’re not even allowed phones, even at break or lunch, it’s like the school don’t know phones exist and are part of everyone’s life. pretty boring and gets overheated in summer because they refuse to turn the a/c on. teaching is average the school need new teachers in a lot of departments not gonna name the teachers names but a lot of teachers are too strict to students and need to calm down
Jul 23, 2021

From a year 9

Teaching is good and most teachers are nice. School rule are a bit outdated especially when it comes to own clothes day. Not much freedom. Feels very religious and you only get to pick 2 options for GCSE
Dec 12, 2020

Darrick from student’s perspective

It’s ok. The teaching is good in most areas (especially science). The food is usually good. There isn’t much freedom in what one can do at break and lunch time, also, there isn’t much freedom generally until you get to year 11.
Dec 12, 2020


Decent school. The teaching is ok. There isn’t much freedom in the way of what you can do at break or lunch.
Dec 8, 2020


Decent school in Bromley

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