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Mar 1, 2025

current student

my experience in this school has had to be the worst experience i could ever imagine, i have a good circle of friends but yet i consistently get bullied by others in the school, me and my mum have reported it several times and still have been told “it’s not a priority” or “it’s their word against yours” i am unbelievably SICK of the way the some students and teachers may i add treat the kids at corby technical school. if you want your children to have a good happy experience at secondary school trust me sending them here will only make it worse, the teachers are rude, lie, homophobic, sexist and especially racist. they do not care about the important things a struggling child comes to them with until parents are on the phone threatening the school for them to take action and even then the situation is dealt with poorly.
Sep 25, 2024

best school ever

This school is single handily the best school to every graze this space rock that we call home. This school give outstanding support to the SEN students the teachers are warm and welcoming to the new year sevens, my son has recently left the school with incomprehensive grades only eights and above if I say so myself I'm EXTREMELY proud of my boy.
Jun 14, 2024

Crazy school

Crazy students and school has no control over them. Behaviour for learning is dire. The big O is going to eat them alive in next inspection. Teaching impossible due to poorly behaved students. Shocking attitudes and behaviour at all times. T&L impossible due to this.
Apr 24, 2024

Corby technical school is a bad school

Do not send your kids to corby technical school!!
The teachers are awful, and simply dont care about any of the students and only ‘care’ when it makes them look good. And the students arent any better either, they are big bullies extremely homophobic and racist etc. when i was in year 7 i was getting bullied by my year, and the older years. My mum phoned the school and they did absolutely nothing and didnt care about me being bullied, they even sat me next to one of the girls who was bullying me. The teachers are absolutely disgusting, all they do is lie and twist things and use stuff against you they do not help with any problems. I had medical problems, and also mental health problems i got called a liar for them all even though there was proof and i was visibly ill. I also struggled badly with my work, and understanding and i got absolutely 0 help. I also ran out of school twice due to bullying being so bad and being scared to go in and the school didnt even notice until the end of the day Both times!
If your children have special needs, medical problems, mental health problems do NOT send them to CTS its an awful twisted school.
Jan 10, 2024

The headteacher of cts 2023

Worst school ive ever been to, i came from a private school and moving to corby technical school was a downgrade so i moved back to my priv school. The head teacher of cts is unapproachable and rude to her students, you can never talk to her or ask her for help, she always makes her students fear her.
Oct 7, 2023

Bad for Sen

The Send support is non existent, was told that as they get older they get less not more. Nothing to fo with a child's needs. Made to feel like I had the problem when asked for help with my daughter.
Not an inclusive school as they state on their website. If you have a child with SEN or you sydpect SEN look elsewhere.
Apr 19, 2023

It sucks

Teachers suck especially mr lee and mr canchelo~ he said that he will put me on a report something that only happens to bad people with loads of negatives and he said if i get one negative i will go on report and its stupid they have behaviour pushes every week and they do nothing to help anything with our learning it just sucks as a school
Former Student
Oct 16, 2022


The school’s teachers are disgusting, though some are nice, MANY of the others have little to no respect to the students and clearly don’t care about a students mental health or disabilities. The students are even worst than the teachers, as they can get away with anything, they LOVE to bully (be racist, homophobic, anything you can think of). I’m genuinely horrified for my sister who is starting year 7 next year at CTS. I know if she gets bullied, teachers and staff will have no respect and will absolutely do nothing.

PLEASE do not send your children here.
Oct 14, 2022


don’t send your child here

literally been here since year 7 do not send your child to this school it will not end well for them the things i see and hear aren’t what u except from a brooke western trust school. Do not send your child here.
Jan 26, 2022

Disgraceful School

I’ve been bullied many times and have reported it to the vice principles, teachers and even the principle. But nobody has even tried to do anything about it. If you have problems with bullying, do not come here. My friend was punched by the teacher’s pet and they haven’t even try to acknowledge that they were in the wrong and gave my friend the consequences instead. I’ve barely had days going back home and not thinking to end it all. Some of the teachers are lovely but the others absolutely could not care less. Hate it here.
Former Student
Sep 28, 2021

Sorry but it’s actually terrible

It’s honestly terrible if you have any kind of mental health/learning difficulties. They do not help at all and just put you in a room on your own with all the bad kids if you’re having a hard time, which obviously leads to being taken the piss out off by all the wannabe hard kids. They refused to acknowledge mine or my younger sisters adhd and autism. They love to humiliate students as a form of getting neuro diverse kids to “be normal” usually I’m quite nice with these types of reviews but honestly there was probably about 3 days I went to that school where I didn’t come home wanting to die and I went there for 4 years before finally moving away (thank god)

They also have terrible teachers for the most part who expect you to teach yourself everything whilst they tell at you for needing help to understand things. Again terrible for people who have learning difficulties. They also love to accuse people of faking mental illness and compare students way too much for it to be a one off. I hate to be so harsh but my sister has started year 7 a few weeks ago and has come home crying every single day due to being bullied by TEACHERS who refuse to help her autism and laugh in her face when she has special requirements for learning.
Sep 1, 2021

Not enjoyable.

Some of the staff are amazing, but others have little to no cares about student wellbeing.

I'm also bullied every day and they've done nothing about it.
They don't care.
Former Student
Mar 26, 2021

terrible school

terrible. absolute worst school to send your child if they have special educational needs or issues with mental health.

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