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Föredetta elev
Jul 21, 2024

Worst years

Worst 4 years of my life.
Föredetta elev
Jul 6, 2024

So bad

Bad———— the worst oh so bad omg so bad
Mar 5, 2024

don't go

this school is the worst they don't let you go to the bathroom when you need it and they lock them during class so you can't go but the only bathrooms you can go to is the lunch hall ones, which are either broken or people are vaping in there. The food is honestly the worst food I've ever seen, its disgusting and soggy. Some of the teachers (math) can't teach at all. The school uniform at this school is so strict, you can't even have a bit of white on your shoes. The whole school is falling apart.
Mar 4, 2024

No Change

I went to this school just over 4yrs ago, all the problems it had then was unbelievable, the bullying issues were never getting sorted, if anything they got worse, teachers were off sick, you would not get another teacher in the same subject, it would be a teacher with no idea, teachers never believed what you told them, about any incidents, they just said they would look into it, but never did.
Mar 1, 2024

never attend this school

it’s honestly the worst school i’ve ever attended. teachers never believe what you say even when you’re correct and always find a way to prove your wrong even if it’s by lying. the actual learning is terrible, teachers send you out so quickly even if you’ve done nothing because they can’t be bothered to deal with you. it’s not a school that feels safe to be in.
Föredetta elev
Feb 26, 2024


BEST SCHOOL!!!! We have the best teachers (Miss Howard is the best❤️😘🫶) Please take chemistry (Chemistry is my favourite subject) Miss Maitland is an excellent chemistry teacher. Food in our canteen is amazing. (BODA is so much better than Oldmachar 🤢) BODA 🔥🔥🔥
Oct 29, 2023

Don’t go to BOD save yourselves while you can.

As a student in Bridge of Don, i suggest not transferring to it and here’s why

1. The buildings falling apart
There are numerous things that have broke during my time there and instead of putting their money into the things that are broken, they decide to use it on a door that can open by itself. Oh? you want more nutritious foods that don’t taste like absolute dog water? you can have an automatic door instead, that’ll fix everything! it’s not even all of the doors, it’s just one of them. i guess they didn’t have enough money to buy the rest.
We also used to have machines to put money on our card and now it’s just a hassle to put money on as they’ve given up fixing them.
Sometimes the heating would not work when it’s cold so you’d be sat there withering away slowly as you’re not allowed to keep your jacket on, the good teachers usually let you keep it on.

2.Horrid food
I don’t get why some people pay 100 quid for a crusty panini that had been sealed away since 1979, i’m pretty sure the food could be classified as inedible at that point. The food is overly expensive and if you have free school meals, don’t be surprised if it gets snatched away from you. apparently if your family gets paid ever so slightly over what they call acceptable for free school meals, it gets snatched away from you. I don’t see the point of buying a soggy burger for £1.70 and a radnor fizz for £1.20 while you can buy cheaper stuff at the shops that fill you up way quicker.

3. Teachers
While most of them are decent, some of them are insufferable. For example, one of these teachers are in the math department, they do not teach well whatsoever and if you try to ask a question about a topic they have talked about a week ago you get scolded for it. they have even tried to hold a whole class back for one person which shows no matter how well behaved you are, you’ll still have to the suffer the consequences for other people’s actions. The other math teachers are fortunately not like that and can actually teach properly. and also, Bridge of Dons academy’s education is probably one of the worst in the Uk…

4. the toilets.
I have never came across something more atrocious than Bridge of Don Academy’s toilets. Personally, the middle toilets have it the worst, you’ll see a pad or two chilling up on the ceiling. Stuff like that only started happening when they made those bathrooms gender neutral. Like i’d rather not have all the pads wasted for the Picasso artists that love to stick them all over the bathroom.
Let’s not forget about how people probably vape in there more than they pee in those toilets, it’s highly common in the lunch toilets too. It’ll either be the S1’s or S2’s that are all huddled in there and you’re just standing there awkwardly while they give you the stink eye for needing to pee.
One thing that proper annoys me is the fact they sometimes lock the toilets during the classes or they don’t allow you to go to the toilet. like i can get how they sometimes don’t let you for certain reasons but they blame it on not going at lunch or break or even drinking too much water. like i am so sorry i need to drink because IM THIRSTY?? and also the fact our body takes a while to process the water, google says a properly-hydrated person with an almost full bladder will need to urinate five to fifteen minutes. Even though they give you passes to go to the toilet it’s kind of embarrassing having to whip it out when they say no.

Anyways, there’s a bunch of other bad stuff but i can’t be bothered talking about it, i was just writing this because i was bored.
Oct 29, 2023

boda is horrible

don't go to boda. they are terrible at dealing with peoples mental health and people being bullied. some of the staff members have also told pupils to only speak english and that they aren't allowed to speak polish. at least one fight every week. little kids vaping in the bathroom. a lot of teachers refuse to let people go to the bathroom and say they should've gone at break or lunch even though the bathrooms are packed and you can barely move without knocking some 3ft tall s1 over. trying to walk in the hallways is like trying to walk around primark for more than 10 minutes. the canteen food is priced like its the best thing you'll ever eat but tastes and looks like it was picked up from the bushes outside and put on a plate. the canteen is also packed full so you have to sit outside next to all the rubbish thats lying around. if you want to be happy dont go to boda.
Oct 3, 2023

Bodacious academy

It is alright other than the 'asbestos incident'. If you are going here I have advice:

1. Never sit in the canteen. It is full of small children who will pour water on the desks and bark at you. There are never enough seats so you will have to sit outside in the rain and contemplate your life decisions
2. Never use the toilets. There are signs on the toilets telling you how to use them but here at BODA we are a school of illiteracy. Mostly they are used for vapes. You will walk in to pee and there will be five S2's in there with their vape and their 'lunch' and they will judge you for peeing in the toilets. 'Eww' they will say, whilst eating rotting canteen hamburgers on the floor of the Bridge of Don toilets and sharing a singular bread flavoured vape. 'Eww that's nasteh'
3. Never use the corridors. The school has about twice the pupils it really should and thus the 'BOD-omino effect' manifests, in which one toddler topples over, knocking the next five over and starting a fistfight. The prefects are powerless to stop this
4. Avoid these teachers:
*The one who turns every lesson into a rant about 'gender pronouns' despite being a language teacher
*The one who says 'iron out the kinks' a lot
*The one who only talks to the girls and asks them if he can 'take them home'
The other teachers are fine. Especially the ones who give you food. Those are the good teachers
5. Never wear white trainers or you will face 'consequences'

And that is my advice.
Apr 20, 2023

dont go to boda

i go to bridge of don academy and today it was pointed out to me that in one of the RMPS classrooms there is a poster done by a student that is clearly racist and islamophobia and the teacher has still put this up in a class for everyone to see this is completely unacceptable as they say we should be role models for the younger years so what does this say about bridge of don academy?
Jun 3, 2022

Avoid if possible.

Teacher to pupil communication is extremely poor. Lots of hate towards minorities.
Föredetta elev
May 8, 2021

don't do it

don't come here, save your sanity and your future. only around 30% of pupils here leave with 5 highers by the end of s6, ranking it in the bottom rankings of the entire country. every department is awful, guidance are useless, the building's falling apart, and oh did i mention the asbestos? not to mention the fact that nothing is ever done to combat blatant racism and homophobia in classrooms. in particular, one of the languages teachers is openly homophobic and transphobic, and she's just allowed to act that way. there's probably one competent teacher per subject, some departments are hopeless as a whole (ahem, art). oh and they take payment for 'practical subject resources' so you have to pay to do any practicals like art and they say the reason is so that the teachers use that money to buy the resources, however several departments have explicitly stated that they don't recieve that money. the relationship between staff and pupils is also quite bad, and there is a significant and troubling lack of support for those who need to switch levels, need additional support, or have a disability and are struggling as a result. the mental health support is atrocious too, and drugs are a severe issue. oh and even if you push all of that aside, the range of subjects the school offers is bleak and we're allowed to take few subjects compared to other schools. for example, we get to choose 4 national 5s plus english and maths. ellon academy get to choose 6 plus english and maths. so essentially, if you go to bridge of don academy you're destined to fail, which is lovely. the food is also literal garbage, no nutritional value and often under or overcooked. fire safety procedures are really horribly organised, knife safety too there have been multiple occasions where knives were missing from home economics and never found. now because of covid there are 0 clubs/extracurriculars and even before then, there were very few and they were poorly run and unproductive, and majority student led. all in all, this school is terrible, i truly hate it here and would have loved to have spent my academic career somewhere decent.
Föredetta elev
Jan 30, 2021

Experience in classes

I was there for 5 years, but I did not enjoy it. I have autism and mental health issues and the teachers didn’t help - some did but most didn't. I’d be crying in maths and nobody asked if I was okay (I loved my Maths teacher so I’m not blaming her entirely). I loved both my Spanish teachers, PSE, History and Admin teachers but the rest? Not so much. They didn’t help me with my work, asked if I was okay or whatever... I was also being bullied (sometimes physically in class) and they wouldn’t pay attention.
Braehead Way, AB22 8RR, Bridge Of Don
01224 707583

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