I havent regretted many things in my life but sending my daughter to Boston Spa Academy is a definate thing I regret. Some of the teachers are just awful and how they talk to some of there pupils is appalling. They belittle them. It's like every student is always in the wrong. You get accused constantly of things. They make there mind up you've done something wrong and ypu have no chance to explain or add any context. Then they wonder why they have pupils flipping their lid. They are all so bloody frustrated and everything feels so unjust.
You email, complain and have meetings but you get nowhere. My confident academic happy daughter who loved learning changed into someone who is just going through the motions waiting for her time in high school to end. I'm sorry to say her experience as a pupil at Boston was not a happy one and really impacted her mental health. I would never recommend this school to anyone.
Absolutely terrible, I'm currently studying at this school and I wish I never went, the teachers are so awful and don't listen to you whatsoever, ofsted came in the other day and all the teachers completely changed their attitude towards everyone to make them look like a good school, the deputy head "Miss Maude" is an absolute liberal, will hand out comments left right and centre and will not allow you to explain yourself or what you was intending to do, a lot of the students that go to this school are extremely misbehaved, constantly vaping in the toilets and sitting in each others cubicles, the head of year 11 currently, "Miss Coleman" is an absolute disgrace to the school, I personally dont understand why all the year 11s even like her because she has a go at me personally for the littlest things ever and shes an absolute power freak, whenever im good or well behaved, she doesn't like it because she can't shout at me and all she does is rant about stuff, sorry that you couldn't go to the pub last night with you're girlie's, Mr Hollywood has completely destroyed the school, I've heard that the former headteacher "Mr walsh" was an absolute brilliant guy and ever since Mr Hollywood came along he has completely transformed the school and destroyed it, he cares more about the length of girls skirts than our education or safety. Ofsted really need to go into this school when they dont expect it and see what its really like, the only nice teachers in this school are the supply's and PE department.
They couldn’t care less about the students all the teachers ever talk about is grades and schoolwork it’s not a nice environment for children I know multiple people who suffer mentally or have experienced bullying and the school did nothing but make it wirse
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You email, complain and have meetings but you get nowhere. My confident academic happy daughter who loved learning changed into someone who is just going through the motions waiting for her time in high school to end. I'm sorry to say her experience as a pupil at Boston was not a happy one and really impacted her mental health. I would never recommend this school to anyone.