Our son went right the way through Calderstones to sixth form.
Despite not being the most academic of kids, he got all of his A levels and is now at Uni.
With the school being multi cultural, he was exposed to many different cultures and faiths, which can only serve him well in the adult world.
He thrived at Calderstones and made really good group of friends, who he still sees, despite currently living a different city at Uni.
The head of the school, Mr Radcliffe really cares about the school and his pupils , putting his heart and soul into their education and you can see he how proud of the school he is too too.
If I was to make any criticism of Calderstones, it would be that there isn`t much of an emphasis on school sport, but in these days of schools living and dying on their OFSTED reports, I can`t blame the school for choosing exam results, at the expense of school sport.
Calderstones served our son well, it`s a good school.
school has always been an issue for me but this school is an absolute piss take, are u joking? id say theres only a small amount of actual nice teachers, and the students there are AWFUL. absolute horrible people. i have never wanted to kill myself more being at that school. and i only started actually getting help towards the end of year 11 when all i would do is cry my eyes out everyday saying i wanted to kill myself. no one has any sympathy. multiple fights happen constantly. people are horrible, and nothing is ever done about it. its actually been traumatic, and ill have to go to therapy because of how much its ruined me, and myself as a person. this school is good for not being too strict on things like makeup and jewellery and hair, and the uniform is alright. but i think ill always be mentally damaged from what ive been through in this school, and i dont recommend it to anyone wanting to send their kids here.
some guy in caldies started throwing food at my daughter and stared trying to stab her with a fork and got swirled by him.not to mention when she got her period her head of year got all mad at her and stared shouting down the phone at me.
Everyone is mean, school is filled with creeps, nonces! Everybody tries to Harass my friend. Boys follow girls home 🤢 teacher always drops pens near younger girls it’s mad. Boys smoke plot on daily serious cases of bullying. THIS SCHOOL CHATS SHIT THEY SAY THEY HAVE GOOD REVIEWS BUT THEY ARE ALL BAD🤣
My friend got slapped on the ass by a year 10
The students in the school are so vile and mean to me and my friends it makes us so angry that we can’t go a week without getting name called or followed by a group of bully’s. I wanna throw myself down quarry stairs and get back up just to do it again. These stupid fucking head of years dont do fuck all for anybody, u get shouted at for the stupidest things, stand up for yourself? Suspension. Wanna kill myself or go to another school ASAP there’s no in between been getting bullied since year 7 and now me and my friend are getting threatened by the entire year. Can’t speak up because it’s blackmail.
Teachers don’t care about bully’s, extreme fat phobia I get called names everywhere I go I’m always being tormented the teachers get the piss taken out of on the daily, physical bullying aswell as mental, kids bring lighters in and vapes and shit it’s absolute chaos the teachers can’t control them
Bully’s are out of hand, I’ve been getting harassed by somebody since year 7 but teachers don’t take much notice, this leads to me and my friends considering violence because we don’t have any other choice but to use it now considering the teachers say “ignore them” when it really isn’t that simple, the kids are horrid and have ruined my secondary experience, I have mental issues and nobody knows but the person who is making fun of me, I think that’s one of the reasons they are doing it. Overall you have to be a certain type of person to survive, if you aren’t ‘popular’ or ‘skinny’ your experience will be a nightmare, me and my friend constantly get fat shamed when we aren’t even ‘fat’ it makes no sense and is very out of the blue, rumours spread like wild fire. Kids bring in lighters and terrorise people, I would tell you my detailed personal experience’s with bully’s but I don’t want to bait myself out on here. My year group is one of the worst for this stuff so I’m sure if you send your child here for year 7 it will be different and hopefully better, nobody deserves what I’ve been through these past years.
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Despite not being the most academic of kids, he got all of his A levels and is now at Uni.
With the school being multi cultural, he was exposed to many different cultures and faiths, which can only serve him well in the adult world.
He thrived at Calderstones and made really good group of friends, who he still sees, despite currently living a different city at Uni.
The head of the school, Mr Radcliffe really cares about the school and his pupils , putting his heart and soul into their education and you can see he how proud of the school he is too too.
If I was to make any criticism of Calderstones, it would be that there isn`t much of an emphasis on school sport, but in these days of schools living and dying on their OFSTED reports, I can`t blame the school for choosing exam results, at the expense of school sport.
Calderstones served our son well, it`s a good school.