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Feb 1, 2025

Esperienza deludente al Bexhill College

Voglio condividere un’esperienza molto deludente che abbiamo avuto con il Bexhill College, in modo che altre famiglie possano fare una scelta più consapevole.
Mio figlio ha frequentato un semestre di studio presso questa scuola, ma purtroppo l’organizzazione e i servizi offerti non sono stati all’altezza delle promesse. Durante la sua permanenza, il custode responsabile non ha garantito la qualità dei prodotti alimentari forniti e, ancor più grave, non ha mantenuto la pulizia degli spazi condivisi. Mio figlio si è trovato spesso costretto a mangiare fuori o presso altre residenze studentesche a causa delle pessime condizioni.
Nonostante queste evidenti mancanze, il college ha trattenuto l’intera cauzione con la motivazione di un lieve danno a una superficie della cucina, un problema che mio figlio ha subito riconosciuto e che non giustifica l’importo trattenuto, sproporzionato rispetto al reale valore del danno.
Come genitore, trovo inaccettabile che un’istituzione educativa mostri così poca trasparenza e attenzione nei confronti degli studenti e delle famiglie. Questa esperienza non solo ha creato disagi per mio figlio durante il semestre, ma ha lasciato un senso di ingiustizia per il modo in cui la questione è stata gestita.
Spero che il mio messaggio possa essere utile ad altre famiglie e invito il Bexhill College a riflettere sulla propria gestione, affinché nessun altro studente debba trovarsi in una situazione simile.
Se avete domande o volete sapere di più, non esitate a contattarmi. Credo che sia importante condividere esperienze per migliorare la qualità delle istituzioni educative.
Nov 2, 2023

Director of Sport

Awful treatment from Director of Sport

I’ve been working for various schools and colleges in UK and abroad for over 15 years and I’ve never experienced such poor management as I did from the Director of Sport at Bexhill College. From day one, staff spoke behind my Director of Sport’s back about how unprofessional her management style was - but I remained undeterred. My mother worked at the college for 20 years, teaching childcare and also warned me about the way management there treats its staff, but I decided to go in with fresh eyes.

I was drawn into an unscheduled meeting and experienced several false accusations for minor issues – such as leaving a set of lights on. I denied them and no proof was ever given. However, on this basis, I was fired from my full-time job a week before my wife and I had our first child – without any formal warning.  I still don’t know what her true motive was.  For me personally, it was by far the worst working environment I’ve experienced over the last two decades. I would say, if you’re looking at an educational setting within East Sussex, you’ll be much better off at any other college or school in the area, one that shows professionalism, respect and care towards their staff. For me, the Director of Sport at Bexhill College showed the first clear example of how an educational environment shouldn’t be operated.
Jun 27, 2022

Stasi run concentration camp

My daughter is being very poorly treated there. Over a week since a formal complaint now and still no resolution and in fact the department in question has ramped up sanctions against her. She is being excluded from lessons for no reason whatsoever, yet no excluded from college. She has to complete her work sitting on her own in isolation and despite doing a practical subject is currently not even allowed into the department that lessons take place. One tutor took offence to her and gradually one by one the whole department have been told that they cannot talk to her. She is very distressed by the whole situation, yet continues to go in as she feels it is important that others are not treated the same way. Unfortunately you are not allowed to criticise members of staff even if they do their job poorly and other people also have complaints against them.

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