
Based on 1 reviews and 9 answers
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Former Student
Jun 25, 2022

its alright

you learn fuck all there really, you could come back from another school actually learning shit and be fuckin ace grade tier among the mongo idiotic braincell reducing people there, if they say they're gonna call your parent let them, i told them i didn't have a pencil to do my homework and they said its as shite as the "dog ate my homework" excuse, threatened to call my mother and i said do it, and they did nae, they do fuck all bout bullying too, wouldn't be surprised if the dumbass fuckers i grew up with were doing coke by now and not know what happens with how stupid they were, overall bad education, fuck all about bullying, the steak with gravy meal is literally cold steak with warm gravy, sticky toffee pudding and strawberry milk is nice though, nice people serving the food too, most of the time cleaning your plate for you, if you're thinking about going to this school or taking your child there, take it from me, there's no oak growing from any acorn in that school, the song they sing is good though although christian, so... teachers are alright, you can tell which ones are "feminists" as we call em, or the ones who have the favourites or prefer the girls over boys essentially, the outdoor is fine, go there and check it out
Morriston Road, IV30 4DY, Elgin
01343 547841

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