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Jun 16, 2023


The school nurse, cathy i believe is quite a bad person. she dosent believe you when you are genuinely ill and send you back to lesson to suffer. As a student, i do see how she wont believe us. i will tell a personal story about her.

It was december i think, it was a drop down day for year nine, a wednesday I told my form tutor that i was unwell and needed to go to the toilets (because i was going to be sick). i ran to the toilets and i was sick, my hair was covered in it and it smelt horrible. as soon as i left, i told my form tutor that i have and that i would need to go to the office. i went to the office and i told them i was sick. "you arent going home!!" i was telled that at least 3 times.. i told my head of year and he was having none of it either. the most he did was send a voice mail to my mum.. who reads voicemails? she clearly didnt! and my head of year was denying EVERYTHING i had said.. it was the truth. i had convinced them to let me sit in step up at around 1pm. EVEN STEP UP KNEW I WASN'T WELL! Later that day.. or night i suppose, i was sick again and i couldn't go into school for atleast the rest of the week..

to my school if you do read these, yes its me :)
Förälder / Vårdnadshavare
Jun 8, 2023


This school does not listen to bullying at all.. my child has attempted suicide because of the bullying..
May 23, 2023

Shit school

This school is pathetic I am a year 11 student they have took my chance to go to prom and my leaver assembly away because of this school rules. I would describe this school more like a prison you don’t get treated with the respect you need and the respect you deserve they don’t care about your mental health or anything. Only thing they care about is if our uniform is correct. They only start to be nice once Ofsted come in or we have visitors other that that it is like a youth prison. You get treating like a piece of crap in every possible way.
Föredetta elev
Nov 9, 2022

The school

The rules of the school kept changing and become really confusing to follow because they would pull you up on anything you did like get a haircut, they changed how you had lessons instead of a two week routine it has one week routine which was easier to learn but it was introduced a little bit too late in terms of how I remember the school.
May 14, 2022


teachers are lazy and do not help with mental health issues what do ever, they leave disabled students out and teachers are bad at their own job
Föredetta elev
May 27, 2021

Speaking from experience

This school is honestly shocking when it comes to looking after students. The teachers would rather ignore the bullying that takes place than deal with it. They only care about educating students, not about their health and well-being. Speaking from experience, the school does little to tackle serious incidents in relation to mental health as they don’t like to make a ‘big fuss’ over the important things. The education that you receive at this school is simply not good enough. There are little teachers that actually put the time and effort into ensuring that you understand what is being taught and that you will receive the grades that are expected.
May 1, 2021

Wouldn't really recommend

Honestly this school has been the most horrific experience of my life. Teachers never really dealt with any issues you brought up especially if they had to do with bullying or mental health. Sure it wasn't all bad but it wasn't great either.
Föredetta elev
Mar 23, 2021


The worst 5 years of my life. If it wasnt the constant bullying, which isnt dealt with at all, its the disabled kids being left out or teachers being nasty or storming out of classrooms because they are ill equipped and not trained to a good standard. I cant count on one hand the amount of good experiences ive had at crofton and im sure not many else can either.

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