
Based on 1 reviews and 9 answers
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Feb 16, 2021

Living hell

My school experience there was horrible to state politely. I haven’t been in that school in almost 5 years but the trauma it left me with still bothers me. To start of with the education is barely decent to say the least I can barely spell and have little to no social skills. Second the head teacher is so unprofessional it’s upsetting she called my mother a bad parent and refused to accept I had autism when I was diagnosed. She shouts at kids with mental disorders and is heavily disliked by parents. Finally the teachers that are there ain’t that great a teacher constantly made me cry in front of the class due to living an hour away from school and not having a car so I would sometimes turn up late, she also made me cry due to struggling to read because of a learning disability and just treated the class like we were nothing. A other teacher called my little sisters class “retards” at the time my sister was to young to understand what it meant so she repeated it. Not to mention the food constantly made us sick it was sometimes out of date or wasn’t cooked properly the schools food once gave me food poisoning then they refused to accept it. In general I did not have a good time at the school and a lot of people I know that left it feel the same.
St Ninian Drive, IV3 5AU, Inverness
01463 232636

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