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Jul 5, 2023

Staff and procedures and general information

The school while it has its pros it unfortunately has many cons like ridiculous rules that made my child seem nervous when using his toilet pass as he was given a time limit. The staff are great bar some staff members who should be in the teaching industry Because it seems like they don’t want to be there. The headteacher is great but not seen a lot. The school has a great program for young up and coming football stars that students can access from year 7 and then proceed into a scholarship in sixth form. The school is modern and clean in the physical aspect

The curriculum that is taught is great but if your child suffers from autism, dyslexia,Asperger’s or any mental health disorder i advice that you push for extra help as they are reluctant to give support to those who don’t have a diagnosis from cams. It’s like the saying it’s one rule for one and another rule for the other. The school manages with certain issues such as bullying well but for anyone to do anything it took me a month to explain the situation to the teachers who kept dismissing it making empty promises to my child that it would be dealt with

The school is extremely safe with with authorisation locks on every door on both the inside and outside, hundreds of cameras and staff members known as slt
(senior leadership team) who make sure your child is safe and in the right place

However I had to remove my child from Cornwallis Academy because the schools safeguarding team caused him to develop trust issues and concerns about his own mental health. Overall the school is average and probably one of the best in the Maidstone area but it’s certainly not perfect
Jun 14, 2023

bad place

the school is really bad. I hate it.
Feb 1, 2023

Atrocious school!

No support from the beginning with my child, no notes from transition were acted on (sen) Continued targeted, sustained and vile bullying towards child and school would not do anything to sort this out. Lasted 4 years until I took child out to homeschool when I finally found out the extent. Child has become agraphobic due to sustained bullying, refused to go into school. Passed around unnecessarily to early help, social services, prevent (police terrorism group!!!) rather than bullying addressed.

Basically the solution to any problem was to take the child out of lessons and put in 'pitstop' where there are no proper teachers and staff gossips with students inappropriately.

Not a school for LGBT students they will be targeted.

Most of the staff are pencil pushers, there are a couple of nice ones but due to how the school is they can't do their job properly.

SEN provision is a joke as they couldn't keep that member of staff in the 4 year I experienced the school & everything (whole school) handled by an administrator.

Most positive person in the building the receptionist who gets to know all the children & keeps her eye out.
Sep 20, 2022

Bad school don’t recommend

I went to this school and for me it was the worst school I’ve ever been to the teachers never helped me when I was being bullied and if they did they would sit me in pitstop. I think they should improve the bullying help cause they’re not a good school at all. Don’t send your kids here.
Sep 20, 2022


It’s the worst school I’ve been to they can’t even help kids properly no wonder why they’re all upset they will make u sit in pit stop and it does nothing to help you i DONT recommend this school I left it’s so bad.
Former Student
May 20, 2022

My review

Everyday was a bad day.
Former Student
May 20, 2022

My review

I joined here in year 9, everyday was a struggle. I felt so alone. I didn't know who to trust. I left two years ago and I have 4 friends from there.
Jun 10, 2021


good school and nice welcoming staff. very fun lessons apart from exams

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